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watch the interview , it will answer all your questions and doubts .
Don't need to.. I had listened to the voice call recording post surgical strike.. I was convinced then.. no need to re-convince myself..
Along the LOC for last few decades there has been continous firing and small scale 'hits' across the line by both sides. In times of tension this spikes and other times it abates but LOC has rarely seen quite. What the Indian's under Modi have done is branded what was routine spikes which have occured many times over the last few decades as 'surgical'. The only conspicous thing about this is the media stunt under the brand name 'sur-gee-kal".

Of course at PDF we also believe in media stunts and our Pakistani response has been under the brand name "soo-na-mee" strikes. Enjoy!

Suspect we will see more actual footage during election season next year.
All Governments lie specially this BJP Government is lying to its teeth. For GOD sake I have a colleague whose entire family lives in the area where you claim to have conducted surgical strike. Janab no surgical strike took place only those who have no clue about Azad Kashmir will fall for this claim. Even most world is finding your claim ludicrous.

Did a full show yesterday on the new #SurgicalStrikes video released by the government, with pointers & questions for both India & Pakistan

Don't need to.. I had listened to the voice call recording post surgical strike.. I was convinced then.. no need to re-convince myself..
what voice call recording u talking about ?


Watch: Fresh footage of 2016 Surgical Strike emerges ahead of second anniversary from Azad Kashmir


Did a full show yesterday on the new #SurgicalStrikes video released by the government, with pointers & questions for both India & Pakistan

what voice call recording u talking about ?
By God, we have more clear footage of some surgical strikes we have done on you in the past.. Our surgicals even show your country's flags, and your turban wearing soldiers getting bullets on what is under turban usually..

I told you.. with the voice recording you have of our officials, you don't have to convince us at all.. we Pakistanis are all convinced..
. . .
I like the name..terroists lauch pads...like they aee launched in space..i am hopeful now on peace in indian subcontinent ...all we need now is for higher up in indian army to get high on marijuana come up with nice photo shop shoot and viola ....everyone is happy...
It is OM Shanti OM after the surgical strike. Any denials by Pakistanis won't work now..
. .
Our military didn't release any such conversation . Thank you .
So your media lied that time? My God.. I thought they were real.. Many Bhartis posted that recording on many websites..
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I like the name..terroists lauch pads...like they aee launched in space..i am hopeful now on peace in indian subcontinent ...all we need now is for higher up in indian army to get high on marijuana come up with nice photo shop shoot and viola ....everyone is happy...
On serious note...surgical strikes are not possible when a million soldiers are pointibg guns at each other...it will have to be a cold start strategy with short war ...
Not interested in his utterance. The result of his misadventure was that many Indian soliders were nabbed right on loc and their remains were rotting for days.
Any basis for this fanciful assertion ??
India looking for cheap publicity.
Misleading Indians and world.
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