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But USA has found some country to do the job and that country is India. India has received goodies including Nuke Deal, Military Hardwares and many jobs for Indian people from USA.

Will India be able to do the job for USA ?

You Speak as if We are Getting All the so Called Goodies for Free Like Pakistan Does.... We Give them Cash and Not Commitments.... We Have Only 3 Nations to Show Our Commitment and That is Russia,Israel and Ofcourse the France....

We Buy weapons which Are available In the World Market, Is there any Weapon we Have which are Not Available to any other nation who have Money to buy it??

And About Jobs, US President was Here Asking for The Jobs , Not Giving Jobs To Indians.....
You got to be kidding me....

So according to you... couple of civil nuclear deals, two dozen transport aircraft and some hundred thousand IT/ITES jobs from US to India are going to defeat China and Russia? :woot:

Just throw a few dollars on the street and lots of people will do anything for you. India took the job from Uncle SAM to contain China but whether India has the power to contain China or not if a different story.
Just throw a few dollars on the street and lots of people will do anything for you. India took the job from Uncle SAM to contain China but whether India has the power to contain China or not if a different story.

We are also developing/receiving more sophisticated goodies(than what US provides) with Russians and Israelis.. so does that mean that they expect us to contain US or middle-east with those?:rolleyes:
We are also developing/receiving more sophisticated goodies(than what US provides) with Russians and Israelis.. so does that mean that they expect us to contain US or middle-east with those?:rolleyes:

Of course, Russia is providing state of the art military hardwares to India to keep China in check.

Israel is providing India with high tech goodies to keep Pakistan and the Muslim world under control.
Russia unable to win possible war with either NATO or China
Russia unable to win possible war with either NATO or China - English pravda.ru

Gen. Nikolai Makarov, the chief of the Russian General Staff, stated on December 14 that after two years of reforms the Russian army was fully prepared for showing appropriate reactions to any threats. It became possible owing to the creation of the absolutely new defense structure and the introduction of the new training system for the troops, the official said.

High-readiness forces have been thoroughly provided with weaponry and ammo, whereas the army was supposedly degenerating before, the official added.

Makarov also said that the majority of military schools were training officers on the base of outdated programs and techniques. Many of those programs, the official said, were based on combat experiences of the Great Patriotic War.

Judging upon the statements of the high-ranking defense officials, the previous problems of the Russian army have been solved. Is it really so? Will the Russian army be ready to stand up against a potential enemy? Will the results of the army reforms give Russia an opportunity to show appropriate reactions to possible aggression from NATO members or China?

Pravda.Ru asked expert opinion from military experts.

Konstantin Sivkov, the first vice president of the Academy for Geopolitical Problems:

"Statements claiming that Russian Armed Forces are ready to repulse any attack after the so-called reforms are nothing but nonsense. They are capable of settling a small conflict, in which not more than 100,000 men would need to participate. If there's a larger, local conflict, which requires the participation of up to 500,000 people, then the Russian Armed Forces would not be able to deal with it, not to mention a large-scale war with NATO or China.

"In other words, without the use of nuclear arms, Russia is incapable of reacting to challenges from potential enemies. Those, who believe that the Russian army should be cut, say that we do not need such a large army at all because we have our nuclear weapons. The forces of nuclear containment need to be protected in the air and on the surface. If someone attacks Russia without the use of nuclear arms, Russia will not respond with a nuclear attack either. No country participating in WWII used chemical weapons during the war in spite of the fact that everyone had more than enough of those weapons. No one did that, not even the dying Nazi Germany.

"The same will happen to nuclear weapons. Everyone is very well aware of the fact that using nuclear weapons is similar to committing suicide. Both NATO and China know that Russia will not use its nukes if a non-nuclear war occurs.

"As for the so-called reforms, the combat effectiveness of the Russian army has considerably reduced during the years of those reforms. Many officers resigned not because of the outdated training - they were simply sacked. They tell us today that Stalin "beheaded the Red Army" when he repressed 30,000 out of 800,000 officers. But what is the right word to describe the sacking of 200,000 out of 300,000 officers within two years? No one of them received any apartments, by the way.

"The reforms are over, and what do we see? Officers still do not have the motivation to serve, because they do not have a place to live. The technological base of the army was cut considerably during these two years. Let's take the support system, for example. This system has been handed over to entrepreneurs. This system can function normally only during time of peace. Will businessmen and their subordinates risk their lives to deliver all necessary goods to the battlefield?

"So what does Russia have? China and NATO can oppose Russia with huge armies - 2.5 million men each. Russia has only 85 instant readiness brigades, or 180,000 people deployed on such a vast territory as our country.
"Here is another important aspect - Russian reformers want to purchase foreign arms. One would only have to press a button to deactivate those arms in case an armed conflict with NATO occurs," the expert said.

"For the time being, Russia is capable of showing resistance to such countries as Georgia. Russia will not be able to win a war with China or NATO," Alexander Khramchikhin, deputy director of the Institute of Political and Military Analysis told Pravda.Ru. "As for nuclear weapons, NATO is much stronger than Russia, and China's nuclear arsenal will soon be just as powerful as that of Russia. It will not be possible for Russia to conduct offensive operations against NATO members, because the strength of the Russian army has declined considerably.

"As for military hardware, which was supposedly fully provided to high-readiness forces, I have to say that all that hardware is of the Soviet origin. New weapons exist in meager quantities. There are only two divisions of S-400 anti-missile systems, for example, and they do not have long-range missiles, which would make them different from S-300 systems. Where are those highly acclaimed Su-35 fighters, which Russia exports?

"There is another important aspect here. It is an open secret that all recent wars started with massive air strikes against enemies. Russia's air defense is absolutely not ready to face such a threat. It can only protect large centers in the country and that's it. There is not even one single air defense regiment on a huge territory from Irkutsk to Khabarovsk, which is 2,500 kilometers," Khramchikhin said.

I doubt China's nuclear arsenal will be as powerful as Russia's in the near future.
well Russia in my doesnt feel the need for massive arming in this day and age.
they have rightly realized their past mistakes and are on right track.
Both the war situations a completly hypothetical.
1) war with NATO : theirs something called SCO these days, RUSSIA + CHINA itself is too hot.
2) war with CHINA : well china is more intelligent than that
both have a peace accord too.

now good luck to the author and Mr. HAFIZZZzzz...
Best of luck hafizz..
Only retards would believe ur BS..
Tell this night stories to some cute childs
Yes it is true Russia cant win against NATO or China,but the reverse is also a big true,China or NATO cannot also defeat Russia

If any war occurred(which is as possible as finding the end of infinity)the only possible result is a stalemate
General Makarov simply is attempting to push Kremlin for faster and more effective reforms to be passed for the Russian military modernization programme. This is a very old and typical military tactic of releasing large-than-existing problems so as to worr the government enough to give concessions of some sort to militaries. Russia is the only country that doesn't have a declared future soldier programme at the moment of its stature and military might.

The conflict of either NATO, Russia or China with each other is simply impossible at this stage. Neither of these entities can defeat each other in any terms. NATO had the best chance to show its might in 2008 when Russians struck at Georgia. NATO's reluctance to engage with Russia militarily was clearly shown. The same is applicable vice-versa.

China would be the last country to ruin its own economic growth through war; which is why it has come to age and matured as a trading and economic powerhouse. The peace accord between Russia and China is another symbol of that.

As for nuclear arsenal, even today post Soviet era Russia holds thousands of nuclear weapons ready and pointed in various directions. Even United States has lesser nuclear weapons than Russians themselves, while Chinese are said to have the lowest number of nuclear weapons among permanent members as a sign of minimum deterrence.
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Yes it is true Russia cant win against NATO or China,but the reverse is also a big true,China or NATO cannot also defeat Russia

If any war occurred(which is as possible as finding the end of infinity)the only possible result is a stalemate

All you need is Vodka.....hand out Vodka to every Russian and they will defeat themselves.
All you need is Vodka.....hand out Vodka to every Russian and they will defeat themselves.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Thts so true!
Look at this russian soldier.....hes drunk and drivin an apc kinda thing


Russian Army

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China and Russia are allies now, and are both founding members of the SCO.

There is no need to worry about such a conflict.
yes very true. both have WMDs so no chances of war.
Russia is still a major player in this world and is needed to provide balance

I wish Russia can see eye to eye with us in alot of issues, but it’s ok.... slowly but surely they are becoming more western

They have the 3rd best Military in the world
People underestimate the Russian Bear at their peril.

If push comes to shove, the EU cannot do much against Russia, and Vice versa,, the same goes for China.
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