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The indian that speaks the truth .

More like the Indian who speaks what Pakistanis like to hear.

Similarly there are Hassan Nisar and Pervez Hoodbhoy, the Pakistanis who speak the truth. :wave:

Tarek Fatah born in Karachi Pakistan, is probably the best Pakistan can ever produce.. Each of his video documentaries are worth watching and shows the immense intellectual wealth he owns..
Tarek Fatah born in Karachi Pakistan, is probably the best Pakistan can ever produce.. Each of his video documentaries are worth watching and shows the immense intellectual wealth he owns..
How can you call him pakistani when he himself claim in his book that -"I'm an Indian born in Pakistan":no:
..saavan k ande ko hara hi hara diktha hey
Tarek Fatah was born in independent Pakistan so doesn't matter what he claims. Fact is, he was born in Pakistan and later became Canadian citizen. So to the traitor troll, no he was never an Indian citizen.. Now if Osama bin Laden started claiming he was only born in Saudia but was really a Pakistani. Would that have given him Pakistani citizenship.. Don't know but it doesn't make any sense to me atleast.
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""The indian that speaks the truth""

We Indian can speak either its true of false this is why its democracy but in China and Pakistan? (no need to tell)

I think some go and tell this to this Highly intelligent Budiya :lol:
who should be accorded and honorary super think tank status at defence.pk :lol:
Indians never appreciates their fellow indian's talent hence they find majority of talented Indians working for the others(west).

..saavan k ande ko hara hi hara diktha hey
Aur jo aql ka andha ho usse kuch bhi nahi dikhta.Like in blind men and elephant story.

..saavan k ande ko hara hi hara diktha hey
Aur jo aql ka andha ho usse kuch bhi nahi dikhta.Like in blind men and elephant story.
Sometimes,i used to think she is a commited leftist and we just happen to disagree with her,but this video where she claims a war on Telegana & Hyderabad at the sametime, when the reality is they both were fighting each other.

Indian state should first wage a war on washed up marxists & pseudo seculars first,it ll clean our intellectual sphere and newscolumns of a lot of scum.
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