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The future is looking Chinese


Jan 31, 2011
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United Kingdom
Maybe we should all be learning Mandarin Standard Chinese, because there are some days it feels like these guys are going to bury us. There were a couple of stories in the tech press over the weekend that would chill the bones of anyone able to think of the long arc of history... you know, beyond the next long weekend. They were all about Apple, and depending on whether you're a believer or an infidel, they painted the company in either the best or the worst possible light.

The original source of the Apple story, which concerned the company's long-term shift to manufacturing overseas, especially in China, was the business section of the old media New York Times. Two reporters, Charles Duhigg and Keith Bradsher, writing a long feature about the loss of middle-class American jobs, focused in hard on one of America's most successful companies. Apple used to boast about making its stuff in America, they pointed out. It can no longer do that. One anecdote from the Times piece pretty much says it all:

One former executive described how the company relied upon a Chinese factory to revamp iPhone manufacturing just weeks before the device was due on shelves. Apple had redesigned the iPhone’s screen at the last minute, forcing an assembly line overhaul. New screens began arriving at the plant near midnight.

A foreman immediately roused 8,000 workers inside the company’s dormitories, according to the executive. Each employee was given a biscuit and a cup of tea, guided to a workstation and within half an hour started a 12-hour shift fitting glass screens into beveled frames. Within 96 hours, the plant was producing over 10,000 iPhones a day.

“The speed and flexibility is breathtaking,” the executive said. “There’s no American plant that can match that.”

No Australian plant, either. Not that we'd want to. Well, okay, maybe some guys in the Business Council and whoever sits on the Iron Throne of the Liberal party's workplace relations portfolio. But most everybody else, including most people in business, wouldn't want to live in a country which did business like that.

Trouble is, it's those deep, tectonic shifts in economic power and advantage upon which history pivots. Deng Xiaoping may not have intended to reboot a 21st-century version of industrial England's dark satanic mills when he took the clamps of the old command-driven Chinese economy, but it looks like that is what has happened. And it was those mills, as much as the Royal Navy, that made Britain the pre-eminent world power of the 19th century.

Read more: The future is looking Chinese
i dont think australians are worried.. we get things cheap from china, even though most stuff is not good quality or doesnt really pass our standards in regards to vegetables etc.. we make money off china, china makes money off us

in a economical sense.. we are kinda like best trading buddies in asia.. just as important to each other..

many schools already learn mandarin, when i was at school, you had french or japanese classes
i dont think australians are worried.. we get things cheap from china, even though most stuff is not good quality or doesnt really pass our standards in regards to vegetables etc.. we make money off china, china makes money off us

in a economical sense.. we are kinda like best trading buddies in asia.. just as important to each other..

many schools already learn mandarin, when i was at school, you had french or japanese classes

you get what you pay for. if you want to buy a no name phone instead of Huawei or ZTE, and complain about "low quality Chinese" then all i have to say is lmao for buying the no name phone.
ZTE is low quality too, they are crap phones ive had a few of them lol

most chinese products break within a week anyway, but your right, you get what you pay for
ZTE is low quality too, they are crap phones ive had a few of them lol

most chinese products break within a week anyway, but your right, you get what you pay for

YOU are a liar.

i have a hp computer (made in china) and it is now over 8 years old. its one of those box type monitors, just to give you a sense of how old it is. the only reason why i would get a new computer would simply be for the newer technology that is available.
hey dont get me wrong im not saying all chinese stuff is bad quality......... the ZTE i had was a ZTE150 and a ZTE later model i cant remember exactly.. they were not good and made out of cheap plastic etc
YOU are a liar.

i have a hp computer (made in china) and it is now over 8 years old. its one of those box type monitors, just to give you a sense of how old it is. the only reason why i would get a new computer would simply be for the newer technology that is available.

he means china brands or no-name items from china... HP is american ... assembled in China. not counted in this. if you say apple iphone is chinese ill laugh..

FYI.. since Starhub (in Singapore) moved to Huawei for their switches , the service has become really bad and a butt of jokes here.
he means china brands or no-name items from china... HP is american ... assembled in China. not counted in this. if you say apple iphone is chinese ill laugh..

FYI.. since Starhub (in Singapore) moved to Huawei for their switches , the service has become really bad and a butt of jokes here.

"chinese quality sucks, chinese products break easily" did not come from chinese products of chinese origin (huawei, ztc, etc), but from any chinese made western brand products, but of course this is an obvious lie.
really.. so how about all the copies you make of phones.. stillclaim cameras are 8mp etc but they are like .3mp .. your the biggest pirates around, thats why you get rich, you steal others software and make junk to put it

ZTE150 is cheap *** nasty phone.. the nokias from 5 years before it was better quality.. thats the truth, thats why ZTE is so cheap.. remember.. you get what you pay for right?? you guys said it lololol

now you are just trolling. amazing how fast you change.
im not indian.. im white australian and we only make quality products here

im not trolling at all everything i have said is consistant with things i said earlier.. so how have i changed??

i havent seen the latest models of ZTE, but i know the ones i owned previously were not good quality.. the use cheap thin plastics etc materials are not the best quality.. that is wy ZTE is SO CHEAP TO BUY... thats a fact
im not indian.. im white australian and we only make quality products here

im not trolling at all everything i have said is consistant with things i said earlier.. so how have i changed??

i havent seen the latest models of ZTE, but i know the ones i owned previously were not good quality.. the use cheap thin plastics etc materials are not the best quality.. that is wy ZTE is SO CHEAP TO BUY... thats a fact

So are you telling me, that a Chinese person like myself, with English as my third language... has better grammar skills than a white Australian?

Nice try. :lol:
im not indian.. im white australian and we only make quality products here

what do australian make? using the racial-economic-political status of whites does not = quality products. it's like saying you are better because you are white. sounds racist and it is.

chinese products works fine, stop spreading your bullsh*t.

btw, i've never heard an (european) australian say he is 'white australian'. they refer to themselves as just 'australian' or just 'white'. nice try.
im not indian.. im white australian and we only make quality products here

im not trolling at all everything i have said is consistant with things i said earlier.. so how have i changed??

i havent seen the latest models of ZTE, but i know the ones i owned previously were not good quality.. the use cheap thin plastics etc materials are not the best quality.. that is wy ZTE is SO CHEAP TO BUY... thats a fact

solution is simple,dont buy them next time.dont understand why foreigner on one hand complain about Chinese products,on the other hand buy up all Chinese products.that's strange.
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