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The Jihad in Syria

Regret to advise that it is not a ‘Jihad’. It is a shame that Syrians are killing each other. Main beneficiary of this is Israel as a change in regime will end supply of arms to Hezbollah of Lebanon, which is the main threat to Israel.

US will gain by isolating Iran as her only ally in the Middle East will shift allegiance. Saudis & Qataris are hoping that Alawi/Christian coalition will be replaced by a Sunni Wahhabi state. In the meantime lot of Syrians are getting killed as collateral damage.

This is a war which no one really wins except Israel. Am I the only one that can see this?
Am I the only one that can see this?

No dude, you're not.

Allah had a plan when he was granting the gift of foresight! :D

If I say anything further............ :what:
Regret to advise that it is not a ‘Jihad’. It is a shame that Syrians are killing each other. Main beneficiary of this is Israel as a change in regime will end supply of arms to Hezbollah of Lebanon, which is the main threat to Israel.

US will gain by isolating Iran as her only ally in the Middle East will shift allegiance. Saudis & Qataris are hoping that Alawi/Christian coalition will be replaced by a Sunni Wahhabi state. In the meantime lot of Syrians are getting killed as collateral damage.

This is a war which no one really wins except Israel. Am I the only one that can see this?

From a Human Eye yes we can see that and i am 100% agreed with you.
This thread belongs to stupid and funny section.
Btw the best form of jihad is words of truth

Is it right that you were kidnapped by pakistani taxi driver in Dubai? Is this why you are suffering from a trauma?

Kidnapping implies he was moved against his will, I doubt that is the case.
Jihad which is obligatory in Islam just like praying has became an accusation of terrorism. That is one of the too many blessings of Iranian Mullahs.
Regret to advise that it is not a ‘Jihad’. It is a shame that Syrians are killing each other. Main beneficiary of this is Israel as a change in regime will end supply of arms to Hezbollah of Lebanon, which is the main threat to Israel.

US will gain by isolating Iran as her only ally in the Middle East will shift allegiance. Saudis & Qataris are hoping that Alawi/Christian coalition will be replaced by a Sunni Wahhabi state. In the meantime lot of Syrians are getting killed as collateral damage.

This is a war which no one really wins except Israel. Am I the only one that can see this?

This regime is much worse than Israel and pose a very great danger to Syrians and Arabs. Iran as well pose the greatest danger, that is because Israel has never told us that they are the representatives of Muslims then back stab them, they tell you their intentions openly, while Iran babbles day and night about Islam and represents herself as Muslims defender, and yet kill more Muslims and undermine them everywhere they have footsteps. I refuse to call Syrians or Saudi Wahabis, this term is used by Iranian Mullahs to show them as the worst Muslims. I agree that there are Qaeda in Syria from Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Algeria...etc. But they are very few and step in a very late stage of Syrian revolution. The main force in Syria is the FSA which is mainly defectors from the regular army.
This regime is much worse than Israel and pose a very great danger to Syrians and Arabs. Iran as well pose the greatest danger, that is because Israel has never told us that they are the representatives of Muslims then back stab them, they tell you their intentions openly, while Iran babbles day and night about Islam and represents herself as Muslims defender, and yet kill more Muslims and undermine them everywhere they have footsteps. I refuse to call Syrians or Saudi Wahabis, this term is used by Iranian Mullahs to show them as the worst Muslims. I agree that there are Qaeda in Syria from Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Algeria...etc. But they are very few and step in a very stage of Syrian revolution. The main force in Syria is the FSA which is mainly defectors from the regular army.

The term "Wahhabi" have been coined by the British during the Egyptian revolt against them due to its Islamic nature. Since then this term has been abused especially by Iranian regime to paint Arabs in general and Saudis in particular in such a way which deny them their Sunni nature and you can see this quite openly by mentioning the fiction term "Wahhabi" with Sunni and Shia as a distinct third sect to give the impression of "Unislamism" sort to speak to ditach Arabs mainly Saudis from their Sunni identity through propaganda.

Sad fully this propaganda have been as I have noticed extremely successful making many Muslims believe in Saudis as "Kafirs" and "Heretics" to further the Iranian expansionist policy. However in time this policy will blow up in their face badly.
The term "Wahhabi" have been coined by the British during the Egyptian revolt against them due to its Islamic nature. Since then this term has been abused especially by Iranian regime to paint Arabs in general and Saudis in particular in such a way which deny them their Sunni nature and you can see this quite openly by mentioning the fiction term "Wahhabi" with Sunni and Shia as a distinct third sect to give the impression of "Unislamism" sort to speak to ditach Arabs mainly Saudis from their Sunni identity through propaganda.

Sad fully this propaganda have been as I have noticed extremely successful making many Muslims believe in Saudis as "Kafirs" and "Heretics" to further the Iranian expansionist policy. However in time this policy will blow up in their face badly.

Who cares about non-Arab Muslims? Since when do we care of what they think of us? Saudi clerics are all over Arab channels and they have all our respect. Those people misunderstand Islam, yet misuse it, and then blame it on you.
The term "Wahhabi" have been coined by the British during the Egyptian revolt against them due to its Islamic nature. Since then this term has been abused especially by Iranian regime to paint Arabs in general and Saudis in particular in such a way which deny them their Sunni nature and you can see this quite openly by mentioning the fiction term "Wahhabi" with Sunni and Shia as a distinct third sect to give the impression of "Unislamism" sort to speak to ditach Arabs mainly Saudis from their Sunni identity through propaganda.

Sad fully this propaganda have been as I have noticed extremely successful making many Muslims believe in Saudis as "Kafirs" and "Heretics" to further the Iranian expansionist policy. However in time this policy will blow up in their face badly.

The problem is that same Wahabis threw the British out of middle east so hard their empire where sun never set dissapeared from the map of the world.

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