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lol hol what ????!!! @OP ?? mate where did you dig this out from . it reads like ULFA propagande article which they used to publish in 80s and 90s.

I read some where 1/3rd of total domestic production..

ULFA and all other are shits!!! I just want to highlight that Assam should have been far more developed...both central and assam gov are to blamed for that....Assam needs a leader like Modi
ULFA and all other are shits!!! I just want to highlight that Assam should have been far more developed...both central and assam gov are to blamed for that....Assam needs a leader like Modi

The title of your thread implies as if rest of India robbed Assam of its natural resources and left it with nothing..
ULFA and all other are shits!!! I just want to highlight that Assam should have been far more developed...both central and assam gov are to blamed for that....Assam needs a leader like Modi

ha ha don know mate , it is hard to argue on hypothetical situations , oil is not the only factor which any way will dry up by 2040 ,..I consider it as a small trade-off against all the securities we get from the other part of the republic .. Frankly nobody knew in 1947 where we would have end up in the future , we could have been a developed state like Singapore or some war ravaged , mineral rich nation of africa , with the latter option more likely,imo, considering the heterogeneous and violence prone nature of our population.. with China ,India ,an Islamic republic and Junta ruled Burma as our neighbours, we could have simply ended up as pawn at the hands of these players..

We are today relatively secure and respected as being part of big democratic nation and we should thank our political leaders for playing the safe bet to decide to join the union, otherwise we would have been ended up as Brunei-Dar Us -salam whatever folk it is .. :P

and if despite all the freedom and opportunity we fail to grow than it is purely our shortcoming and must not blame the center.. and lastly we seriously need some one like Modi here , i asgree with you in that part
The oil is stolen by main land Indians left Assam with nothing.

Only a independent Assam which could fully exploit its own resources and full ownership in it could put it as par with Brunei-DarUs -salam.

interestingly HDI of Assam
(0.534) is higher than that of
Pakistan(0.504) &
After the Ahomyas, the next beneficiaries of Assam Oil should be us,BD. It is for colonial exploitation of Assam's oil, tea, timber and minerals that the North Indians have kept it subjugated under military occupation.
The oil is stolen by main land Indians left Assam with nothing.

Only a independent Assam which could fully exploit its own resources and full ownership in it could put it as par with Brunei-DarUs -salam.

Troll Alert:mod: Bangldeshi Cheerleader's Trolling Feast...
Just look at Bhutan, only with a limited independence it could steeply increased its per capita by only selling water to India. Assam should follow the same path as Bhutan. I am sure Assam will make a far stronger country than Bhutan.

But Bangladesh would be an excellent fishing ground for our country. I think we should annex it.

After the Ahomyas, the next beneficiaries of Assam Oil should be us,BD. It is for colonial exploitation of Assam's oil, tea, timber and minerals that the North Indians have kept it subjugated under military occupation.

Become a part of India and we will think about it.

Otherwise we will make you so in a matter of the next decade.
After the Ahomyas, the next beneficiaries of Assam Oil should be us,BD. It is for colonial exploitation of Assam's oil, tea, timber and minerals that the North Indians have kept it subjugated under military occupation.

wake up, assam is not under military annexation.it's an integral part of India and assame people are in far better conditions than yours
It is nothing wrong in exploring drilling and selling the oil but the state and its people should benefit from it...but assam is still an underdeveloped state inspite of producing oil for more than 100 yrs
In india people of the land never benefit from the resources extracted from their land by outsiders.This is one of the major reason for peoples'dis-satisfaction from the govt.Coz its the govt which is looting its own people.Red corridor of india is the resource rich region but its also the poorest region coz people dont get their share of the money those from outside the region extract and sell these resources.hence the maoist movement takes root.:china:
In india people of the land never benefit from the resources extracted from their land by outsiders.This is one of the major reason for peoples'dis-satisfaction from the govt.Coz its the govt which is looting its own people.Red corridor of india is the resource rich region but its also the poorest region coz people dont get their share of the money those from outside the region extract and sell these resources.hence the maoist movement takes root.:china:

protesting against injustice..bringing the matter to the attention of the people,that is all fine.But rebelling against the state,derailing train..these are acts of aggression against the people of India,and henceforth,they are the enemies of the state.They cold have handled things in a peaceful manner.
protesting against injustice..bringing the matter to the attention of the people,that is all fine.But rebelling against the state,derailing train..these are acts of aggression against the people of India,and henceforth,they are the enemies of the state.They cold have handled things in a peaceful manner.

Yup. All enemies of the state that threaten India's unity or sovereignty need to be crushed with no mercy. Auntiji comes from a country that is the stalwart of human rights btw :lol: She is the first troll aunty Ive met in my entire life :lol:
But Bangladesh would be an excellent fishing ground for our country. I think we should annex it.

Become a part of India and we will think about it.

Otherwise we will make you so in a matter of the next decade.

In a few decades we are going to retrieve all that we had lost to the English Co in 1757, and now occupied by the British agency known as GOI. Yes we are going to advance up to the Rajmahal Hills as soon as the Brahmonic oligarchy of Delhi become sick and weak.
Yup. All enemies of the state that threaten India's unity or sovereignty need to be crushed with no mercy. Auntiji comes from a country that is the stalwart of human rights btw :lol: She is the first troll aunty Ive met in my entire life :lol:

ohh you dont know jana then..I wonder where is she these days..
In a few decades we are going to retrieve all that we had lost to the English Co in 1757, and now occupied by the British agency known as GOI. Yes we are going to advance up to the Rajmahal Hills as soon as the Brahmonic oligarchy of Delhi become sick and weak.

what an idiot..Perhaps Sam Manekshaw would have taken a vacation for a month instead of pressing into East Pakistan if he knew one day some Bangladeshi would comment like this...
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