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The Japanese navy visit Vietnam

Nov 10, 2011
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Viet Nam
Viet Nam
Japanese navy ships visit Vietnam

(VOV) - Three warships of the Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force carrying 600 officers and crewmembers docked at Chua Ve port in Haiphong city on March 10.


They are the destroyers JS Hamagiru, JS Sawayuki and JS Asayuki, led by Colonel Tomoo Mizukami, commander of the Japanese Navy’s 15th fleet of Escort Ships.

Colonel Mizukami and the ships’ officers paid courtesy visits to Haiphong’s authorities, and the Commanders of Military Zone 3 and the Vietnam Navy Force.

Admiral Tran Dinh Xuyen confirmed that the two navy forces’ reciprocal exchange of visits are a vivid manifestation of the fine development of friendship and cooperative relations between the peoples, armies and navy forces of Vietnam and Japan.

Colonel Mizukami expressed his belief that bilateral relations will further develop to meet the aspirations and interests of the two nations.

Japanese crewmembers played volleyball friendlies with local navy officers and staff, and visited the Vietnam Navy Museum.

The Japanese vessels are scheduled to leave Haiphong on March 13.

This is the fifth time Japanese navy ships have visited Vietnam to promote friendship and mutual understanding between the two countries and their defence organisations.
So in another way, vietnam blames on China a new fascist or Nazi bla bla bla but now is just too confident and proudly in finding ways to team up with the ex-Nazism Japanese!?

vietnam wants to team up with "Imperial USA" and "Imperial Japan" to harm China and the whole region independence just 4 pleasing the vietnamese great ego???

congratulations vietnam, you can date with anybody if you like because that is your right we have no ideas, but please don't just come up to the public and portrait yourself as if you are so pity.

who has the triple faces with the softest tongue more than somebody above!!!??? I bet everybody has the answer right away in their mind!!!

The Great Vietnamese Famine of 1944-45
this is the first time such a huge crew visiting Vietnam since WWII.

hope it can make goodwill and not arouse any awkwardness with China.
So in another way, vietnam blames on China a new fascist or Nazi bla bla bla but now is just too confident and proudly in finding ways to team up with the ex-Nazism Japanese!?

vietnam wants to team up with "Imperial USA" and "Imperial Japan" to harm China and the whole region independence just 4 pleasing the vietnamese great ego???

congratulations vietnam, you can date with anybody if you like because that is your right we have no ideas, but please don't just come up to the public and portrait yourself as if you are so pity.

who has the triple faces with the softest tongue more than somebody above!!!??? I bet everybody has the answer right away in their mind!!!

The Great Vietnamese Famine of 1944-45

Look at Germany and France today and Germany's relationship with other enemies of World War I and II.

This thread explains why you opened that thread about Vietnamese famine and instead of talking about famine highlighted the Japanese involvement. :disagree:
So in another way, vietnam blames on China a new fascist or Nazi bla bla bla but now is just too confident and proudly in finding ways to team up with the ex-Nazism Japanese!?

vietnam wants to team up with "Imperial USA" and "Imperial Japan" to harm China and the whole region independence just 4 pleasing the vietnamese great ego???

congratulations vietnam, you can date with anybody if you like because that is your right we have no ideas, but please don't just come up to the public and portrait yourself as if you are so pity.

who has the triple faces with the softest tongue more than somebody above!!!??? I bet everybody has the answer right away in their mind!!!

The Great Vietnamese Famine of 1944-45

Most countries were victims of Nazism Germany - Japan. But Japan today is a democratic country, advanced society. It is very different the image of Japanese fascist '40s.
You think we should continue to close the door of our country?
Japan has had been democratic for very long time.

They voted to be imperialistic just as British voted to wage war all over the world.

Democracy doesn't mean anything, both Pakistan and India were democratic nations when they decided to kill each other immediately after independence.
Most countries are victims of Nazism Germany - Japan. But Japan today is a democratic country, advanced society. It is very different the image of Japanese fascist '40s.
You think we should continue to close the door of our country?

China today is the 21st century fascist :lol:
They thought killing innocent fishermen is the right thing to do :lol:
They thought 90% of South East Sea belong to her because the dragon says so :lol:
They thought Japanese visiting Vietnam is a threat to them :lol:
They thought 60% of American warships deployed in the Asia-Pacific is a threat to them :lol:
They thought India is a threat to them :lol:

Japan has had been democratic for very long time.

They voted to be imperialistic just as British voted to wage war all over the world.

Democracy doesn't mean anything, both Pakistan and India were democratic nations when they decided to kill each other immediately after independence.

yes, it does mean a lot that's why you live in a democratic country.
China today is the 21st century fascist :lol:
They thought killing innocent fishermen is the right thing to do :lol:
They thought 90% of South East Sea belong to her because the dragon says so :lol:
They thought Japanese visiting Vietnam is a threat to them :lol:
They thought 60% of American warships deployed in the Asia-Pacific is a threat to them :lol:
They thought India is a threat to them :lol:

Between what they think and what they can do, it is two different things.
LOL at Vietnam thinking Japan is going to save them from China. Japan can't even save themselves. China already took over the Diayu Islands by kicking out Japanese coast guard ships a few weeks ago. The same time we opened fire on Vietnam ships. Now we have Type 022 FAC patrolling Reef Bank to sink some Filipino ships.

These days are spanking time for China's hostile neighbors :lol:
Glad to see Japanese Navy in Vietnam. I hope both Japan and South Korea both take up the cause of unifying a greater ASEAN as mentioned in the thread:

ASEAN countries are actively working on their Union. They will further unite when they understand that there is no easy escape from constant pressure of the big states next door. Currently Korea and Japan are dependent on the US for their security against the Chinese threat, but once US looses its preeminence, who will they depend on, India? The best solution for them is to join hands, forget Dokdo/Takeshima island dispute or other similar irritants, and get to work to develop the human potential in ASEAN. In a way both of these countries are already heavily involved in ASEAN, as well as Bangladesh. An expanded ASEAN is a ghost of the earlier Greater East Asia co-prosperity sphere that Imperial Japan tried to establish by force, this time around, it will be done with people's democratic will, because people of these small states would want a big and strong state/union of their own, to face up to the threat from the big neighboring states:
Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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