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The Invasion of Pakistan


Aug 23, 2006
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The country created the Taliban that now aims to destroy it.

Pakistan's elites have spent decades fretting about an invasion from India, but it turns out they have invited their own invasion from within. By striking a Faustian bargain with the Taliban, the military and intelligence services have created a force that now attacks their own people.

The Pakistani Taliban on Monday took responsibility for the Sunday assault on the country's largest international airport in Karachi. In six hours of fighting at least 28 people died, including the 10 attackers. "It's just the beginning," said Shahidullah Shahid, a spokesman for the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, an offspring of the Afghan Taliban.

Pakistan created this Frankenstein. The military intelligence agency, ISI, funded and armed Islamist terrorists to fight India in Kashmir and then protected the Taliban to gain leverage in Afghanistan. The military has continued this double game of sheltering terrorists even as the terrorists have turned their sights on Pakistan.

The Taliban has repeatedly struck the military's headquarters in Rawalpindi, most recently with a suicide bombing last week. In 2011 it laid siege to the navy air base in Karachi. Terror has become a fact of daily life. Also on Sunday, some 25 Shiite pilgrims were killed by Taliban militants in the western province of Baluchistan.

The Pakistani military has fought the Taliban, sometimes bravely, and in recent weeks launched airstrikes in the Taliban-controlled western tribal regions. Yet it has never attempted a serious counterinsurgency or ground campaign. The ISI provides safe haven for the Afghan Taliban and its leader Mullah Omar, probably in Quetta. The Taliban-allied Haqqani network is protected by the Pakistani state.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif came into office last June looking to negotiate peace with the Taliban. He got his answer in Karachi. The Islamists want to overthrow the state and capture the country's nuclear arsenal. Yet both a government minister and a senior military official separately on Monday suggested that "a foreign hand" (i.e., India) was behind the Karachi strike. If Pakistanis want to avoid a radical takeover, they need to end the self-delusion and plot a new strategy to defeat the terrorists they created.


People protected by 100s of elite force and other kinds of security personals with big Fat bank accounts local and abroad can't seem to see what and average pakistani is going through, until and when they face this monster directly and are threatened no military action is forthcoming any time soon.
The country created the Taliban that now aims to destroy it.

The ISI provides safe haven for the Afghan Taliban and its leader Mullah Omar, probably in Quetta. The Taliban-allied Haqqani network is protected by the Pakistani state.


As long as Pakistan does this, and the people of Pakistan continue to allow it, I have zero sympathy for the pain and suffering that the "blowback" causes to Pakistan. Maybe even the Quran has this sentiment: "You reap what you sow."
The country created the Taliban that now aims to destroy it.

Pakistan's elites have spent decades fretting about an invasion from India, but it turns out they have invited their own invasion from within. By striking a Faustian bargain with the Taliban, the military and intelligence services have created a force that now attacks their own people.

The Pakistani Taliban on Monday took responsibility for the Sunday assault on the country's largest international airport in Karachi. In six hours of fighting at least 28 people died, including the 10 attackers. "It's just the beginning," said Shahidullah Shahid, a spokesman for the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, an offspring of the Afghan Taliban.

Pakistan created this Frankenstein. The military intelligence agency, ISI, funded and armed Islamist terrorists to fight India in Kashmir and then protected the Taliban to gain leverage in Afghanistan. The military has continued this double game of sheltering terrorists even as the terrorists have turned their sights on Pakistan.

The Taliban has repeatedly struck the military's headquarters in Rawalpindi, most recently with a suicide bombing last week. In 2011 it laid siege to the navy air base in Karachi. Terror has become a fact of daily life. Also on Sunday, some 25 Shiite pilgrims were killed by Taliban militants in the western province of Baluchistan.

The Pakistani military has fought the Taliban, sometimes bravely, and in recent weeks launched airstrikes in the Taliban-controlled western tribal regions. Yet it has never attempted a serious counterinsurgency or ground campaign. The ISI provides safe haven for the Afghan Taliban and its leader Mullah Omar, probably in Quetta. The Taliban-allied Haqqani network is protected by the Pakistani state.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif came into office last June looking to negotiate peace with the Taliban. He got his answer in Karachi. The Islamists want to overthrow the state and capture the country's nuclear arsenal. Yet both a government minister and a senior military official separately on Monday suggested that "a foreign hand" (i.e., India) was behind the Karachi strike. If Pakistanis want to avoid a radical takeover, they need to end the self-delusion and plot a new strategy to defeat the terrorists they created.


People protected by 100s of elite force and other kinds of security personals with big Fat bank accounts local and abroad can't seem to see what and average pakistani is going through, until and when they face this monster directly and are threatened no military action is forthcoming any time soon.
Hence I said they should be killed and classified under collateral damage...par no one listens to me :(
i see this trend growing among pdf pakistanis...they are atleast starting to agree that pakistan funded and armed Islamist terrorists to fight India in Kashmir.
Taliban is a manifestation of Pashtun nationalism. Islamism is only a garb to cover the real nature of Pashtun traditional/tribal practices..
9/11 delayed, but didn't stop the Talibanisation of Pakistan. Just before 9/11 Taliban were on the verge of defeating the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan and gain complete domination of Afghanistan. Once Taliban established firmly and became stabilized Afghanistan, their next obvious destination would have been the Pashtun areas of Pakistan Viz. KPK (formerly NWFP) and Northern Baluchistan. Post-9/11 NATO invasion of Afghanistan changed this equation. By 2001 Taliban had already started moving out of the shadows of Pakistan-ISI and was deciding its own agenda. The 2007 Lal Masjid raid in Islamabad completely convinced that Pashtun Taliban that the Punjabi dominated Pakistan was not their friend.
Just like hindustan funded hinduists terrorists to massacre Muslims in Kashmir and inside hindustan.

Yeah and they built and funded extremists Temples. Where they took in poor and orphan children and turned them into Hindu suicide bombers. In those temples they were thought to hate all Non Hindus, chop their heads off and commit suicide attacks in markets and airports.
Yeah and they built and funded extremists Temples. Where they took in poor and orphan children and turned them into Hindu suicide bombers. In those temples they were thought to hate all Non Hindus, chop their heads off and commit suicide attacks in markets and airports.

Knock Knoch, time up , wake to reality.......
Just like hindustan funded hinduists terrorists to massacre Muslims in Kashmir and inside hindustan.

There is nothing called Hindu terrorist.

Ther term itself is an oxymoron, but do let your hatred make you look stupid publicly, at least we can enjoy it. :D

Knock Knoch, time up , wake to reality

I think he was sarcastically pointing out the posters stuidity!
Taliban is but a part of big terror infrastructure created by Pakistan to further its strategic objectives in neighboring countries.

Taliban created to further Pakistani interests in Afghanistan, (but were forced abandon in after math of 9/11), has severed severe blow back on the Pakistani state.

But this is just the beginning, when and if Kashmiri Jihadi groups that have been nurtured to wage war against India, turn against the Pakistani state..consequences will be far worse.

Pakistani state still has time to gradually abandon and dismantle these terror networks...before rise of another 'TTP' becomes inevitable.
Pakistani state still has time to gradually abandon and dismantle these terror networks...before rise of another 'TTP' becomes inevitable.

...better late than never when it comes to confronting one's own demons...Pakistanis will be the ultimate winners as a consequence.

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