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The clock is ticking!!!


Feb 2, 2019
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there is an old saying you must strike the iron when it is red hot and the iron of people's anger is red hot, Imran khan is hesitant to strike it like Hamlet was hesitant to kill his opponent ( hope he wouldn't end like Hamlet).
Politics is all about making the right decisions at right time. Right now people are angry but they will not remain angry, with every passing day their anger will go down. Imran Khan must use this anger before it's too late. He should use the lava of that anger to destroy this filthy chor hakumat.
Although khan's fan base remains there, he couldn't be in a position to dictate the establishment and the state machinery later. And the people of Pakistan also didn't want this impotent government they want khan back in power so a change of power will be easy now than later.
Here is what khan must demand in his Lahore julsa he must ask for immediate dissolution of the current regime and a caretaker government with elections in the next 3 months with Bajwa's resignation. Khan needs to make this decision fast before it's too late. Pakistan can't tolerate this regime they are a bunch of corrupt criminals who will destroy the economy within weeks. khan needs to think about his nation and do the right thing and Bajwa will back down as he is a political general, not a true soldier.
He was slow to act:

-Replacing Bajwa when issue with DG ISI appointment was raised.
- Slow to act when he was made aware of the conspiracy.
- Slow to act again when it was clear that Bajwa was part of conspiracy and US approved Bajwa appointed DG ISI is blind siding him.

Things could have been different for him, if he sacked Bajwa and Replaced DG ISI for their inaction on foreign conspiracy.
He was slow to act:

-Replacing Bajwa when issue with DG ISI appointment was raised.
- Slow to act when he was made aware of the conspiracy.
- Slow to act again when it was clear that Bajwa was part of conspiracy and US approved Bajwa appointed DG ISI is blind siding him.

Things could have been different for him, if he sacked Bajwa and Replaced DG ISI for their inaction on foreign conspiracy.
right khan is playing a test match while things are moving fast at the speed of light. He needs to hit shots soon before it's too late. it will be late for his political life as well as the economy of Pakistan.
He was slow to act:

-Replacing Bajwa when issue with DG ISI appointment was raised.
- Slow to act when he was made aware of the conspiracy.
- Slow to act again when it was clear that Bajwa was part of conspiracy and US approved Bajwa appointed DG ISI is blind siding him.

Things could have been different for him, if he sacked Bajwa and Replaced DG ISI for their inaction on foreign conspiracy.
Removing Bajwa at any point (before April 10th, when he fully exposed himself by opening IHC at 12 AM) would not have worked. Bajwa would just have gotten a stay order (like he had planned on night of no confidence) and the entire army would've rallied behind him against a move that they would interpret as IK's attack on military autonomy.
Now is the only time that IK can strike. It's because not only is Bajwa hugely unpopular in the public, he seems deeply rattled by how much resentment is brewing in army ranks. Just a few curse words on twitter has shook Pindi to the core and forced him to call a Field Commander meeting.

Aage aage dekhte hain hota hai kya. But one thing is for certain, IK won the game of nerves and caused Bajwa to blink first. This has made a sitting COAS deeply unpopular within his own ranks and shifted the mood in IK's favour
IK should take off the gloves now. Pakistan has reached a point where all the corrupt should be named and shamed and they can't hide behind the narrative "we are protectors .....", because clearly they are not, they only protect their own institution, their own powers and their own kursi and their own properties. We have all the respect to jawans, captains, even all the way till colonels but after that they are either corrupt or compromised.
Under the heavy constraints, IK is moving correctly.
I'd rather go with what Sabir Shakir said yesterday " Khan sahab stick with the narrative and don't get involved in unnecessary stuff/comments at the moment" focus on elections, the people are with you. Just saw IHC asked for a list of gift IK received during his tenure. I don't remember these goons asked Noora or Ghaddari for such? Or phir maa k laaal kehte Hain we're sincere.

Under the heavy constraints, IK is moving correctly.
One thing is for sure that the people around him are either not 100% sincere or lack wisdom. Remarks on Farigh Qazi are not going to help as everyone will turn their guns towards IK.
IK has tried every possible legal move, Dharna for 6 months, judicial commissions, peaceful protests.... Nothing good ever came out.

The Prime Minister who started initiative for Langar Khana (food stamps), shelter for poor, free education, health. and what did he get in return? PTI Government overthrown by puppets on orders of West.

The system is rigged. rotten. corrupt. tumorous.

When Imran Khan speaks for the right for the people, the traitors in this dysfunctional system start making excuses, they spin a washing machine full of lies covered in curtains of hope. In the end, criminals are given bail, cases dismissed, gangsters roam free.

Nothing good will ever come out of this system, you can't throw pebbles when your adversary is firing ballistic missiles at your home.

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