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The fate of minorities in Pakistan

The Raven

Mar 31, 2020
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Abducted, shackled and forced to marry at 12

Farah, a 12-year-old Christian girl, says she was taken from her home in Pakistan last summer, shackled, forced to convert to Islam and made to marry her kidnapper. It's a fate estimated to befall hundreds of young Christian, Hindu and Sikh women and children in the country each year.
On 25 June, Farah was at home in Faisalabad, Pakistan's third most populous city, with her grandfather, three brothers and two sisters when they heard knocking on their front door. She remembers her grandfather going to open it. Then three men burst in, grabbed Farah and forced her into a van outside.
They warned the family that if they tried to get her back "they'd make us regret it", says Farah's father, Asif, who was at work at the time.
Asif went to the nearest police station to report the crime - even providing the name of one of the abductors, whom Farah's grandfather had recognised - but he says the officers showed little interest in helping.
"They were very unco-operative and refused to register the crime. Not only that but they pushed me around and verbally abused me."
Despite repeated complaints to the police it was three months before they finally registered the incident. And even then they took no action.
During this time, 12-year-old Farah, who'd been driven 70 miles (110km) to a house in the nearby city of Hafizabad, says she was raped, shackled and treated like a slave.
"I was chained most of the time and ordered to clean the abductor's home as well as take care of the animals in the yard outside. It was terrible," she says.
"They'd put chains on my ankles, and tied me with a rope. I tried to cut the rope and get the chains off, but I couldn't manage it. I prayed every night, saying, 'God, please help me.'"

There were about two million Christians in Pakistan at the time of the last census, just over 1% of the total population.
According to human rights organisations as many as 1,000 Christian, Hindu and Sikh girls are abducted each year. Many of them are forced to convert to Islam, because it is widely believed in Pakistan that marriages under the age of 16 are acceptable under Sharia law if both of those marrying are Muslim. And this is what happened in Farah's case: she was forced to convert, then married by her abductor.
The National Council of Churches in Pakistan (NCCP) says the number of such abductions is increasing.
"It's hundreds, hundreds, many girls, many girls. This crime is committed by many people, and the authorities don't do anything," says the NCCP's general secretary, Bishop Victor Azariah.

Farah's desperately worried father, Asif, sought help from his local church, which then organised legal aid for the family.
In early December, after five months of desperate lobbying for the abductor to be arrested and for Farah to be set free, police finally took action.
"Four police came to the abductor's house and told people there that the court had ordered that I must come with them to a police station," says Farah.
On 5 December, her case came before Faisalabad's District and Sessions Courts and the magistrate sent her to a shelter for women and children, while further investigations were carried out.

But once again there was bad news.
While the family waited for a final decision from the courts, police told Farah's father they were dropping their investigation - because Farah said that she had agreed to both the marriage and the conversion.
Farah then repeated this in court on 23 January. But court officials were suspicious that she may have been coerced into making the statement - and Farah says this was indeed the case.
"I said this because the abductor told me that if I didn't he'd first kill me, then murder my father, followed by my brothers and sisters. My whole family. I was really afraid that he'd do this, so I agreed to say what he told me."
Three weeks later on 16 February, nearly eight months after she was taken from her home, judges ruled that Farah's marriage had not been registered properly and was therefore invalid.
She was saved thanks to a technicality - and reunited with her family.

Even when abducted children are rescued, their ordeal is often far from over. In many cases threats are made to abduct them again, or kill family members, and the trauma goes on.
This is what happened in the case of Maria Shahbaz, a 14-year-old Christian girl, who managed to escape after being kidnapped and forced to marry her abductor. She and her family have since been forced to go into hiding following repeated death threats.
In an effort to help Maria, a 12,500-name petition organised by the UK-based charity, Aid to the Church in Need, was recently handed in to the UK government. Signed by more than 30 British parliamentarians, including bishops, peers and MPs, it calls for her to be granted asylum.
Aid to the Church in Need's Spokesman, John Pontifex, says the situation facing many abducted girls and their families in Pakistan has become desperate.
"The trauma these children go through is often compounded by the threats they and their families face after being freed from their abductors. For some, like Maria, asylum in the UK is their only hope of safety."
Pakistan's prime minister, the former cricketer Imran Khan, has ordered an investigation into forced conversion of religious minorities in the predominantly Muslim country.
His special representative on religious harmony, Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi, recently stated: "Forced marriages, forced conversion of religion and abduction of underage girls of other religions in the name of marriages, will not be tolerated."
However, Asif's experience with the police suggests that there is a long way to go. He has pledged to continue his efforts to get the three men accused of abducting his daughter prosecuted.
Farah, now 13, is overjoyed to be at home again, and is recovering from the trauma of what happened to her with the aid of a psychologist. She fervently hopes that action will finally be taken to spare other girls the same fate.
"I pray that God will protect all children in Pakistan, that he will watch over them all."
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I suspect this thread will result in the usual responses of "fake Western kafir propaganda" and a lot of "what about..." arguments, but the more Pakistanis bury their heads in the sand, the more degenerate the society becomes. Before pointing the finger at the hindutva bigots across the border, lets not forget that Pakistan has suffered from religiously inspired right wing politics since the 1980s, the results of which can be seen with the many thousands of dead due to terrorist acts and the fight to combat extremist ideology.

Abducted, shackled and forced to marry at 12
We need strong justice system..
Minorities will get justice automatically when majority gets justice.
Sad but when the majority isn't getting justice, what can one hope for minorities? We have a case of model town, 14 deaths and 7 years, victims still waiting for justice.

That is a garbage excuse.

The atrocities being committed on these minorities are by the "majority". You do not get to sit back, raise your hands and go "hey man, I don't get no justice either". The society itself is the culprit and your attitudes are the reason.

Nothing stops the "majority" from going rabid, taking to the streets, burning every thing down, and asking for the death of the same minorities for a law which is un-Islamic and inhumane. But "hey man, what can we do?"
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Punjab is lucky that these news even make out to the mainstream media.

In Sindh it's a travesty beyond human linguistic capabilities to explain and beyond human strength to even witness.

Inshallah one day application of justice won't be a news in Pakistan
Nothing stops the "majority" from going rabid, taking to the streets, burning every thing down, and asking for the death of the same minorities for a law which is un-Islamic and inhumane. But "hey man, what can we do?"

There is a difference between instigating chaos and demanding/providing justice. No one gets out of their house randomly or individually for some random cause. A leader motivates or provokes the population to rise for a particular cause(and that cause has to be strong enough to motivate people to move). You want to make a stand? There are plenty issues plaguing Pakistan, minorities are just one. Do tell me what judicial/police reforms happened after the "motorway rape case", the whole nation was on the same page for that case no? Do tell me what happened to the model town case? Even leader TuQ/IK were calling for justice for them no?
The atrocities being committed on these minorities are by the "majority". You do not get to sit back, raise your hands and go "hey man, I don't get no justice either". The society itself is the culprit and your attitudes are the reason.

The atrocities being committed on the majority is also by the majority. There is no sitting back when the majority will get justice, minority will also get justice, there is no preferential treatment. An example, do tell me the pedophilia has been wiped from Pakistan.

45:30, do tell me he has wiped this crime from Pakistan, he is in government no? There are issues, over issues, tons and tons of 'em. You worry about one, and scratch it, out pops another one. The leadership and those who are in power have to make, judicial and police reforms.
That is a garbage excuse.

The atrocities being committed on these minorities are by the "majority". You do not get to sit back, raise your hands and go "hey man, I don't get no justice either". The society itself is the culprit and your attitudes are the reason.

Nothing stops the "majority" from going rabid, taking to the streets, burning every thing down, and asking for the death of the same minorities for a law which is un-Islamic and inhumane. But "hey man, what can we do?"

No they're not. The majority of people in Pakistan aren't forcing themselves upon children. The majority of people don't take to the streets for whatever reason, the majority of people suffer the same way the religious minorities do. Just look at Kasur, it seems to be a hotspot for peado's.
That is a garbage excuse.

The atrocities being committed on these minorities are by the "majority". You do not get to sit back, raise your hands and go "hey man, I don't get no justice either". The society itself is the culprit and your attitudes are the reason.

Nothing stops the "majority" from going rabid, taking to the streets, burning every thing down, and asking for the death of the same minorities for a law which is un-Islamic and inhumane. But "hey man, what can we do?"

I personally get where both @Death Professor and @Mujahid Memon are coming from.

Pakistan wasn't created as a home for anyone other than Pakistan's Muslims. When Pakistan is perfect for our people who it was created for than we can talk about kafir's and what we're going to do with them.

India on the other hand was created to be for "everyone", the Muslims that wanted to live next to Hindus opted for that sh*thole instead of pushing for their own independence.

So why even complain about Pakistan when we owe nothing to those "minorities"? Even with how "bad" the situation is for them in Pakistan they're a lot better off than they are in India by their own admission:
Hindus who migrated to India want to return, says NCM chief

I'm curious why aren't you out there 24/7/365 lobbying the Canadian government to start giving the Native Americans, which Canada actually belongs to, justice for horrendous crimes committed against them in their own lands like the Residential School system that robbed them of their culture?

What about campaigning for the native Americans in Canada who have been largely imprisoned on reserves and where, for example, First Nations students get 30 per cent less funding than other children

Can you highlight all the posts and social work you've done locally in Canada fighting for clean drinking water for Native American communities in Canada?
Clean running water still a luxury on many native reserves

Those "minorities" exist in Pakistan because of almost 100 years of British Christian Colonialism that attempted to rob us of our religion, our language and then flooded our ancestral lands with their muppets to destroy us the same way they attempted to destroy a host of other civilizations including those of the Native populations of North America.

You think we're going to "tolerate" that?

When Pakistan's people, it's Muslims, are able to live in prosperity, peace and without the unwanted and hateful influence of kafir's who demean our nation, our peoples and culture then we can talk about anyone else who wishes to live in Pakistan.
No they're not. The majority of people in Pakistan aren't forcing themselves upon children. The majority of people don't take to the streets for whatever reason, the majority of people suffer the same way the religious minorities do. Just look at Kasur, it seems to be a hotspot for peado's.

You've missed the point. He's not saying the majority are doing that, but rather there's nothing to stop them from doing that. Those are two different things and the fact there's nothing to stop the majority from persecuting the minority is the problem.
Give Imran Khan free mandate till the age of 75 or 80.. He seems to be the first civilian leader in a long time (certainly the only one in my lifetime) who really feels wholeheartedly about the progress of Pakistan

Regarding the atrocities on minorities, who are we kidding? Whole of South Asia has this regressive mob mentality , and there is no broadbased movement to inculcate enlightened humanist principles among the masses...This includes even idyllic countries such as Bhutan too (look at their treatment of Nepali minorities)

All the best...may be one day South Asia can have common market and common currency from Herat to Dhaka
The atrocities being committed on the majority is also by the majority. There is no sitting back when the majority will get justice, minority will also get justice, there is no preferential treatment. An example, do tell me the pedophilia has been wiped from Pakistan.

45:30, do tell me he has wiped this crime from Pakistan, he is in government no? There are issues, over issues, tons and tons of 'em. You worry about one, and scratch it, out pops another one. The leadership and those who are in power have to make, judicial and police reforms.
Do Muslim lives matter in Pakistan?
You've missed the point. He's not saying the majority are doing that, but rather there's nothing to stop them from doing that. Those are two different things and the fact there's nothing to stop the majority from persecuting the minority is the problem.

You're right and what should be stopping this sort of thing? Law and order. In our country minorities do face discrimination, but having such a low standard of law enforcement and such a poor judiciary makes the impact of such discrimination even higher.

I think the original comments Krash replied to were stating the very same problem rather than whitewashing over the discrimination.
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