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The first wife syndrome!

Point being regime changes and we took back what was ours since ages.
Yeah, sure. You can never get rid of your minorities though :D

But the pace at which their population is diminishing , the day is not far away when they will become extinct.
Not possible. We haven't enacted any extermination program for our minorities. If they are diminishing, it should be economical reasons, migration etc.
Yeah, sure. You can never get rid of your minorities though :D
That's because we never wanted to . We are very tolerant by nature. Every prosecuted race or faith have found safe heaven in India since old times.
Not possible. We haven't enacted any extermination program for our minorities. If they are diminishing, it should be economical reasons, migration etc.

Blasphemy law is veiled extermination program , you just don't realise it. I am waiting for Blasphemy -2 .
Can you explain why Pakistan since 1947 has had India-centric foreign policy continuosly?
Because we miss you
Chitti na koi sandes
Jaane wo kaun sa des
Jahaan tum chale gaye
Ha tum chale gaye /,tears/
Muslim ruled Nizam Hyderabad!

how on earth u expected hyderabad to be part of pak?? why don't pakistanis understand that hyd is a land locked state with hindu majority. india surrownded hyd on all the four sides and there is no way the state could have been indepednt , the only choice for the state was to join with india for its existence.. more over the hindu majority of hyderabad wanted to join india , any other choice by nizam would have led to a rbellion and would have toppled the dynasty and led to a bloody massacre..
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Independence was not an option.

Sikkim and Goa remained independent for decades after partition. So please keep this BS elsewhere :D

how on earth u expected hyderabad to be part of india ?? why don't pakistanis understand that hyd is a land locked state with hindu majority. india surrownded hyd on all the four sides and there is no way the state could have been indepednt , the only choice for the state was to join with india for its existence.. more over the hindu majority of hyderabad wanted to join india , any other choice by nizam would have led to a rbellion and would have toppled the dynasty and led to a bloody massacre..
Yeah, sure like landlocked countries do not exist? Try Switzerland, Luxemburg, Afghanistan etc :D

Blasphemy law is veiled extermination program , you just don't realise it. I am waiting for Blasphemy -2 .
Blasphemy Law is not an extermination program, not even close to "systematic" extermination! You cannot believe if I tell you that Christian community in Pakistan is thriving despite that Blasphemy law!
. .

I agree with the author. Its time that Pakistan decouple's itself from India and starts creating its own value, brand and a good name in the world. A country that's modern, with high potential to be one of the top 15 economies in the next few years and with a tolerant society where anyone from any country can freely come and visit, is a pretty good brand and will attract foreign investors and governments.

Pakistanis have to create that national spirit and show it to the world. When you start to care about your country and show that with your actions and through a nationalistic attitude, everyone would start to believe it.

Pakistan needs to focus on growing the economy, clean up the terrorism mess and change some of the corrupt "leaders" who are really gangsters and murderess in disguise. When a system is in place and a society is known as a modern and tolerant society on the map, along with a growing economy, everything will start to work.

Grow Pakistan where the US president and other Western leaders come to visit because its a growing market and they love the advancement and the opportunities it holds for the global businesses. Not because they think its a chore to run and they have to do it out of "courtesy" or "necessity"..........
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cut your bias sir , goa was never a princely state. it was under the occupation of portugal and the invaders are to be forced to leave our land free..
Again, BS. Nizam Hyderabad was not a foreign ruler. Neither was Nawab of Junagadh. Both princely states were forced to annex in India. When Pakistan tried the same with Muslim majority Kashmir, Indian forces intervened. Hypocrites! :D
Yeah, sure like landlocked countries do not exist? Try Switzerland, Luxemburg, Afghanistan etc :D

Are they land locked by a single country on four sides ?? the nearest port for hyderabad state will be some 250-300 kms away... moreover, the hindu majority of hyderabad would never accepted to live under an invaders rule...
Are they land locked by a single country on four sides ?? the nearest port for hyderabad state will be some 250-300 kms away... moreover, the hindu majority of hyderabad would never accepted to live under an invaders rule...

LOL. Go read history of Nizam Hyderabad and their hundreds of years of accomplishments in that state.
. . .
Again, BS. Nizam Hyderabad was not a foreign ruler. Neither was Nawab of Junagadh. Both princely states were forced to annex in India. When Pakistan tried the same with Muslim majority Kashmir, Indian forces intervened. Hypocrites! :D

The counter to that is Pakistan did claim Hyderabad, Junagadh and even tried to entice the Maharaja of Jodhpur into joining Pakistan. Can hardly then claim that Kashmir was an act of India perfidy. Just that India succeeded and Pakistan failed.
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Sikkim & Goa were NOT Princely states !!!

The kingdom of Sikkim was established in 1642, and the Dalai Lama recognized Phuntsog Namgyal, as the first chogyal (temporal and spiritual king). The Namgyal dynasty was to rule Sikkim till 1975.
Beginning in the mid-18th century, Sikkim fought a series of territorial wars with Bhutan, as its king opposed the accession of a minor king in Sikkim. Nepal too, came to occupy parts of western Sikkim and part of the Terai region. This period also saw the largest migration of Nepalese to Sikkim.
The British interest in Sikkim manifested itself in the early 19th century as they wished to gain an access to Tibet. In return for its support to the British in the Anglo-Nepalese war of 1814-16, Sikkim regained the Nepalese-occupied territories. By 1817, Sikkim had become a de facto protectorate of Britain, though there was resentment by the Sikkimese to British interference in their affairs and to the construction of highways through their territory.
The British East India Company obtained Darjeeling from Sikkim in 1835. Incidents between the British and Sikkimese led to the final annexation in 1849 of the Terai region. The subsequent military defeat of Sikkim, ended in the Anglo-Sikkimese Treaty of 1861, which established Sikkim as a princely state under British paramountcy. The British were given rights of free trade and to build roads through Sikkim to Tibet.
Knowledge :: States of India :: Sikkim

Goa was not a princely state, but it was a vessel state of Portuguese for more than 500 years!
Again, BS. Nizam Hyderabad was not a foreign ruler. Neither was Nawab of Junagadh. Both princely states were forced to annex in India. When Pakistan tried the same with Muslim majority Kashmir, Indian forces intervened. Hypocrites! :D

nizam of hyderabad had his origins from turk and is not part of us... nizam of hyd wanted to be a independent country , while pakistan wanted to use nizam as a leverage against india. a state of size great britain staying independent within India would have caused repercurssions within the country. Pak tried to be witty even at this stage they wshd with the help of hyd they could divide India ,pak helped nizam by giving him a sum of 22cr (if i remember correctly) and arms to use them against India. sadly it was vallabhai patel who was calling shots at the centre. and eventually hyd has to fall within India's fold.
The idea of jinnah was never to have a peaceful existence of a hindu india and muslim pakistan. but to have one undivided pakistan , while having India disintegrated in to smaller states. he even extended support for independent tamil nadu and malabbar . sadly everything fired back.
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