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The Growing Space Rivalry Between China and India

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ur achievements,jealous of uuur achievements,fuk with ur achievements,their r far much advanced democratic nation's on the world to be jealous,but not u,u r nowhere in the league of German ,American's and Japanese in terms of scientific achievement's and yes I am jealous of them all but not u,u can all day chest thump about ur achivements but frankly I am the last who care about it.

Yeah, America is light years before us, however, in 2011 we gonna launch more satellites and space station than they do. :bounce:

Better to start the action rather than talking.
stir away !!stir away !! From space age to malnutrition. Not Expected from you as i used to appreciate your posts.

That was before I saw the true face of Indians, and being called a chink every other day by Indian suicide trolls on here. :azn:

Anyway I was just clarifying what below freezing said.
Yeah, America is light years before us, however, in 2011 we gonna launch more satellites and space station than they do. :bounce:

Better to start the action rather than talking.

and u got in an illusion that u r ahead than them

uhhh,I heard that Chinese talk little and work more,so do a thing go and work then brag about how advanced r u,and when u take over U.S by light years(a very possibility,this yr itself:lol:)inform me,i start to envy u:lol:
Some of your countrymen are much more clever than you guys, work hard and stop talking!!!

Try to make a name for yourself before you want to earn the respect from the other.
and u got in an illusion that u r ahead than them

uhhh,I heard that Chinese talk little and work more,so do a thing go and work then brag about how advanced r u,and when u take over U.S by light years(a very possibility,this yr itself:lol:)inform me,i start to envy u:lol:

And what is India number one in?
Chinese are way ahead of us in Space program. Period.

We need to catch up and catch up fast and the key to it the sucessful testing of GSLV Mk III with the indigenous cryogenic engine.

EDIT: I forgot to put , But We do have the potential to catch up with them.There should be no doubt in that.
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and u got in an illusion that u r ahead than them

uhhh,I heard that Chinese talk little and work more,so do a thing go and work then brag about how advanced r u,and when u take over U.S by light years(a very possibility,this yr itself:lol:)inform me,i start to envy u:lol:

America is heavily debted. For a while, they don't have enough budget to keep the intense space programs.

So we are going to be more busy than America in the coming years, what's wrong with that? :wave:
Oh boy whats with the Chinese cockiness in every other thread. What you people need to understand is that India:China::China:America.:undecided:

If Chinese members here can talk about defeating America in war, taking out their aircraft carrier fleets, their satellites and and their j-20 being better than f-22 and all that jazz, why cant India compare its capabilities with China. Its all about benchmarking. You always compare and compete with whatever is right above you.

If you Chinese can feel that you can be the next America, than us Indians have every right to feel that we can and will be the next China.

I sometimes really hope that majority of the posters on this forum are trolls, cause if this is how Chinese think and this is how their attitude is going to be in the time to come, God save the world from War number 3

Those numbers are from the United Nations. :wave:

Learn to read.

United nation never itself conduct any survey,its rely on various sources which ur own countrymen accept as biaed sources(only against China,though not against India).

And what is India number one in?

Show me a single post in the thread in which any Indian claimed to be number 1
Oh boy whats with the Chinese cockiness in every other thread. What you people need to understand is that India:China::China:America.:undecided:

If Chinese members here can talk about defeating America in war, taking out their aircraft carrier fleets, their satellites and and their j-20 being better than f-22 and all that jazz, why cant India compare its capabilities with China. Its all about benchmarking. You always compare and compete with whatever is right above you.

If you Chinese can feel that you can be the next America, than us Indians have every right to feel that we can and will be the next China.

I sometimes really hope that majority of the posters on this forum are trolls, cause if this is how Chinese think and this is how their attitude is going to be in the time to come, God save the world from War number 3


No, we are talking how we can defend ourselves from being invaded
by US.

We are still a developing country, why will we wage the war against US?
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