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The man who broke Pakistan and created Bangladesh: Serazul Alam Khan

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But bhoraati Hindus has adopted their Muslim master dress code like Sherwaani, kurta, payjama instead of dhoti. How do you perceive that begairat, besharam, do-nasla bhoraati.

But bhoraati Hindus has adopted their Muslim master dress code like Sherwaani, kurta, payjama instead of dhoti. How do you perceive that begairat, besharam, do-nasla bhoraati.
lungi and macchali runs in the blood of bengalis...u should get a DNA test done
@kalu_miah @Al-zakir @idune @eastwatch @Luffy 500 @Bangladeshis

It is good that Bangladesh get separate land...it was failure of India to see the long term effects & so out of hatred they just did the dirty work.

Today Bangladesh accounts for third largest Muslim nation on Earth with huge 164 Million population. With such huge numbers comes some responsibility & that is to protect innocents & Muslims in that region. After reading comments of several Indians, North Eastern Muslims & Bangladeshis I come to a conclusion that Assam & other North East wants freedom & if it happens then Bangladesh will gain a massive strategic place with Bhutan, North East, South Tibet, Assam & China using Bangladeshi ports.

I think China will go for this project in 15-20 years when they reach parity with the US in hard power:
India's fear of Chicken Neck and annexation plan of Nepal and Bhutan
Thank you Serajul Alam Khan. We can't thank you enough for the favor you did for Pakistan. :pakistan:
Thats why i said u ought to get a DNA test done :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

Why since I do not have problem being wanna be Arab. I'm proud of it as my master Muhammad(s.a.a.s) was Arab.

I rather be martian then affiliated with stinky vege eating bhoraati.
Does Bhoraati Hindu has anything that they are proud of beside what Muslim ruler has left them as kayraat.

You guys need to make your country a force to reckon with in that region. With a massive population & a land mass bigger then Japan, South Korea...Bangladesh can do it...

I see a bright future for Bangladesh if it plays it's cards well...it can get strategic location with several North Eastern countries, Bhutan & China using Bdshi ports.
Gentlemen I have a feeling Extraterrestrials might be reading this comical Thread.
Didn't read the article, but we (Pakistanis) are under that guy Serazul's debt we can't thank him enough for this. This partition was a blessing in disguise. My Salute to the man :D Now BD and Indians can have fun :D :sarcastic:
Pole vault and pigeon shooting is a favorite past time of BSF and Bangladeshi smugglers.. since pigeons are not that plentiful there so Bangladeshi smugglers are used as substitute
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