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The deep irony of Modi's love for RSS hater Sardar Patel


Aug 11, 2013
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Modi is desperate to become PM.

He knows that he can never shed his communal image, thanks to Godhra and much more. This is why he is taking desperate measures including trying to usurp the secular Sardar Patel. Well, the unfortunate thing for Modi is that the world knows too well about what Patel thought of the RSS (he even banned it and held it responsible for Mahatma Gandhi’s murder).

What the world may not know is that Patel practiced law in Godhra for several years. How ironical that the man tarnished by Godhra is trying to usurp the one who practiced in that same town. Unfortunately for Modi, in today’s connected world, his sham is visible a mile away.

But the sham is not new. It has been going on for some time now, as Modi has tried to acquire a more secular (or at least, less communal) image. First he stopped talking of Ayodhya (leaving the dirty job to his trusted deputy Amit Shah instead). Then he went on to say that toilets came before temples (so what if he was copying Jairam Ramesh). Then he invited Muslims to attend his meetings, even doling out burqas and skull caps (so what if he didn’t wear one himself). And now, he is willing – no, make that desperate – to even fete the man who couldn’t tolerate the RSS. Give him some more time, and Modi may even be willing to get himself branded “Mian Modi”! If only all this could make him – somehow, oh Ram, please somehow – make him the PM!

Let’s be clear.

Patel had extreme dislike for the RSS. He actually banned it in 1948. Here are some statements made by him in letters which are freely available:

On Mahatma Gandhi’s murder: “There is no doubt in my mind the extreme section of the Hindu Mahasbha was involved in this conspiracy”.

On the RSS: The activities of the RSS constituted a clear threat to the existence of the Government and the State.
His famous “poison” statement: The speeches of the Sangh leaders are poisonous. It is as a result of this venom that Mahatma Gandhi has been assassinated.
And shockingly again: The followers of the Sangh have celebrated Gandhiji’s assassination by distributing sweets.

And then speaking in the Lok Sabha in August 1950: You must remember that when the Father of the Nation was murdered, it was by a group of people who belonged to that organisation [Hindu Mahasabha]. I am ready to prove to anybody that there was a group of people there who were determined to take his life.

That aside, Patel’s views on communal politics were well known.

So where does that leave the RSS? Patel was the bête noire of the RSS. And here, Modi is trying to embrace him. We know Modi is a clever politician. And as a true politician, he doesn’t mind doing anything that gets him the moolah (in this case the PM’s chair).

He knows the RSS is a liability, and he is keen to dispense with it (the Congress is already making 2014 a fight between itself and the RSS). But at the same time, he also knows that he is nobody without the RSS. He has to keep the RSS in good humor. The question is just how far he can push it. A little too far, and he could end up like Advani when he praised Jinnah.

In an ideal world, Modi would like to make the RSS an accomplice in his fake secular strategy. Ideally, he would like to become the “statesman”, rising above communal politics a la Vajpayee, while the RSS and its sister organizations should continue with their own usual activities. This way Modi could secure all the votes – those of the extremes and the secular others.

Unfortunately the RSS is not taking to this very kindly. Somebody in the know told me that Modi’s single minded focus to become PM, even if that means adopting the pet peeves of the RSS, is upsetting it to no end.

The RSS realizes that it’s very raison d’etre – that of having a Hindu rashtra – is being played in the game by Modi. How could the RSS tolerate Patel being feted? Has anyone noticed that the RSS has kept a stony silence on this matter? Patel was a beacon of secularism…..how can the RSS come to terms with him?

Remember, Golwalkar, one of the sarsanghchalaks of the RSS, had famously said that the biggest threat India faced was from Muslims (the second was Christians). In a way, Modi is cocking a snook at the RSS. The RSS knows it has been relegated way below Modi himself to a distant second position (it doesn’t like Modi’s I, me, myself style one bit). What should it do? Play along, or call it all off? For now, it appears the RSS may be willing to play along. For it realizes there is no other leader in the BJP who can take it to power. Once the party comes to power (if it does), they can always decide who to make PM!

The same person in the know also said that most BJP leaders were also opposed to Modi. But since the party’s “cadre” was in favor of Modi (maybe because they were disillusioned with all the others?), they had no option but to publicly back him. But if the RSS were to just indicate a little doubt about Modi, these leaders will be out with their barely-concealed knives drawn. Advani, Sushma, Murli Manohar Joshi, Yashwant Sinha will do a flip which will make a roller-coaster feel shy!

The real truth is that Modi is desperate. He doesn’t even mind dancing with the devil. This Sardar Patel event is evidence of that. He will need nimble fingers to handle the RSS, but he knows the RSS’s compulsions. Even the RSS knows it will have to somehow control Modi, but that again is for later. Both the RSS and Modi, are playing games. Right now, both just want to grab power. After that, they can both revert to what they really are…..minority bashers!

Read more at: http://www.firstpost.com/politics/t...dar-patel-1202421.html?utm_source=ref_article
Modi is desperate to become PM.

He knows that he can never shed his communal image, thanks to Godhra and much more.
Once upon a time in the dark days of February.....

The evening mist has just settled. A middle aged man wrapped in a grey shawl waits in the station. Beside him is a cup of tea, long since cold. On his right is a Gujarati newspapers loosely folded. On the paper is a big Motorola cellphone. Just about a hundred meters away a couple of house are filled with strangers. Numbering about 30, they remain in silence waiting for a call from a Motorola wireless transmitter.

A couple of days ago, news came in that women and children were coming in from kar seva. On route to home, they would have to pass through a small station in rural Gujarat. The group were to take part in a small 'welcoming'. As the middle aged man looked at his watch, the station signboard glistened at the passing lights of some nearby car. It read - Godhra.

Substantial preparations were already made for the party. The photographers among them were highly trained and equipped with state of the art equipment. In the dim lights of the night, the surgeons got to work. 31 men were being operated upon. The faces change was to be a surprise - last minute notice from Nagpur HQ. The photographers had previously taken pictures of some local MLAs and other leaders of the Opposition party. The doctors were craft fully replacing their faces with the Congress MLA ones. This sinister design was hatched long ago within the depths of the secret headquarters of the Aar Ess Ess. With the makeshift plastic surgeries completed, the group lay idle waiting for the last few hours for dawn to break.

The man was woken up by the distant shrill of the train coming slowly toward the station. He did not know that he had dozed off for a few minutes. He cursed himself. A little late, and the operation would have failed.He quickly looked at the time. The train was not much late. 5 minutes he estimated for the train to arrive. With practiced hands he opened the newspaper and called with the Motorola to the group of 31, 'The party has arrived.'

In the early morning of Gujarat, history was being made by the most ghastly plans ever. The place that had never seen a single riot would be witness to the world's biggest mass murder over the next 9 years. The sleepy dogs woke up in the noise. All the men came in from several directions dressed in salwars and fez caps. The man was impressed with their new look. From the saffron robes yesterday to the bearded angry men today, he calmly counted them - 31. Over the end of the station were kept 20 cans of 5litre jerry cans filled with petrol - requisitioned from a few tractors in the locality. They should come in handy, the man chuckled. After a nerve wracking few minutes, the train came into full view. As rehearsed the men blocked the railroad. The driver slowed the train and finally stopped it. It was not unusual to stop trains for showing grievances. It was then that the crew started working in perfect harmony - locking up the carriage earmarked by a railway official. The shrieks of the women and children were drowned by the roar of the murderous mob. The place was bathed in patrol and without any preparation or giving any time, it was lit. The man looked at the time on his watch. Two and a half minutes late, he gasped. Never mind, he said to himself and kept down the newspaper on the station bench. The black smoke, cries of women and children slowly gave way to the acrid smell of burnt flesh. The crew looked around for the man who guided them. They called the Motorola phone. It rang on the bench, neatly kept on the folded newspaper.

Later in the morning - The canteen boy came in to deliver the breakfast to the chief minister. He had been working there for decades and had access everywhere. "Do you know kar sevaks were burnt in Godhra today, every one is worried and tense?" The CM sipped his tea, raised his hand, smiled a little looked at him in his eyes and said, "You forgot to bring the sandwiches".

This is what Teesta believes in.
@Dillinger @Hyperion - How is this?
Why are we seeing this as a ...Vs RSS event ?

Modi is promoting Patel as a son of Gujarat who stood up for what India is . There is no doubt that had Sardar Patel not been the Home minister and had he not been an assertive person that he was , besides East & West Pakistan there may have been a South & SW Pakistan too not to talk of J&K not being India.

Modi is occupying the space the Congress has created by its obsessive pro minority stance.

He is making the statue in Gujarat so whats anyone's concern ? MMS stood 7 took credit for a man who belonged to his party. Thats where the similarity between the two ends. Patel had a mind , tongue & hands of his own.

Modi is not as desprate to be the PM as the nation is desperate for a PM ( not necessarily Modi) who acts.
This is one sh*t article.
Shows the frustation that congress paid media personels. Whats wrong if he wants to be PM. They will never talk of misgovernance/scams in UPA regime.
And the last line says it all.
The author certainly is either from minority community and is still living in 2002 or is congressy.
This is one sh*t article.
Shows the frustation that congress paid media personels. Whats wrong if he wants to be PM. They will never talk of misgovernance/scams in UPA regime.
And the last line says it all.
The author certainly is either from minority community and is still living in 2002 or is congressy.
The Author is Prashant Pandey a known Modi basher. Every day he writes an anti Modi blog called "The Real Truth" in the Times of India.

Just ignore his rants.
lol.. suddenly Congress wants to jump in & take the credit for Sardar Patel. For so long they shunned anyone & everyone who is not a Nehru or Gandhi. But when Modi wanted to bring Sardar Patel to the limelight, congress suddenly realized how close Mr Patel was to their ideology & averse to other's. Talk about clutching at straws...
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What has Modi to do with it?
It is the Govt of Gujarat that's honoring Sardar Patel. The Prime Minister was there in Gujarat a couple of days ago where the Prime Minister of India and the Chief Minister of Gujarat jointly inaugurated a museum dedicated to Sardar Patel.
The Congress, that Sardar Patel belonged to, was killed by none other than Indira Gandhi when she broke it to form the Congress(R) in 1967. Now this morally bankrupt Congress Party claims everything of India as if its Congress's. These congress men have completely side tracked some great stalwarts of the Independence Movement, such as Sardar Patel, C. Rajagopalachari and Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, just to please the Nehru/Gandhi family. The time has come for the people of India to know the real freedom struggle and it was not Rajiv Gandhi and Indira Gandhi who made the ultimate sacrifice for the country, there are far greater leaders which need to be honored equally or more.
Modi is big feku and Hypocrite.

1.) All of his life Sardar Patel remain secular and congressmen till death.

2.) Sardar Patel have always opposed RSS and even banned it.

3.) Sardar Patel calls RSS as posing Indian minds and dividing India as per the wishes of their British masters.

4.) Now, feku Modi is playing a congressmen against another patel against nehru/gandhi to divide and rule.

He and bjp people are so stupid. If Sardar Patel does something great its his personal achievement not of the congress or nehru or govt. of India.

But even if A Raja (who is from DMK not congress) does 2G scam they calls manmohan singh or congress chor.

You can't pick and choose.
Indira broke the Congress than how come they say Sardar Patel belonged to same party?
Modi is big feku and Hypocrite.

1.) All of his life Sardar Patel remain secular and congressmen till death.

2.) Sardar Patel have always opposed RSS and even banned it.

3.) Sardar Patel calls RSS as posing Indian minds and dividing India as per the wishes of their British masters.

4.) Now, feku Modi is playing a congressmen against another patel against nehru/gandhi to divide and rule.

He and bjp people are so stupid. If Sardar Patel does something great its his personal achievement not of the congress or nehru or govt. of India.

But even if A Raja (who is from DMK not congress) does 2G scam they calls manmohan singh or congress chor.

You can't pick and choose.

Lets for a moment assume that all the superlatives that you have laden on Narendra Modi are true, but does that take away his rights as an Indian to pay respect to one of the greatest figure of our freedom struggle?

For the last 45 years we been hearing India is Indira and Indira is India. This is the guru-mantra that every congressman keeps harping upon, now Indira is replaced by Madam Sonia, but the sycophancy remains the same. Just look at all the social welfare schemes being run by the govt wherever congress is in power. You dont matter if you don't have a lineage to Nehru. They have pushed every other Indian leader in dark desolate corners of history. Then they claim Sardar Patel to be one of theirs when even they didn't remember him till Modi reminded that there were others too in the Indian Freedom struggle other than Nehru/Indira Gandhi.

Sardar Vallabhai Patel was a true congressman, a congress which was formed by A.O. Hume and had stalwarts like Annie Besant. This Indian National Congress was a place for true nationalists, forward thinkers and not the Cong(I) of today, to which Madam Sonia and Manmohan Singh belongs. None of the BJP members have denied that he wasn't a congressman, but its not the congress to which Madam Sonia and Manmohan Singh belong.

For informations sake, RSS is not part Gujarat govt. and doesn't take decision on behalf of Gujarat govt. This commissioning of the statue and museum is done by the govt of Gujarat and is being promoted by the Chief Minister himself.

As for A. Raja, there is a reason why people call Congress chor, did A. Raja had powers of taking independent decisions?, when each and every directives comes from NAC, be it any ministry. A. Raja voluntarily asked to depose before the 2G-JPC but was denied by Shri P.C. Chako, the chairman of the probe commitee, strangely he also happens to be a Congressman. Congress is trying like hell to save its a** big time, and they are taking every means possible, because if this can of worms did open, they will find the whole top brass of Congress neck deep into corruption.
How about some FACTS to counter propaganda ?

1. It must be remembered that Mahatma Gandhi himself wanted the Congress to be disbanded. In the the Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi — Volume 90, Gandhi says [t]hough split into two, India having attained political independence through means devised by the Indian National Congress, the Congress in its present shape and form, i.e., as a propaganda vehicle and parliamentary machine has outlived its use. Therefore, what must be first questioned is the breach of trust of Mahatma Gandhi by Nehru. Nehru and his followers conveniently brushed Gandhi aside and continued with Congress-as-the-propaganda-vehicle even in Independent India, trying to crush all opposition that came their way.

2. Sardar Patel was one of the first persons to ask the RSS to merge with the Congress and join politics. This event occurred almost immediately after Independence. It was Guru Golwalkar who politely refused holding that there are many ways of serving the country, and that the RSS had no intention to join politics.

3. Nehru was primarily a politically insecure person.Nehru wanted to scuttle Sardar Patel's Hyderabad Plan - Operation Polo One can refer to his many attempts to sideline strong leaders and movements. Nehru’s insecurity was finally put to rest in 1949 when he invited the RSS for the Republic Day parade after having convinced himself that the RSS was not his political rival. This insecurity persists to this day in the anti-Hindu establishment that continues to rule India.

4. Over 80,000 Swayamsevaks were jailed during Indira Gandhi’s dark regime of the Emergency. These Swayamsevaks along with others fought Mrs. Gandhi’s tyrannical regime from within the jail. If Indians today enjoy democracy, it is because of the sacrifice of those 80000 RSS men.

5. Now how about some Historical facts regarding the 'BAN' on RSS by Patel ?

This is what the Government Communiqué, which banned RSS on 04th February 1948, said:

“It has been found that in several parts of the country individual members of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh have indulged in acts of violence involving arson, robbery, dacoity, and murder and have collected illicit arms and ammunitions. They have been found circulating leaflets exhorting people to resort to terrorist methods, to collect fire arms, to create disaffection against the Government and suborn the Police and the Military.”

This was five days after Gandhiji’s assassination. Just three weeks before the assassination, on 06th Jan 1948, Sardar Patel issued a statement that was directly contrary to what was mentioned about the Sangh in the ban-communiqué. Targeting his own party men, he said:

“In the Congress those who are in power feel that by virtue of their authority they will be able to crush the RSS by danda(force)…danda is meant for dacoits and thieves…The RSS men are not thieves and dacoits. They are patriots…only their trend of thought is diverted” (“The Hindu”, Madras dated 7th Jan. 1948.).

It was clear that of these Congress men “in power”, Nehru was foremost in wanting to use the danda against the RSS. Even just before Gandhiji’s assassination, on 29th Jan at Amritsar, Nehru had vowed to “demolish” the RSS. Gandhiji’s assassination was just an excuse.

As out that soon after the ban Golwalkar issued a statement disbanding the RSS in abidance of the law. Right from the date of the ban and his subsequent arrest, Golwalkar had been writing letters after letters challenging the government to prove any of the allegations contained in the ban-communiqué.

In a letter dated 03rd Nov, he told Nehru that it is most unfair to “level charges…allow private individuals and parties to carry on a campaign of vilification against us under cover of the Government bail and at the same time gag us by use of Emergency Legislations like Public Safety Acts.”

He repeatedly challenged Nehru and Patel to either provide evidence in support of the allegations or lift the ban. In a letter addressed to Nehru, Golwalkar pointedly asked “if really the Central and Provincial Government are in possession of incriminating evidence against the R.S.S. or certain of its members, is it not right to expect at least a few successful prosecutions against the alleged wrong-doers?”

After initially refusing to respond to several letters, Nehru wrote to Golwalkar on 10th Nov, 1948 shifting the entire responsibility to the Home Ministry and declining Golwalkar’s request to meet him. It was therefore left entirely to Patel to defend the continuance of the ban. Patel did write a scathing letter to Golwalkar on 11th August- the letter which forms the cornerstone of any anti RSS propaganda.

However in a letter written soon thereafter Patel claimed that the ban was only a result of feedback from provincial governments and urged the Sangh “to adopt fresh lines of technique and policy (which) can be only according to the rules of the Congress.” Patel was reiterating his old demand that the RSS should merge with the Congress.
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Lastly the most important final Truth.

Both Mahatma Gandhi and Sardar Patel were NOT Congress Leaders. They were INDIAN Leaders and ALL INDIANS an claim them as their OWN Leader.

Today BJP is the true inheritor of Mahatma Gandhi and Sardar Patel. Congress is the true inheritor of the British elitist govt. implementing the 'divide and rule' police. That is the final reality.
1.) All of his life Sardar Patel remain secular and congressmen till death.

Sardar Patel was the original congressman who supported Partition as an inevitability, and helped Nehru come to terms with it. Patel also thought that the onus was on Muslims to defeat suspicions about the actions of some of their co-religionists in the pre-Partition days. Of course he was seclar. Sardar Patel was as seclar as Narendra Modi :lol:

2.) Sardar Patel have always opposed RSS and even banned it.

WRONG. Sardar Patel wanted RSS to join the Congress, both before Gandhi's death and after Gandhi's death. :lol:. He did ban it immediately after Gandhi's death but soon removed the ban and again asked RSS to join the congress.

3.) Sardar Patel calls RSS as posing Indian minds and dividing India as per the wishes of their British masters.

Patel was a practising Hindu who, perhaps by his open support for the orthodox Hindu stream in the Congress, Rajendra Prasad and Purshottam Das Tandon, raised Nehru's hackles — until Gandhi intervened and requested Patel to sink his differences with Nehru.

4.) Now, feku Modi is playing a congressmen against another patel against nehru/gandhi to divide and rule.

And Mulla zakir is playing the fool by ignoring the fact the Congress has been DIVIDED multiple times after Independence. The latest being YSR Congress :lol: No need for Modi to divide the congress.

He and bjp people are so stupid. If Sardar Patel does something great its his personal achievement not of the congress or nehru or govt. of India.
LOL. BJP is honoring Sardar Patels achievements. So why get your panties in a twist ? So who is the stupid one here ?

But even if A Raja (who is from DMK not congress) does 2G scam they calls manmohan singh or congress chor.

You can't pick and choose.

Of course Raja can call MMS and congress Chor. LOL....... you do not want to call a chor a chor ?
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