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The China vs. India News War

It was you who back stabbed us remember?

First you said Hindi Chini bhai bhai (notice that it is in Hindi, NOT in Chinese).

Then in 1959 you hosted our largest separatist group, just after they failed to violently overthrow the Chinese government.

Then in 1962 you started the Forward Policy against us, which was the beginning of the Sino-Indian War.

Even though we were in the middle of the worst famine in Chinese history, the Great leap forward!

You attacked us while we were on the verge of collapse from starvation, and surrounded on all sides by two enemy superpowers (USA and Soviets).

Yet you still lost. And you have only yourself to blame. Your back stabbing failed.

I dont think we attacked? correct me if i am wrong.
Unfortunately, the long term interests of China and India do not seem to converge because China is becoming increasingly aggressive.

In line with BJP's policy, Modi is likely to align strongly with Israel and the USA.....expect far more tech transfer to India in the future. India first has to "solve" the Pakistan problem, after which it will be ready for bigger roles. Expect the US to help India "solve" the Pak problem in exchange for its role in deterring China. US, in any case, is already tackling the Pak problem by inducing civil war in the country.

Indian foreign policy is generally stable across governments. With Modi, pro- Israel tilt will be marked.....For China, there will be no overt changes on surface as the two countries continue sharpening their daggers.
How? by revealing Indians don't have enough toilets?

Why would USA work with him when he is not even allow to come to America. He would be treated as a 3rd world dictator by DC if he become the Indian leader.
The last those Yankee wanna see is Modi become PM of India.
I dont think we attacked? correct me if i am wrong.

Lots of Indians say Nehru is gullible, actually he is very smart chance taker. The only mistakes he had ever done was underestimating the determination of Chinese defending our own territory. Nehru goverment chosed to attack China at our weakest time, he should be responsible for all the consequence.
If you believe western and Indian media, then China is the warmonger. However if you care to study history, then China is not the warmonger; China only response to events; sometime with deadly force. Take the example of the Indian invasion of Goa and contrast it with the peaceful handover of Macao to China by Portugal. Any neutral person can see the difference. Also closely examine the events of1962, it is India, not China, that is responsible for starting the chain of events that led to War.


we have seen peaceful take over Tibet, Xinjiang. :cheesy:

Peaceful participation of China in Korean War. :angel:

Playfull jostling with Soviets :)

Very peaceful friendly humanitarian invasion of Vietnam in 1979. :lol:

Friendly water games with Taiwan in the 3 Taiwan strait crisis. :woot:

Peacefully nature of China is dependent on her military capability

we have seen peaceful take over Tibet, Xinjiang. :cheesy:

Peaceful participation of China in Korean War. :angel:

Playfull jostling with Soviets :)

Very peaceful friendly humanitarian invasion of Vietnam in 1979. :lol:

Friendly water games with Taiwan in the 3 Taiwan strait crisis. :woot:

Peacefully nature of China is dependent on her military capability

Ok lets play a game,

India "peacefully" takes over Kashmir

India "peacefully" takes over Goa

India "peacefully" takes over Hyderabad

India "peacefully" interferes in East Pakistan 1971

Peacefully nature of India is dependent on her military capability

we have seen peaceful take over Tibet, Xinjiang. :cheesy:

Peaceful participation of China in Korean War. :angel:

Playfull jostling with Soviets :)

Very peaceful friendly humanitarian invasion of Vietnam in 1979. :lol:

Friendly water games with Taiwan in the 3 Taiwan strait crisis. :woot:

Peacefully nature of China is dependent on her military capability

Please study history; not blindly believing in propaganda with heavy doses of sarcasm. Please do your own research on all the world events that leads to all these terrible wars and conflicts. You will find your answers. Do well to remember that countries don't have friends; only national interests.
A neutral studies look at the events that led to war. War don't just happen. It is always a series of events that happens that led to war.

I agree the forward policy taken by the Indian forces was the cause. But to make a statement that we attacked is wrong. The Chinese knew well in advance that India had no intentions of waging a war. We were outnumbered outgunned and our soldiers did not even have winter clothing.

So to make a claim that we attacked is false.
Lots of Indians say Nehru is gullible, actually he is very smart chance taker. The only mistakes he had ever done was underestimating the determination of Chinese defending our own territory. Nehru goverment chosed to attack China at our weakest time, he should be responsible for all the consequence.

Just check the size of the Indian army in 1962 and the kind of weapons we used. Just by reading about our army you will realize that we were in no position to attack. The soldiers fought in summer clothing on icy heights.

It is a misunderstanding or misquoting the Chinese just used a loose worded statement from Nehru as a deceleration of war but in reality Nehru made such a statement because he was aware that China would not wage a war.

It was an assumption that we believed but the reverse happened. We initiated the forward policy the Chinese patiently tried to persuade us from indulging in it but we didn't stop and finally they were left with no option.

1962 was planned for months cold & calculated it was more of a political war (China wanted to teach India a lesson) and I think we should move forward now that the lesson is learnt.
I agree the forward policy taken by the Indian forces was the cause. But to make a statement that we attacked is wrong. The Chinese knew well in advance that India had no intentions of waging a war. We were outnumbered outgunned and our soldiers did not even have winter clothing.

So to make a claim that we attacked is false.

According to Carl Von Clausewitz: "War is an extension of politics by other means..."

Based on the above premises let us examine the immediate events that led to war.

Sept 1959. Mao has ordered the withdrawal of the PLA 20 km; even if India disagree; China will unilaterally withdraw 20 km.

Nov 1960. India implement forward policy and China responded. We all know what happen in 1962 when deadly force was used.

Of course there are many more events that happen prior to 1959. What I am trying to show is that India is no angel during 1962, there are no good guys in geopolitics, only national interests.
According to Carl Von Clausewitz: "War is an extension of politics by other means..."

Based on the above premises let us examine the immediate events that led to war.

Sept 1959. Mao has ordered the withdrawal of the PLA 20 km; even if India disagree; China will unilaterally withdraw 20 km.

Nov 1960. India implement forward policy and China responded. We all know what happen in 1962 when deadly force was used.

Of course there are many more events that happen prior to 1959. What I am trying to show is that India is no angel during 1962, there are no good guys in geopolitics, only national interests.

Ya I agree we made policy mistakes. :tup: and your post just summarized what i feel.
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