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The girl with no identity: Being a second child in China


May 18, 2011
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By Feng Ke and Katie Hunt, CNN
November 11, 2013 -- Updated 0551 GMT (1351 HKT)


Beijing (CNN) -- Twenty-year-old Li Xue has a passion for learning but has never spent a day at school.

The only way she could study was by borrowing books with her elder sister's library card and begging her for lessons.

As a second child born under the strictures of China's one-child policy, she says was not entitled to a state education.

Nor did she have access to subsidized healthcare that most city dwellers enjoy and used her mother's and sister's identity cards to buy medicine when she fell ill.

"She kept asking me why she can't go to school, why she can't while all others do, and I had no idea how to respond her except repeating that she is a second child," her mother Bai Xiuling, a former factory worker, told CNN from her modest bare-brick home.

Li says she was not jealous of her 28-year-old sister, but grateful because she tutored her in her spare time.

"I want to learn as much as she does but it's different because she can go to school and I cannot."

Her mother fell unexpectedly pregnant in 1993. Despite the risks, she went ahead with the pregnancy. A childhood bout of polio damaged her leg and she wanted to have another child to take care of her in old age.
China's family planning laws require most families living in urban areas to have one child. The policy is looser in rural areas and can also be skirted by those who can afford to pay the eye-watering fines.

But Li's parents could not pay the 5,000 yuan ($820) penalty and authorities denied Li her household registration documents, or "hukou," which entitle city residents to subsidized health, housing and education.


The one-child policy, though applauded by many for slowing down China's population growth, has been widely criticized for resulting in forced abortions and hefty fines that are sometimes used to enforce it.

Some critics say the law hurts China's elderly, who typically rely on their children for support in old age, and even constrains economic growth as the working age population begins to decline.
READ: Forced abortion sparks outrage, debate in China

In August, Xinhua, China's state news agency, said China was deliberating relaxing the policy to allow couples, where one parent is an only child, to have two children. Currently, both parents must be sole children to be eligible for a second child.

The government is also debating a two-child policy after 2015, according to state media.

"We are optimistic that an end to the one-child policy will soon be confirmed," economists Ting Lu and Xiaojia Zhi wrote in an August report for investment house Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

They said that reform of the three-decade old policy could happen after a key four-day gathering of China's top leaders -- the Communist Party's third plenum -- which began on Saturday.

But even if the policy is eased, it is unlikely to make life easier for Liand others like her.

Her family have campaigned relentlessly for her to have the "hukou" documents they believe she is entitled to in order to live a normal life.

They have petitioned local and national authorities and are pursuing their case through the legal system, but, so far, to no avail.

Instead, her mother and father said they have been beaten and harassed by the local police.

"Li Xue's father and I were beaten brutally in 2001. I couldn't get out of bed for almost two months, and her sister had to take care of me," said Bai.

Local police declined to comment when contacted by CNN.

'Never give up'

In September, the family received notice that their case would be heard by the Beijing High People's Court but they are not optimistic that the case will be resolved in their favor.

A spokesperson for the court told CNN that the case is now being examined and an announcement will be made in due course. There were two possible outcomes; either the case would be retried or the original verdict affirmed, the spokesperson said.

"The only thing we want is an explanation of why our daughter has no "hukou", and no more," said Li's father Li Hongyu.

In 2011, Li started a microblog on Weibo, China's equivalent of Twitter. She hopes her online presence will help draw attention to her plight, and she wants to use the platform to initiate more positive change for people in her position.

When asked what she would major in if she had a chance to go to university, Li says she would like to become a lawyer.

"I do enjoy studying law and hope I could use this to help other people, but right now, I have to be practical and solve my most urgent problem -- becoming a legal second child," she said.

"Sometimes I doubt whether what I do will change anything, but I think I'll carry on," she said, echoing the name of her blog -- Little Xue never give up.

The girl with no identity: Being a second child in China - CNN.com
CCP inhuman policies and their side affects, The whole of chinese populace have become some kind of experimental specimens for this oppressor.
CCP inhuman policies and their side affects, The whole of chinese populace have become some kind of experimental specimens for this oppressor.

while the largest democracy, a fake state - india where millions of children die of malnutrion each year; the most illiterate country and kids are made chickened out of international evaluations after dirt bottom performance in the tests!

Come 2050 or earlier I hope, the failed state india will become the no 1 populous country in the world!
Congratulations for the growing demographic dividends!
while the largest democracy, a fake state - india where millions of children die of malnutrion each year; the most illiterate country and kids are made chickened out of international evaluations after dirt bottom performance in the tests!

Come 2050 or earlier I hope, the failed state india will become the no 1 populous country in the world!
Congratulations for the growing demographic dividends!

verbal Diarrhea at its best ....... :lol:
while the largest democracy, a fake state - india where millions of children die of malnutrion each year; the most illiterate country and kids are made chickened out of international evaluations after dirt bottom performance in the tests!

Come 2050 or earlier I hope, the failed state india will become the no 1 populous country in the world!
Congratulations for the growing demographic dividends!

In others words, you are absolutely fine living in prison labor camps, smog that doubled cancer cases in recent times, food cooked in what only can be described as raw sewage and the holy party making family choices for you as long as you're somehow better than India?

Talk about low expectations!!!
You know it's funny, how Indians will believe anything said by CNN. The network that is polled by Americans as less trustworthy than Fox. Who btw has Bill O Riely who on TV said he doesn't want evolution in the schools and is fantasy.

But of course it is true, because it is China. Just like that letter that the Chinese "inmate" sent that somehow used better English than my parents.

As to gutter oil, listen to a white South African, you can watch some of his other videos to see whether you want to believe him or no.

Now back to this topic, is it possible? It could be, but just like American police shooting teens with toy guns, it doesn't represent America, all it does is it represent too much power in the hands of the unworthy.

IF you want to equate this to be Chinese policy then I will say this, anything an Indian or American should also represent their country.
Like everywhere there is some problems in China but it's nothing compared to what they achieved.

Why are you so obsessed with China ?
Like everywhere there is some problems in China but it's nothing compared to what they achieved.

Why are you so obsessed with China ?
You seems to believe that a problem cannot be solved without some kind of expense at another problem. That may be true for some problems, but not for all.

This is about education, not of centralized birth/family planning. The law can say 'only one child', but that does not mean the government cannot educate all children. This is cruelty, no other way to put it.
To the Chinese members,

What is it like to be forced to be the only child or forced to have only one child?

This is just one example of horrors associated with atheism.
To the Chinese members,

What is it like to be forced to be the only child or forced to have only one child?

This is just one example of horrors associated with atheism.

Please do not bring your Christian religion in this. Atheism has nothing to do with one child policy. If you want to debate religion, start a new thread and I will gladly debate with you.
while the largest democracy, a fake state - india where millions of children die of malnutrion each year; the most illiterate country and kids are made chickened out of international evaluations after dirt bottom performance in the tests!

Come 2050 or earlier I hope, the failed state india will become the no 1 populous country in the world!
Congratulations for the growing demographic dividends!
Please give an actual, verified, official and reputable source that has India down as a failed state.
The Failed States Index 2013 | The Fund for Peace
Those are the failed states and as you see India is ranked 79 so your dream for a failed Indian state is a long way away. :wave: 
Please do not bring your Christian religion in this. Atheism has nothing to do with one child policy. If you want to debate religion, start a new thread and I will gladly debate with you.
He is Pakistani, that is shown by his name. Shouldn't best friend Chinese know the name of the Pakistani Space agency?
Like everywhere there is some problems in China but it's nothing compared to what they achieved.

Why are you so obsessed with China ?

To make themselves feel better? It's self healing therapy! Like if your neighbor is more wealthy than you, what do you do? Gossip about the dad beating up his daughter, their stinky bathroom, etc, etc. lol 
To the Chinese members,

What is it like to be forced to be the only child or forced to have only one child?

This is just one example of horrors associated with atheism.

I don't know since I have a younger sister. Only people living in giant cities like Beijing and Shanghair and government employees have strict one-child policy. But you can always pay fines if you want to have more children. But similar to the world at large, people in more developed areas tend not to want more children while rural people tend to have more children because of economic and social reasons.
To make themselves feel better? It's self healing therapy! Like if your neighbor is more wealthy than you, what do you do? Gossip about the dad beating up his daughter, their stinky bathroom, etc, etc. lol 

I don't know since I have a younger sister. Only people living in giant cities like Beijing and Shanghair and government employees have strict one-child policy. But you can always pay fines if you want to have more children. But similar to the world at large, people in more developed areas tend not to want more children while rural people tend to have more children because of economic and social reasons.
In which cities is this one child policy applied in? How many people (in numbers) are effected by this?

In rural areas, can people have like three, four or more children?

This law is absolutely draconian to say the least. It's like as if it belongs to some ancient pagan civilisation living thousands of years ago.

Every time I think of China's one child policy, only Hitler and pagan human sacrifices comes to mind.

Surely, the Chinese government knows the rest of the world is absolutely disgusted by this or does it pretend that no one knows or talks about this law outside of China?
In which cities is this one child policy applied in? How many people (in numbers) are effected by this?

In rural areas, can people have like three, four or more children?

This law is absolutely draconian to say the least. It's like as if it belongs to some ancient pagan civilisation living thousands of years ago.

Every time I think of China's one child policy, only Hitler and pagan human sacrifices comes to mind.

Surely, the Chinese government knows the rest of the world is absolutely disgusted by this or does it pretend that no one knows or talks about this law outside of China?

One child policy will soon be abolished within entire China. Couples both from one child families can have a second child.

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