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The dictator is the one animal who needs to be caged - Z. A. Bhutto



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Aug 1, 2008
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The dictator is the one animal who needs to be caged - Z. A. Bhutto

The dictator is the one animal who needs to be caged - Z. A. Bhutto | Teeth Maestro

The dictator is the one animal who needs to be caged; He betrays his profession and his constitution. He betrays the people and destroys human values. He destroys culture. He binds the youth. He makes the structure collapse. He rules by fluke and freak. He is the scourge and the ogre. He is a leper. Anyone who touches him also becomes a leper. He is the upstart who is devoid of ideals and ideology. Not a single one of them has made a moment’s contribution to history - ZAB

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, a controversial, mercurial, enigmatic, charismatic, politician who himself was killed by Pakistan Army and a American backed Dictator General Zia ul Haq; 30 Years after his death, continues to talk to Pakistan.

After prolonged deliberations, Pakistan’s major political parties which form the ruling collation has decided to move an impeachment motion against self styled ‘President’ and American backed dictator of Pakistan, this must not be a surprise that weak and undeceive political leadership which has faced media-trials, character assassination campaigns by agencies, prisons and exiles have gathered the courage to stand against powerful establishment and a dictator who still holds the power to dissolve the parliament, as, at a certain stage democratic government are unable to take the public pressure and take decisions to avoid the public hostility, despite the fact that these political parties are deteriorating and lack the visionary leader ship because of continuous military rules which survives on destruction of political institutions.

But the real surprised came moments after the collation parties announced their decision to impeach the dictator in a press conference. “Musharraff’s impeachment is an internal affair of Pakistan’, United States of America responded. Historically, US administrations have never been willing to review their foreign policy towards a nation where they have an economic interest or political, geo-military strategic and ideological reasons, no matter what heinous crimes were being committed or detrimental socio-economic policies were being implemented by their puppet dictators, and despite massive protests by the people of the country in question against such dictators the US continued financing and supporting them, the criminal silence of US government on imposition of emergency and dismissal of superior judiciary by General Musharraff is prime example of dictatorship friendly policies of United States.

For decades, the United States has backed the military dictators who have ruled Pakistan. Whether in the name of containing Communism or fighting terrorism, the well-being of the people of the sixth most populated country in the world has been of little concern to Washington policy makers, despite his well-documented human rights abuses, destruction of judicial institutions, torture and kidnapping of journalists, brutal use of force against civil society and lawyers, the Pakistani general, a butcher for his own people and a pet for US has been repeatedly praised by America’s political, academic, and media elites in past. Bush had commended Musharraff’s “courage and vision” while Negroponte told the recent House panel that the dictator was “a committed individual working very hard in the service of his country.” and US has a history of setting up and backing corrupt dictators to serve her agenda, Shah of Iran, Saddam, Ayub Khan, Yahya Khan, Suharto, and Osama Bin Laden, not to mention many South American countries and Middle East, all of them were ‘reliable US allies’ at some point of time.

People of Pakistan clearly understand that the United States shares responsibility for their repression through its unconditional support of the Army dictatorship that denies them their own freedom, the U.S. government’s problem with Pakistan is similar to the one it had with Iran in 1979. The U.S. government placed Iranian Shah in power, which extinguished the rising flames of democracy which resulted in a populist Islamic revolution and extreme anti-American sentiment. Iranian Shah who was equally faithful to God Almighty and US, “I OWE my throne to God, my people, my army - and to you,” sobbed a grateful Shah of Iran to Kermit Roosevelt in August 1953, he massacred thousands of Iranians to prove his loyalty to US and while facing a revolution against him, the Shah of Iran sought help from the United States, Iran occupied a strategic place in U.S. foreign policy toward the Middle East, acting as an island of stability and a buffer against Soviet penetration into the region, the Shah was told that the United States would “back him to the hilt.” At the same time, certain high-level officials in the State Department decided that the Shah had to go, regardless of who replaced him, once ousted Shah traveled from country to country for a shelter, after a short stay for his treatment in US, he was told to leave the country.

“I don’t panic, I am not scared. I have faced death many times. Last time was when I was 7 minutes away from death on Oct 12 1999. I am only scared of God. God has brought me to this point. God has chosen me for leading this country. He will protect and help me.” Musharraff a brutal dictator describes his vision and mission claiming to be chosen by God just ten days after he dismissed a government chosen by people of Pakistan.

To be chosen by God is clearly different form being chosen by CIA and backed by a powerful imperialist state which can push smaller and less powerful countries in to economic and military collapse, whose president claimed that he was “told” by God to attack Iraq and remove Saddam Hussein, once a reliable ally of United States. The shift in US policy clearly indicates that policymakers in Washington has realized the intensity of hatred they have earned by backing another dictator in Pakistan and want to avoid a backlash similar to their foreign policy failure in Iran.

The decision of impeachment of Musharraff seems to be taken after US has decided to pull back its support; the outcome of impeachment motion will be subject to his ability to re-negotiate terms with Washington, however as history suggests that once a dictator becomes a responsibility, US is going to treat him like Shah of Iran.

Will Musharraff be able to get shelter in US, after he is ousted is not difficult to imagine, most probably he will become another Shah of Iran, another leper, no body is willing to touch a leper. A painful example for other US backed dictators.The dictator is the one animal who needs to be caged, this is time for Musharraff, others will follow him!
I hope that applies to the civilian dictatorship of Sharif and Zardari set to emerge in the aftermath of all this.
It appears to be a farce as Bhutto in his tenure was worse than any dictator. He incarcerated many had umpteen No. killed , was a Civilian MLA inspite of being elected.So he should have ben the last person to say that.
Bhutto should have uttered these words when he himself was serving under a dictator as his minister! Hypocrisy is an old habit of our politicians!
Bhutto should have uttered these words when he himself was serving under a dictator as his minister! Hypocrisy is an old habit of our politicians!

He did, extraordinary isn't it, and on 67 he did a mega appearance at from Islamabad to Karachi through train and at every stop thousands supports came cheered for him, and his speech is one of the most exalted speeches ever spoken, he gathered an ocean of people to just say, the Tashkan catastrophe made him spit in dictators face, from that speech on he then contested in elections he won Majority vote from West Pakistan...

He was the most out spoken minister of Pakistan, he was friends with Fatmina Jinnah, he use to meet her frequently, Fatima was arch rival of Ayub Khan, and though he did this Ayub could let him leave his cabinet, he ended up making Party that has been called the largest political party for more than 30 years.
It appears to be a farce as Bhutto in his tenure was worse than any dictator. He incarcerated many had umpteen No. killed , was a Civilian MLA inspite of being elected.So he should have ben the last person to say that.

Prove it.

He was Pakistan's first elected Prime Minister, he is on of those great leaders that brought the Pakistan China friendship that lot of so greatly admire, he was that man who ripped SEATO agreement apart, he brought France closer to us which helped us build our Nuclear system, he created the first autonomous industry for Aircraft industry (KAMRA) at his time there was news that Pakistan soon will be able to build aircrafts, after Bhutto was assassinated France excommunicated with Pakistan, the number great achievements he did was is uncountable. Read history rather than make propaganda.
He did, extraordinary isn't it, and on 67 he did a mega appearance at from Islamabad to Karachi through train and at every stop thousands supports came cheered for him, and his speech is one of the most exalted speeches ever spoken, he gathered an ocean of people to just say, the Tashkan catastrophe made him spit in dictators face, from that speech on he then contested in elections he won Majority vote from West Pakistan...

He was the most out spoken minister of Pakistan, he was friends with Fatmina Jinnah, he use to meet her frequently, Fatima was arch rival of Ayub Khan, and though he did this Ayub could let him leave his cabinet, he ended up making Party that has been called the largest political party for more than 30 years.

He only did that because he knew that Ayub had been weakened greatly. Interceptor, ZAB was an opportunist of the highest order. He did not have the moral courage to stand on his own when he was Ayub's FM. His image has become larger than life due to his death. Overall, ZAB was another wasted talent (due to his selfishness).

I would also add that ZAB had as big a hand in the break up of Pakistan in 1971 as Mujeeb or Yahya (I have my own thoughts about Yahya but that is a different topic). Its just that people don't care to know what went on...his guilt in this whole affair was quickly concealed under the bogus sloganeering of "roti, kapra, makaan", none of which ever realized (and it certainly is not going to get realized under that thug Zardari's leadership).

Lastly, on the topic of this thread, which dictator are we talking about here? Musharraf definitely is not one any longer...although the article is not too late as whosoever comes after Musharraf will definitely be one, albeit in civvies.
Our army rapped Bangladeshi women, they dicriminated the Bangladeshi people when they joined our army, look what happened to MM Alam, who I am distant to his family, he use to live in mosque because he opposed Generals who miss use Pakistani airforce for their own pleasure.

The Bangladeshi blame the Pakistani army for the destruction of Pakistan and ultimatly the split of both nations, Mujeeb's entire family was messcared by army only his daughter survived it.


qYHUJBRRnc4[/media] - Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto-Security Council Speech (15th Dec 1971)
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Prove it.

He was Pakistan's first elected Prime Minister, he is on of those great leaders that brought the Pakistan China friendship that lot of so greatly admire, he was that man who ripped SEATO agreement apart, he brought France closer to us which helped us build our Nuclear system, he created the first autonomous industry for Aircraft industry (KAMRA) at his time there was news that Pakistan soon will be able to build aircrafts, after Bhutto was assassinated France excommunicated with Pakistan, the number great achievements he did was is uncountable. Read history rather than make propaganda.

I do not need to prove anything to you or anybody else. I lived those times, attended the rallies of 1976, saw the fall of East Pakistan and heard his Speeches from 1967to the one where he said "I maybe weak but my chair is strong".I remember the one about the 22 families wherein an open rally he said "Sab Saaley Bhen Chod key Bachey hain"
I lived through the times and saw the faces of the 1300 officers who were dismissed for corruption, some of them so pious, that they would not think of taiking a single paisa away from the poor. I saw my fathers extensiion rescinded, for a simple whim, that he did not respond to a call from Bhutto.
i saw how hate was systematically induced into the Sindhis against Mohajirs , how peopel were systematically persecuted. What I will not ever forget is his role in the fall of East Pakistan.
Do you want more proof? Firstly youdisprove my post about him not taking over athe post of CMLA and then we will go on.

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