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The man who helped design the Pakistani bomb


Dec 7, 2008
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When Riazuddin—that was his full name—died in September at age 82 in Islamabad, international science organizations extolled his contributions to high-energy physics. But in Pakistan, except for a few newspaper lines and a small reference held a month later at Quaid-e-Azam University, where he had taught for decades, his passing was little noticed. In fact, very few Pakistanis have heard of the self-effacing and modest scientist who drove the early design and development of Pakistan’s nuclear program.

Riazuddin never laid any claim to fathering the bomb—a job that requires the efforts of many—and after setting the nuclear ball rolling, he stepped aside. But without his theoretical work, Pakistan’s much celebrated bomb makers, who knew little of the sophisticated physics critically needed to understand a fission explosion, would have been shooting in the dark.

The Man Who Designed Pakistan’s Bomb ‹ Newsweek Pakistan
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Sad day for Pakistan. May Allah grant him Paradise. Ameen. He was a gem which many did not notice. But it seemed he himself did not seek fame and that tells about him. He was humble and that makes him a Great man.
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Raziuddin Siddiqui was a Pakistani theoretical physicist who, in the early 1940s, worked on both the British nuclear program and the US nuclear program.
It is about time to remember scientists for their good work for humanity and not making some fing bomb.

I know I know many among us want to have a hero

who tends to sing.

--- bum maro bum
--- Mit Jai Ghum
--- Bolo Subah Shaam
--- Haray Qadir Haray bum

The result is obviously something like suicide bombing of our nation.

Pakistan does not value its benefactors and this is very sad but true. We should recognize our heroes and pay them due respect.

All "benefactors" get their salary and their medals from Pak government.

Why this matam kushi attitude.
Sad to hear this May ALLAH bless his soul and grant him Jannah
My Condolences. May his soul rest in eternal peace

However keep in mind that the Nuclear Program of 'any' nation is always of the highest confidentiality and the members of this very restricted club know the price of being a member and the comfort that anonymity brings. So essentially there is no need of a State Funeral as some may demand but simply a recognition of the services from a grateful nation.
Raziuddin Siddiqui was a Pakistani theoretical physicist who, in the early 1940s, worked on both the British nuclear program and the US nuclear program.

I think you are mixing him with Rafiudin a completely different person. This guy ended up a professor in Government College and was pioneer in nuclear research. He is also mentioned in the above article. Rizauddin on the other hand was still studying at GC in 1951.
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