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The Ganga Risala


May 19, 2010
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The Indian Army traditionally had no camel troops except for a few Animal Transport companies based on camels. The Bikaner State Forces had a very old and efficient camel regiment raised in 1465 and called the Ganga Risala named after Maharaja Ganga Singh. (During the British rule in India, approximately 500 states retained their soverign identities while acknowledging British overlordship. Many of the larger states contributed combat troops to the British-Indian Army, and were termed State Forces.

The Ganga Risala had a fine record of service, having distinguished itself in China in 1900, Somaliland in 1902-4, Egypt in World War One, and the Middle East in World War Two. It was supported by the Bijay Battery also mounted on camels. During World War Two, the Bikaner Camel Corps also distinguished itself in the operations against the Hurs in Sindh.

Depredations and raids into Indian territory by the Hurs after Independence led to the raising of a camel mounted Defence Battalion from the irregular forces of Jaisalmer in 1948. In 1951, on the merger of the State Forces with the Indian Army the two units were amalgamated together as the Ganga Jaisalmer Risala and offered logically to the Aromored Corps, who turned up its noses at the thought of camels! Another cavalry General, the dynamic Shiv Verma, himself an avid polo player, having taken over as the Colonel of the Grenadiers found that the Regiment had only three battalions, which placed it at a disadvantage vis a vis other larger regiments. (The Grenadiers are a post-1947 regiment and were formed taking three battalions from other regiments. At the time, most regiments had 8-10 battalions. Editor.) .He arranged for the induction of the Ganga Jaisalmer Risala into the Grenadiers as it's 13th Battalion.

Another two battalions, both of State Forces origins, were inducted into the Grenadiers as the 7 and 8 Grenadier, but did not last long in the role being soon converted to standard infantry battalions. 13 Grenadiers soldiered on and contributed to the colourful Republic Day Parade on Rajpath in New Delhi. The 1965 war saw them in action in Bikaner and Jaisalmer sectors foiling Pakistani efforts to infiltrate and capture territory prior to and after the cease fire to use as bargaining chips at the peace talks. A total of 22 squadron actions were fought during the war. Major Jai Singh carried out a raid on the Pakistan post of Ghunewala deep inside their territory The battalion routed Pak forces at Tanot, killing 2 officers and 100 men and regained a lot of Indian territory.

Pakistan's nibbling away at territory in the desert convinced Indian planners that this hitherto neglected sector needed to be reinforced. Among a number of new raisings another camel battalion, 17 Grenadiers, was inducted. Both battalions captured a lot of Pakistani territory during the 1971 war, each operating independently in Bikaner and Gadra sectors. Their performance was highly commendable.

Sadly, the Indian camel battalions were converted into standard infantry battalions in 1975 on the lapse of government sanction. On enquiries being made about the reason for doing so it was found out that unlike the horses and the horsed cavalry the camels and camel corps had no lobby. You could'nt ride or play any game on camels whereas horses of course were used for polo!

An attempt was made by a corps comander in the desert area to reinduct camels a few years back because he was convinced of their utility. 13 Grenadiers and 24 Rajput were selected to convert and for two years kept hanging around awaiting government sanction which ultimately was not forthcoming. Thus ended the Army's tryst with the ship of the desert!

You may ask what happened to the Bikaner Bijay Battery. It was converted into a mule-borne mountain battery during World War Two 2 and now forms part of the Indian Army's Regiment of Artillery, though the mules are now gone!





Do they still exist? New pics would be appreciated....

I'd be glad to know if they are keeping the tradition alive.
Do they still exist? New pics would be appreciated....

I'd be glad to know if they are keeping the tradition alive.

i dont think so.The article says that they were converted into standard infantry .However camel mounted BSF exists.
Do they still exist? New pics would be appreciated....

I'd be glad to know if they are keeping the tradition alive.


The BSF’s camel contingent patrols the India-Pak border near Jaisalmer



Jaisalmer, near the border of India and Pakistan, has an annual winter festival attended by members of the Indian Army Camel Corp.

The Ganga Risala still survives though as a part of the Border Security Force, retaining the name Bikaner Camel Corps.

The Ganga Jaisalmer Risala was dismounted in 1974 and underwent conversion into standard infantry. It continues to serve as a regular infantry battalion under the name 13 Grenadiers (Ganga Jaisalmer). Post 1971 the unit has seen action in counter insurgency operations in the states of Punjab and Assam. It has to its credit one Kirti Chakra and one Shaurya Chakra among numerous other awards.

Bikaner Camel Corps - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Watch out, the camels are coming!

The UN-African Union peacekeeping force in Sudan's Darfur region is having trouble getting around. TheyCamel don't have enough jeeps and helicopters, so they're resorting to the next best thing: camels. These are no ordinary camels, of course. These are combat-trained camels.:cheers:

- India's Border Security Force (BSF) said it received a request last week from the United Nations to send the specially schooled animals to the troubled African region.

- "All our camels are engaged in border-guarding duties and this whole process could take a long time," said BSF spokesman Vijay Singh, adding the agency could currently spare up to 60 of its 700-plus battle-ready animals for Sudan.

-Indian border security forces use camels for long-range reconnaissance, including night patrols to track arms and drugs smugglers heading into the western states of Rajasthan and Gujarat from nearby Pakistan.

Camels are great because not only can they attain speeds of 40 mph, they don't require you to empty your wallet at the gas station.

India and South Africa are the only countries known to use camels for military purposes.
They are also known for their handlebar mustaches. right? :D
Sub Continent had produced superb Soldier and Generals.

Soldier and Generals who defeated the hordes of Alexander the great and so on.

But still they are not accepted by rest of the World.

I think, the possible reason could be Military History of Sub Continent.

No Military Campaign ever left India in last 3000 and conquered some part of World. This could be due to Hindu belief that they should not leave soil of Hindustan.

Many Attacker came from West, captured and ruled this part of thousand of years.

Sub Continent never produced a son like Alexander the Great, Attila the Hun, Khalid Bin Waleed, Umer Bin Khataab, Genghis Khan, Halako Khan, Tamburlaine the Great, Yaldaram, General(s) Monty, Zokov, Patton, Rommel, Schwarzkopf and so on.......................

The age of GUN is over in my reckoning. No such campaign is likely to be launched now.

We the people of Sub-Continent have lost opportunity to scribe great victory of foreign land in the annul of Military History.
Sub Continent had produced superb Soldier and Generals.

Soldier and Generals who defeated the hordes of Alexander the great and so on.

But still they are not accepted by rest of the World.

I think, the possible reason could be Military History of Sub Continent.

No Military Campaign ever left India in last 3000 and conquered some part of World. This could be due to Hindu belief that they should not leave soil of Hindustan.

Many Attacker came from West, captured and ruled this part of thousand of years.

Sub Continent never produced a son like Alexander the Great, Attila the Hun, Khalid Bin Waleed, Umer Bin Khataab, Genghis Khan, Halako Khan, Tamburlaine the Great, Yaldaram, General(s) Monty, Zokov, Patton, Rommel, Schwarzkopf and so on.......................

The age of GUN is over in my reckoning. No such campaign is likely to be launched now.

We the people of Sub-Continent have lost opportunity to scribe great victory of foreign land in the annul of Military History.

1. Nobody have ruled India for thousands of year, its biggest myth.

2. There is nothing in Hinduism that suggest Hindu can't leave India.

3. India was called "Sone ki Chidiya" or Golden sparrow we were among the most wealthy country in the world.

a.) So why we should migrate to other parts of world??????

b.) We are blessed and civilized people we don't have greed to attack and we are not barbaric to kill people and occupy their land.

Those who have attacked India were uncivilized, barbaric and poor people.

They came to India for wealth and food.

India is still has biggest arable after USA. At undivided India we have more land means plenty of food and weatlth due to our great traders.

Why would anybody leave heaven???????????
1. Nobody have ruled India for thousands of year, its biggest myth.

2. There is nothing in Hinduism that suggest Hindu can't leave India.

3. India was called "Sone ki Chidiya" or Golden sparrow we were among the most wealthy country in the world.

a.) So why we should migrate to other parts of world??????

b.) We are blessed and civilized people we don't have greed to attack and we are not barbaric to kill people and occupy their land.

Those who have attacked India were uncivilized, barbaric and poor people.

They came to India for wealth and food.

India is still has biggest arable after USA. At undivided India we have more land means plenty of food and weatlth due to our great traders.

Why would anybody leave heaven???????????

Mogul Empire, was an Indian-Islamic imperial power that ruled a large portion of Indian subcontinent which began in 1526, invaded and ruled most of South Asia by the late 17th and early 18th centuries by forming alliance with Indian Maharaja, and ended in the mid-19th century.

The Mughal Emperors were descendants of the Timurids, and at the height of their power around 1700, they controlled most of the Indian Subcontinent — extending from Bengal in the east to Balochistan in the west, Kashmir in the north to the Kaveri basin in the south.

Its population at that time has been estimated as between 110 and 130 million, over a territory of over 4 million km2 (1.5 million square miles)

Is this a Myth ?
The Mughal Emperors were descendants of the Timurids, and at the height of their power around 1700, they controlled most of the Indian Subcontinent — extending from Bengal in the east to Balochistan in the west, Kashmir in the north to the Kaveri basin in the south.

Corrrection - No Muslim ruler has ever subjugated Tamil Nadu (in wich the Kaveri Basin comes ).Infact modern Tamil Nadu and Kerala were the only states that were not under Muslim rule during any part of their history

Mogul Empire, was an Indian-Islamic imperial power that ruled a large portion of Indian subcontinent which began in 1526, invaded and ruled most of South Asia by the late 17th and early 18th centuries by forming alliance with Indian Maharaja, and ended in the mid-19th century.

The Mughal Emperors were descendants of the Timurids, and at the height of their power around 1700, they controlled most of the Indian Subcontinent — extending from Bengal in the east to Balochistan in the west, Kashmir in the north to the Kaveri basin in the south.

Its population at that time has been estimated as between 110 and 130 million, over a territory of over 4 million km2 (1.5 million square miles)

Is this a Myth ?

Yes its a myth, even you have failed to proved that India was ruled by foreign power for thousands of years as you first claimed in your post. Now don't back track from thousands of years o few hundreds of years.

And whole of India was never under any Muslim rule, forget about south Asia.

In south Asia there is Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar and Sri Lanka also.
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