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The Fareed Zakaria episode and the hypocrisy of American media

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Chomsky's status as a millionaire is no secret, just not as publicized as the millionaires he self righteously condemned.

Noam Chomsky interview - Telegraph

Ironic, ain't it? The 'most evil institution' funded his work. The country that he hated allowed him to financially prosper by insulting it.

You are one ignorant fool. Practically the whole of research in computer science up until the 80s was funded by the Pentagon. Even he admits that Pentagon does useful work. What he attacks is the needless wars that USA goes to further its 'empire'. You talk like he wants to disarm American army.
Time and CNN revoke Fareed Zakaria's suspension - The Times of India

WASHINGTON: The Time magazine and CNN on Thursday announced to revoke the suspension of Fareed Zakaria, the noted Indian-American writer and journalist, who was suspended last week by both outlets for alleged plagiarism.

Following a review of the allegations of plagiarism, for which Zakaria has apologized, CNN and Time in separate statement termed it as a "journalistic lapse" and unintentional error and announced that his popular column and the Sunday talk show would now resume.

"We have completed a thorough review of each of Fareed Zakaria's columns for Time and we are entirely satisfied that the language in question in his recent column was an unintentional error and an isolated incident for which he has apologized," Time's statement read.

"We look forward to having Fareed's thoughtful and important voice back in the magazine with his next column in the issue that comes out on Sept 7," it said.

The CNN followed suite.

"CNN has completed its internal review of Fareed Zakaria's work for CNN, including a look back at his Sunday programs, documentaries, and CNN.com blogs. The process was rigorous. "We found nothing that merited continuing the suspension.

Zakaria has apologized for a journalistic lapse. CNN and Zakaria will work together to strengthen further the procedures for his show and blog," the news channel said. "Fareed Zakaria's quality journalism, insightful mind and thoughtful voice meaningfully contribute to the dialogue on global and political issues.

"His public affairs program GPS will return on Sunday, August 26 on CNN/International," CNN said.
You are one ignorant fool. Practically the whole of research in computer science up until the 80s was funded by the Pentagon. Even he admits that Pentagon does useful work. What he attacks is the needless wars that USA goes to further its 'empire'. You talk like he wants to disarm American army.
And you talk like someone who never read Chomsky. He wants more than just to disarm the US military, he want the US gone. But this is not about Chomsky but about the ridiculous argument presented in the article -- that somehow people like Chomsky are ignored by the media. THAT was a good laugh. :lol:
fareed zakaria can rot in hell. a stain. he is that typical hatable indian.....arrogant, cocky and obnoxious rat.
hope the scumbag gets fired.

i was going to say some real nasty things about his agenda and his ancestry, but i will refrain due to mods, because im sure i will get perma banned if i say those things.

So you admit you"re a coward :lol:
And you talk like someone who never read Chomsky. He wants more than just to disarm the US military, he want the US gone. But this is not about Chomsky but about the ridiculous argument presented in the article -- that somehow people like Chomsky are ignored by the media. THAT was a good laugh. :lol:
The article is ridiculous, I agree. If Chomsky writes something, he will have no problem getting it to the public. There are many media outlets ready to lap up whatever he writes. The author is somehow trying to protect Zakaria by picturing him as an unfortunate liberal standing alone against the gun lobby.

But what Chomsky attacks is only the huge military machine and the empire of USA. He wants USA to give up nuclear weapons, but he does not expect USA to disarm completely. And I agree with almost all of his criticism of USA.
The article is ridiculous, I agree. If Chomsky writes something, he will have no problem getting it to the public. There are many media outlets ready to lap up whatever he writes. The author is somehow trying to protect Zakaria by picturing him as an unfortunate liberal standing alone against the gun lobby.

Guns are very much a part of American culture and it'll remain that way. Elections are coming up, so no one is going to touch that subject.

But what Chomsky attacks is only the huge military machine and the empire of USA. He wants USA to give up nuclear weapons, but he does not expect USA to disarm completely. And I agree with almost all of his criticism of USA.

As long as Americans cling on to their 20th century jingoistic beliefs, then it is really impossible.
any muslim who speaks rationally is an anti-muslim...you expect every muslim to talk like a mullah?

I expect a Muslim not to hurt the interest of Muslims, I expect a Muslim to speak in a measured logical fashion even if it goes against majory views.

But Zakaria is not a Muslim so there is no expectation of meeting such high standard.

He is simply a right wing Zionist hindutva nutcase who is making money by parroting nonsense that his masters dictate. He just has a Muslim name and dark skin so his views are given a vaneer of authenticity.

He has sold his soul for money and fame.
The article is ridiculous, I agree. If Chomsky writes something, he will have no problem getting it to the public. There are many media outlets ready to lap up whatever he writes. The author is somehow trying to protect Zakaria by picturing him as an unfortunate liberal standing alone against the gun lobby.

But what Chomsky attacks is only the huge military machine and the empire of USA. He wants USA to give up nuclear weapons, but he does not expect USA to disarm completely. And I agree with almost all of his criticism of USA.
That is all I need to know -- that the article's point about Chomsky et al is politely put as uninformed. The 'what' of Chomsky's attack is a different issue and quite a profitable one for Chomsky et al at that. :lol: We do not see Chomsky et al living lives of monastic poverty here in America. Want to make good money and get immediate 'progressive' street cred? Attack the defense industry of a country that allows the freedom of speech, not the dictatorships'. Chomsky commands and gets at least 4 figures per speech, not counting travel expenses.
Since when is earning money against progressive values? How does what Chomsky says contradict his leanings and life's work? Chomsky does not claim to be a poor guy to support Occupy movement. He does not have to be a poor man to do that. He does a good job of attacking the defense industry of a country that 'does not allow the dictatorships', the same country that would sell arms to both countries in a fight.
People who make speeches without commitment to the cause are easy to catch. As you must be knowing, it is common practice for speakers to take compensation for their speeches. Or for writers for their articles.
Since when is earning money against progressive values? How does what Chomsky says contradict his leanings and life's work? Chomsky does not claim to be a poor guy to support Occupy movement. He does not have to be a poor man to do that. He does a good job of attacking the defense industry of a country that 'does not allow the dictatorships', the same country that would sell arms to both countries in a fight.
People who make speeches without commitment to the cause are easy to catch. As you must be knowing, it is common practice for speakers to take compensation for their speeches. Or for writers for their articles.
Everything you said make Chomsky a hypocrite. He praises of the communists as if YOU do not know the foundation of it: anti-capitalism.

But Chomsky et al are not the focus of my participation in this discussion, which is...

Why is it that a 'dangerous thinker' like Arundhati Roy can be published in the Indian mainstream magazines and newspapers while it's almost impossible to read anything from a Chomsky or a Howard Zinn or even a Jesse Jackson in the American press?

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...e-hypocrisy-american-media.html#ixzz23qXAIsSL
Chomsky et al cannot be millionaires if it is 'almost impossible' to access them. Chomsky and Zinn are academics and for Chomsky -- self appointed 'dissident'. His wealth and freedom in the West made a mockery of the word 'dissident' and diminish those who are/were truly persecuted for their political beliefs. Jackson is also a millionaire as well as a civil rights leader. Anytime there is a black victim of any sort of crime somewhere in America, the potential to receive the moral wrath of Jackson and all he can bring to the table are present. That is a not a bad thing and not what I am talking about. It is the comment above that is so patently false that it defied reality in the opposite direction.
What is plagiarism ??

Using others stuff without mentioning their name in your articles etc...... I find people doing in Asia all the time...but seems like Western are bit more serious about this.
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