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The fate of the PNS Ghazi

I don't want to say anything. Just Indians have a serious lack to comprehend the truth from across the border.

1 PN is saying that it was internal explosion
2 Some senior IN officials say the same
3 Times of Indian is indirectly saying the same

But the keyboard warriors still say that there is very confusion that what happened to Ghazi.

What can I say... :disagree:

You can live with this illusion but don't expect that we would do the same.

hey before commenting on someone else try looking into your soul ...you will find nothing but narrow patriotism and hardcore anti-indian feelings.

well your Pakistani officials have themselves gone on record saying there was no long range communication possible in the ghazi because of the delay of french company in providing a replacement for the malfunctioned device already with the system...also the earlier system was only could have communicated with dhaka which was impossible due to electronic blockade of the port by steeper jammers on the indian ships...provided by brithish major..BAE. WESTERN LTD.
So the thing is that you are posting nothing but your view of story..which is also based on claims as the Indian side which i feel is also based on claims.....
so its better to accept the truth that it sunk...nothing else.....

Well i agree with most of the members that this was a turning point in the war that put the last kneel in the coffin of east Pakistan...and led to Bangladesh
hey before commenting on someone else try looking into your soul ...you will find nothing but narrow patriotism and hardcore anti-indian feelings.

well your Pakistani officials have themselves gone on record saying there was no long range communication possible in the ghazi because of the delay of french company in providing a replacement for the malfunctioned device already with the system...also the earlier system was only could have communicated with dhaka which was impossible due to electronic blockade of the port by steeper jammers on the indian ships...provided by brithish major..BAE. WESTERN LTD.
So the thing is that you are posting nothing but your view of story..which is also based on claims as the Indian side which i feel is also based on claims.....
so its better to accept the truth that it sunk...nothing else.....

Well i agree with most of the members that this was a turning point in the war that put the last kneel in the coffin of east Pakistan...and led to Bangladesh

You are right...However one thing that is worth to be noted is that

- PNS Ghazi was actually sunk by INS Rajput or not but thinkg is certain that IN played a major role in its demise...

- PNS Ghazi main role was to sunk Virat and IN strategist rightly guessed it so...Not only that they put a bait to lure Ghazi to Vishak port..On top of that last message from Ghazi suggest that not only bait was on but was succesful as well...Ghazi last message was


This gives an inclination that sailors in Ghazi were convinced that Virat is at Vishak Port...

In the end it sunk and gave our strategist sigh of relief...There was no more danger to our operations in east and everything else was sitting duck to Air Operations from Viraat as far as marine operations were concerned...
What an immature discussion.

Does it really matter how the submarine Ghazi sank ?

The honorable men were putting their lives on the line for the fatherland and they laid their lives for the country.

My countrymen are insisting that it was some accident and not due to an indian attack. How it happened has no relevance for me.

If the submarine Ghazi was destroyed by enemy fire, then IT MAKES ME EVEN PROUDER OF THE BRAVE SAILORS.

If they died by enemy fire and not in a an accident, they deserve even higher a place in our hearts.

The honor of dying from the bullet of the enemy is unmatched by a death due to accident.

I SALUTE MY SOLDIERS. Your bodies may lie in the depth of the indian ocean but your spirits live in the depth of our hearts.
Instead of paying regards to those MEN OF HONOR, my countrymen are indulging in a stupid discussion over how they died.

It is a disrespect to FALLEN WARRIORS who shed their blood for the country.
Admins please ban this guy"letsbefriends". Please make sure he is banned for life.:pakistan::sniper:
letsbefriends...ur describing ur mothers training and ur country urself.
Mods ban this piece of s..t
I wana KNOW that How to DelEte AccOuNt ON DeFEnce ForUM???????
IT has StARtEd to SuCk Now.........BeCoz Ov SucH UselEss TOpICS........kIndLy NAme THIS ForUm ......................."WORLD's USELESS TOPIC FORUM"!!!!!
PLEAseeeeeeeee..........................StoP MAkINg Such ******* THReAds!!!!
Like Zardari's act Of UNsanIty!!!!!
N MAnY OTHErs R DeRE!!!!!!
Lt General JFR Jacob, (retd), hero of the 1971 India Pakistan war, explains why the Indian Navy destroyed documents related to the sinking of the Pakistani submarine, PNS Ghazi.

Earlier this month, there were reports that all documents connected with the sinking of the Pakistani submarine PNS Ghazi during the 1971 war had been destroyed by the Indian Navy.

It is not difficult to conjecture the reasons why.

Back in November 1971, our signal intercept units had been monitoring the movements of the Ghazi on her entering the Bay of Bengal. The last intercept we got from the Ghazi was on 27 November. We had been passing on all intercepts to the Navy.

PNS Ghazi blew up due to an internal explosion off the port of Vishakapatnam, probably at the end of November or the beginning of December 1971.

On December 3, I received a call from Vice Admiral Krishnan, Commander of the Eastern Naval Command, who said that fishermen had found some floating wreckage, and that he had gone to the site where the wreckage was found.

Among the debris was a lifebelt with 'Diablo' printed on it. Diablo was the name of the United States Navy submarine that was transferred to the Pakistan Navy and renamed Ghazi.

Krishnan said he had no doubt that the wreckage was that of the Ghazi and that the sinking of the Ghazi was an act of God. He stated that the Navy was unaware that the Ghazi had sunk. He had rewarded the fishermen who had found the wreckage. I told him that there was no threat now to the aircraft carrier INS Vikrant, which had been the prime target of the Ghazi.

On the morning of December 4, Krishnan again called me, asking if I had sent a report on the Ghazi. I replied in the negative, saying that as it was a naval matter, I had presumed that he had done so. He seemed relieved and told me that I should forget our conversation of the previous day and that he was in discussions with the Navy chief, Admiral SM Nanda, in Delhi.

On December 9, the Navy announced that they had sunk the Ghazi on December 4, after the start of the war. Later, officers were decorated for their role and the offensive action of their ships in the sinking of the Ghazi.

After the war, however, teams of divers confirmed that it was an internal explosion that sank the Ghazi. The log of the Ghazi was recovered and the last entry as far as I can recall was on November 29, 1971. Sadly, that too has been destroyed.

The Navy had earlier decided to change the date of Navy Day to December 4, the day they had proclaimed that they had sunk the Ghazi.

But I had spoken to the press regarding the sinking of the Ghazi and later published my conversations with Vice Admiral Krishnan in my book 'Surrender at Dacca' in 1997. The Navy then realised that they could no longer maintain their claims to have sunk the Ghazi on December 4.

The Navy then went on to state that December 4, the new date for Navy Day, marked the start of the war. For the record, the war started on December 3 at 1800 hours, when Pakistan bombed our airfields.

As the old saying goes, truth is the first casualty in war.

General JFR Jacob played a critical role in the 1971 India Pakistan war as the Eastern Command Chief.

Top picture: The Pride of the Pakistani Navy, PNS Ghazi which was sunk off the Visakhapatnam Coast on the night of Dec 3rd. Photograph courtesy Bharat-Rakshak.com

The truth behind the Navy's 'sinking' of Ghazi

loll at India
I have put in another thread that even during the war time, we knew that Gazi was sunk because of some accident and not by Indian Navy. Rather INS Vikrant was stuck to Vizag dock because of Gazi's presence.

If Indian Navy claims to have sunk Gazi (there is no definite report on that), I doubt that the honours were bestowed only because of Gazi.

I am sure the Indian Defence does not celebrate downing of Gazi, rather they celebrate, Karachi operation, Bangladesh operation, etc.

Again getting accolades and honours through various means has some pluses and minuses. Some might use wrong methods to achieve those but generally TRUTH prevails. There have been cases with IA also on this. However those are miniscule in numbers and well controlled and rebutted later.

War brings misery to nations, so let us try not to enjoy war mongering or war scenarios.

Let us try to learn from past and build our nations through mutual trust and cooperations. This is what our people need and is most important towards our religions.

Lt General JFR Jacob, (retd), hero of the 1971 India Pakistan war, explains why the Indian Navy destroyed documents related to the sinking of the Pakistani submarine, PNS Ghazi.....

loll at India

This is a very interesting story. I know Gen Jacob second hand and he is a honourable man.

Now then...certainly, I for one thought we'd sunk the Ghazi...although kallol has stated in his earlier post that:

I have put in another thread that even during the war time, we knew that Gazi was sunk because of some accident and not by Indian Navy. Rather INS Vikrant was stuck to Vizag dock because of Gazi's presence.

If Indian Navy claims to have sunk Gazi (there is no definite report on that), I doubt that the honours were bestowed only because of Gazi.

In any case, it was news to me.

Fair enough - from my perspective you have every right to "lol at India". However,you may note that this story broke in India.

I think, in a sense, this reflects some (not a 100%) ability in the system to uncover truths and look at our past dispassionately.

It's good that societies destroy their myths; that is a strength that may prevent us from making more mistakes in the future.
Lt General JFR Jacob, (retd), hero of the 1971 India Pakistan war, explains why the Indian Navy destroyed documents related to the sinking of the Pakistani submarine, PNS Ghazi.

Earlier this month, there were reports that all documents connected with the sinking of the Pakistani submarine PNS Ghazi during the 1971 war had been destroyed by the Indian Navy.

It is not difficult to conjecture the reasons why.

Back in November 1971, our signal intercept units had been monitoring the movements of the Ghazi on her entering the Bay of Bengal. The last intercept we got from the Ghazi was on 27 November. We had been passing on all intercepts to the Navy.

PNS Ghazi blew up due to an internal explosion off the port of Vishakapatnam, probably at the end of November or the beginning of December 1971.

On December 3, I received a call from Vice Admiral Krishnan, Commander of the Eastern Naval Command, who said that fishermen had found some floating wreckage, and that he had gone to the site where the wreckage was found.

Among the debris was a lifebelt with 'Diablo' printed on it. Diablo was the name of the United States Navy submarine that was transferred to the Pakistan Navy and renamed Ghazi.

Krishnan said he had no doubt that the wreckage was that of the Ghazi and that the sinking of the Ghazi was an act of God. He stated that the Navy was unaware that the Ghazi had sunk. He had rewarded the fishermen who had found the wreckage. I told him that there was no threat now to the aircraft carrier INS Vikrant, which had been the prime target of the Ghazi.

On the morning of December 4, Krishnan again called me, asking if I had sent a report on the Ghazi. I replied in the negative, saying that as it was a naval matter, I had presumed that he had done so. He seemed relieved and told me that I should forget our conversation of the previous day and that he was in discussions with the Navy chief, Admiral SM Nanda, in Delhi.

On December 9, the Navy announced that they had sunk the Ghazi on December 4, after the start of the war. Later, officers were decorated for their role and the offensive action of their ships in the sinking of the Ghazi.

After the war, however, teams of divers confirmed that it was an internal explosion that sank the Ghazi. The log of the Ghazi was recovered and the last entry as far as I can recall was on November 29, 1971. Sadly, that too has been destroyed.

The Navy had earlier decided to change the date of Navy Day to December 4, the day they had proclaimed that they had sunk the Ghazi.

But I had spoken to the press regarding the sinking of the Ghazi and later published my conversations with Vice Admiral Krishnan in my book 'Surrender at Dacca' in 1997. The Navy then realised that they could no longer maintain their claims to have sunk the Ghazi on December 4.

The Navy then went on to state that December 4, the new date for Navy Day, marked the start of the war. For the record, the war started on December 3 at 1800 hours, when Pakistan bombed our airfields.

As the old saying goes, truth is the first casualty in war.

General JFR Jacob played a critical role in the 1971 India Pakistan war as the Eastern Command Chief.

Top picture: The Pride of the Pakistani Navy, PNS Ghazi which was sunk off the Visakhapatnam Coast on the night of Dec 3rd. Photograph courtesy Bharat-Rakshak.com

The truth behind the Navy's 'sinking' of Ghazi

loll at India

Even if India didnt sink it,something did,and if it was an act of God,then well what can one say?
RIP fallen sailors...
nice to see some indians honestly accepting the Article and truth of sinking of Ghazi. However, i can understand the feelings of most of other patriot Indians who however can't digest the truth about Ghazi lol

RIP Fallen Soldiers.
Nobody denies 71 as a defeat...we dont have the pathetic i lie,why cry indian mentality.....
But to say tht indian forces were the main reasons would be stupidity,.....country russian help,Bengladeshi civil war and other factors.......wasnt a outright defeat.... was it?
Hop u stop living in a dream world reguarding other Pak-ind Wars?
Coz thts pathetic and sad.

everything is fair in love and war
What is the need of reposting old and same news again and again??

This article is posted 3rd time in PDF.

I think reposting is not allowed as per rules. If we posted something like that it will get deleted. Mods please delete this thread or merge it with old.
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