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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

What is his plan? He has one, absolutely sure.

Mate, i'm telling you my guess as for sure nobody knows his plan.
About 1.5-2 years ago this so-called peace proses started.
PKK halted it's activites also Turkish army stoped doing cross border operations to Iraq.

And peace proses continued;

There are 3 things Kurds want.
- Education system should be Kurdish in State schools, Universities, etc.. along with the Turkish.
- They want abdullah öcalan get out of the prison and he should be free.
- They want a kind of autonomy.

Government didn't complied with these demands but gave minor things;
Like changing some of the towns name to Kurdish and some other things like that.

Almost for a year nothing happened and they often said that it's not possible to continue on the peace proses like this.

Mean while as there were no incident because of the terror. It helped Erdogan in domestic politics and his party won the local elections this year.

As i see PKK started to do some minor activities like the ones mentioned above. I think they are forcing the government to take a step forward.

There are 2 possible outcome.

1-) Erdogan will return to table, and comply with some of their demands.
2-) Erdogan will take action against PKK, break down of the peace proses, more martyried soldiers, lose of the popularity for the Presidency elections.

Erdogan brought us to this road, let's see how he finishes it. I said this from day one "This so-called peace process is destined to fail"
It seems like Erdogan is doing everything possible to be the next president, that includes doing nothing that might offends Kurds, since he is relying on their votes.

Damn! I am fvcking good! After my post I found this. Plan B and C

Only in German.

Mütter weinen um ihre Kinder, Politiker zanken

Am Tag des Nationalen Unabhängigkeits- und Kinderfestes sollen mehrere Kinder von PKK-Terroristen verschleppt worden sein. Nun hat Premierminister Erdoğan die prokurdischen Parteien aufgefordert, für deren umgehende Freilassung zu sorgen. (Foto: dha)


Premierminister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan hat gegenüber der prokurdischen Barış ve Demokrasi Partisi (Partei für Frieden und Demokratie; BDP) und ihrer Schwesterpartei, der Halkların Demokratik Partisi (Demokratischen Partei der Völker; HDP) ein als Ultimatum aufgefasstes Statement abgegeben, in dem der Regierungschef die Partei dazu auffordert, sich für Kinder einzusetzen, die von der terroristischen Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan (Kurdische Arbeiterpartei; PKK) verschleppt wurden. Andernfalls werde die Regierung eigenständige Schritte einleiten, um die Betroffenen zu befreien, unterstrich der Premierminister.

„Ich grüße mit meinem ganzen Herzen jene Mütter und Väter, die gerade vor dem Rathaus von Diyarbakır für ihre Kinder demonstrieren, die in den Bergen verschleppt wurden“, hatte Erdoğan bereits zuvor vor der Parlamentsfraktion der regierenden Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (Partei für Gerechtigkeit und Entwicklung; AKP) betont.

Erdoğan spielte damit auf eine Gruppe von Familien an, die seit dem 20. Mai einen Sitzstreik in der hauptsächlich von Kurden bewohnten Provinz Diyarbakır abhalten, um ihren Zorn über die mutmaßliche Entführung ihrer Kinder durch die PKK in die Berge von Kandil entlang der Grenze zwischen Iran und Irak zum Ausdruck zu bringen, wo die Terroristen seit fast 20 Jahren ihr Hauptquartier haben.

Erdoğan droht mit „Plan B und C“

„Wo seid Ihr, BDP, HDP?“ richtete sich der Premierminister an die beiden prokurdischen Schwesterparteien im Parlament. „Manchmal geht Ihr, stimmt etwas zu, bringt etwas hin und wieder zurück. Nun geht auch mal hin und bringt die Kinder dieser Mütter zurück“, appellierte Erdoğan an die Kurdenpolitiker in Anspielung auf deren bereits mehrfach erfolgte Vermittlungen zur Freilassung entführter Soldaten oder Beamter.

„Ihr kennt ihre Adressen sehr gut, Ihr kennt die Pläne sehr gut. Geht, nehmt und bringt zurück. Andernfalls haben wir auch einen Plan B und Plan C in der Hinterhand“, äußerte sich der Premierminister. Auf Nachfrage, wie dieser aussehe, antwortete Erdoğan: „Die Leute werden es schon sehen, wenn es so weit ist.“

In den letzten Wochen hatte es in der Region Diyarbakır sowohl Proteste gegen die Errichtung neuer Regierungsgebäude als auch gegen mutmaßliche Kindesentführungen gegeben.

Kurz nach Erdoğans Rede reagierte die stellvertretende Parteivorsitzende und Abgeordnete der HDP für Istanbul, Sebahat Tuncel, auf dessen Forderungen und betonte, die Errichtung neuer Regierungsgebäude würde nicht mit den Versprechen auf Ausweitung der demokratischen politischen Zone konform gehen.

„Haben Sie nicht versprochen, es werde Frieden und keinen Krieg mehr geben?“, fragte Tuncel an die Adresse des Premierministers zurück. „Das gesamte kurdische Volk wartet darauf, dass seine Kinder zurückkommen und sich an demokratischer Politik beteiligen. Was werden Sie jetzt tun? Ist das tatsächlich nur eine Angelegenheit der BDP und der HDP?“

Antan Tan: „PKK hat Minderjährige ihren Eltern zu übergeben“

Die Abgeordnete äußerte weiter: „Wir wollen, dass alle Menschen am demokratischen Prozess teilnehmen können und dass alle Gefängnisse geleert werden. Wir wollen nicht, dass Menschen in die Berge gehen, wir wollen, dass sie aus den Bergen zurückkommen und Politik machen.“ Ankara verhindere dies jedoch nach wie vor, indem es den Friedensprozess verschleppe.

In der Stadt Lice in der Provinz Diyarbakır sollen am 23. April am Rande eines Picknicks zum Nationalen Unabhängigkeits- und Kindertag einige Kinder aus der Region unter Vorspiegelung falscher Tatsachen verschleppt und in die Berge verbracht worden sein.

Der Abgeordnete der HDP, Antan Tan (Diyarbakır), erklärte am 26. Mai der Nachrichtenagentur Doğan gegenüber, dass es, unabhängig ob die Kinder entführt worden wären oder nicht, die PKK die Verantwortung habe, minderjährige Kinder ihren Familien wiederzugeben, auch wenn diese den Wunsch haben sollten, sich der PKK anzuschließen. Tan unterstrich jedoch, dass er keine Informationen über eine tatsächliche Entführung der Kinder durch die PKK habe.
The PKK has been abducting Kids for years now, its a shame that PKK friendly organizations are still thriving here in Germany.
That's the lovely hypocrisy by Euro-countries, @what . Here in Sweden, or in Gothenburg at least, we have so-called "foreigner days" where different cultures open up stands and sell food etc. Not hard to imagine what the kurds have as main attraction :) Huge posters of apo, Pkk flamas and such. And the cops are like "huh? I don't care if Pkk is on the terror list".. European Union should really get their shit together and cleanse these rathole organisations that brainwash kurdish kids here in Europe.
PKK militants kill village guard in Turkey, kidnap politician

Some Turkish media said the village guard was a member of the Kurdish Huda-Par political party, fierce rivals of the PKK. Militants have also abducted Huda-Par's local representative in the Dicle district of Diyarbakir province

World Bulletin/News Desk

Kurdish guerrillas shot dead a state-sponsored "village guard" in southeast Turkey, the armed forces said on Thursday, escalating tensions in the region after days of protests at the building of new military outposts.

Two fighters from the militant Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) killed "village guard" Mehmet Ugurtay in his van on Wednesday in a primary school courtyard in the southeastern province of Mardin, where he was due to pick up pupils, the army's general staff said.

Village guards are armed and paid by the state, often acting in collaboration with the military, to help protect rural communities against PKK attacks.

"He was killed with one shot from a pistol. The separatist terrorist group members then fled the scene of the incident on motorbike," the general staff said in a statement.

Turkey launched peace talks with jailed PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan in 2012 to try to end a 30-year conflict that has killed 40,000 people and hampered the development of the mostly Kurdish southeast.

The success of the peace process and support from Turkey's Kurds, who account for around a fifth of the population, is key to Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan ahead of his expected bid for the presidency in an August election.

Some Turkish media said the village guard was a member of the Kurdish Huda-Par political party, fierce rivals of the PKK.

Security sources said armed PKK militants have also abducted Huda-Par's local representative in the Dicle district of neighbouring Diyarbakir province, Ercan Alpaslan, after setting up a roadblock and pulling him from his minibus on Wednesday evening.

A day earlier, rebels abducted a soldier during a protest that has forced the closure of highways across Diyarbakir. Security forces are continuing operations to find both men.

The PKK took up arms against Turkey in 1984 with the aim of carving out a separate state in the southeast for the country's Kurds. They have since moderated their demands, seeking increased political and cultural rights which were long denied.

The militants have blocked various points along country roads with trucks and cars seized over the past five days in protest at the construction of several new military outposts.

In Diyarbakir, an 11-day-old sit-down protest outside the city council by families angry at the PKK's recruitment of their children doubled in size on Thursday to 45 families.

Erdogan has staked considerable political capital in peace efforts, widening cultural and language rights at the risk of alienating parts of his grassroots support base. The PKK is designated a terrorist group by Ankara, the United States and the European Union, and Ocalan remains widely reviled among Turks.

A ceasefire called by Ocalan in March 2013 has largely held, but the PKK halted a rebel withdrawal to bases in northern Iraq last summer, complaining at a lack of progress in the process.

Kurdish militants kill village guard in Turkey, kidnap politician | Turkey | Worldbulletin News
They want the monopoly to represent the Kurds, the same way they've been infiltrating all over Europe.
Probably every Kurdish center (unfortunately) has connections to these bastards.

Remember, they also clashed with Kurdish Hizbullah (still do at uni's).
They want the monopoly to represent the Kurds, the same way they've been infiltrating all over Europe.
Probably every Kurdish center (unfortunately) has connections to these bastards.

Remember, they also clashed with Kurdish Hizbullah (still do at uni's).

I remember in Amsterdam there were protests against Erdogan and Turks there wanted to fight with PKK supporters who attended the same protest.

Village Guardsmen Mehmet UĞURTAY was martyred by the PKK in a school yard infront of the school children while he was waiting to take them to the school sevris. (School bus?) on 28th May 2014.

Vatanın ve milletin bölünmez bütünlüğü için uzun yıllar güvenlik güçleri ile birlikte kahramanca mücadele etmiş olan Kahraman Korucumuz Mehmet UĞURTAY, 28 Mayıs 2014 tarihinde Dargeçit ilçe merkezinde bulunan Misak-ı Milli İlköğretim Okulunun bahçesinde, okul servisi ile öğrencileri götürmek için beklediği esnada, öğrencilerin gözleri önünde bölücü terör örgütü mensuplarınca gerçekleştirilen bir silahlı saldırıda şehit edilmiştir.

Şehit Korucumuza Allah'tan rahmet, kederli ailesine ve sevenlerine başsağlığı diliyoruz.

Genelkurmay Başkanlığı Resmi Kurumsal İnternet Sitesidir - Anasayfa - Turkish
General Staff Official Web Site - Main Page
PKK militants kill village guard in Turkey, kidnap politician

Some Turkish media said the village guard was a member of the Kurdish Huda-Par political party, fierce rivals of the PKK. Militants have also abducted Huda-Par's local representative in the Dicle district of Diyarbakir province

World Bulletin/News Desk

Kurdish guerrillas shot dead a state-sponsored "village guard" in southeast Turkey, the armed forces said on Thursday, escalating tensions in the region after days of protests at the building of new military outposts.

Two fighters from the militant Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) killed "village guard" Mehmet Ugurtay in his van on Wednesday in a primary school courtyard in the southeastern province of Mardin, where he was due to pick up pupils, the army's general staff said.

Village guards are armed and paid by the state, often acting in collaboration with the military, to help protect rural communities against PKK attacks.

"He was killed with one shot from a pistol. The separatist terrorist group members then fled the scene of the incident on motorbike," the general staff said in a statement.

Turkey launched peace talks with jailed PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan in 2012 to try to end a 30-year conflict that has killed 40,000 people and hampered the development of the mostly Kurdish southeast.

The success of the peace process and support from Turkey's Kurds, who account for around a fifth of the population, is key to Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan ahead of his expected bid for the presidency in an August election.

Some Turkish media said the village guard was a member of the Kurdish Huda-Par political party, fierce rivals of the PKK.

Security sources said armed PKK militants have also abducted Huda-Par's local representative in the Dicle district of neighbouring Diyarbakir province, Ercan Alpaslan, after setting up a roadblock and pulling him from his minibus on Wednesday evening.

A day earlier, rebels abducted a soldier during a protest that has forced the closure of highways across Diyarbakir. Security forces are continuing operations to find both men.

The PKK took up arms against Turkey in 1984 with the aim of carving out a separate state in the southeast for the country's Kurds. They have since moderated their demands, seeking increased political and cultural rights which were long denied.

The militants have blocked various points along country roads with trucks and cars seized over the past five days in protest at the construction of several new military outposts.

In Diyarbakir, an 11-day-old sit-down protest outside the city council by families angry at the PKK's recruitment of their children doubled in size on Thursday to 45 families.

Erdogan has staked considerable political capital in peace efforts, widening cultural and language rights at the risk of alienating parts of his grassroots support base. The PKK is designated a terrorist group by Ankara, the United States and the European Union, and Ocalan remains widely reviled among Turks.

A ceasefire called by Ocalan in March 2013 has largely held, but the PKK halted a rebel withdrawal to bases in northern Iraq last summer, complaining at a lack of progress in the process.

Kurdish militants kill village guard in Turkey, kidnap politician | Turkey | Worldbulletin News

they should kill more after what these islamists did to Kurds during the 90's

The peace process is indeed doomed to fail, creating a Kurdish dictionary won't help resolve anything.

And especially not since AKP are trying to renew elections in Agri for the tenth time. Building military posts in time of peace, killing innocent Kurds trying to cross the border to visit nearby relatives etc. PKK however doesn't what a war now but they don't want to seem weak and accept Turkey do their biding so they are acting by kidnapping, blocking roads etc to show their presence. Atleast not now, they're focusing on Rojava and are pretty occupied over there. Maybe they'll create a splinter group with no "connection" to them to do their work in the Kurdish regions of Turkey.
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