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The Child-Murderer alias Al-Asshead's barrel bombs kill 517 civilians in a fortnight

Arabs number nearly 500 million people. The second biggest ethnic group in the world. Although loss of life is very regrettable the Syrian conflict, as horrible as it is, is just a drop of water in the ocean. I think that the population of Syria has been growing during the war and not declining. Anyway this is irrelevant to the horrors committed by the Nusayri regime on civilian Syrian children by the thousands.

Compared to the suffering of Iran in the past 100 years from destructive wars, famines, migrations in the millions to what not this is still not at the same level if comparisons are to be made on this thread where they do not belong.

what about the financial and military supporters of military junta in egypt that has also killed thousands of egyptians????????????

So when are you going to compare WW2 with the Anglo-Zanzibar War?

Derailing the topic tells me that your sole purpose is to ignore the facts put forward in this thread that put you in an disadvantage as a supporter of the Child-Murderer and his criminal Nusayri regime.

Also I do not think that we have crossed paths before on PDF but I see that you have been observing me.

I don't know whether this news is true or not .

But this is sad to see innocent people form both sides dying easily .

I hope this war ends in favor of Syrians as soon as possible .


So the majority of the civilians including the vast majority of the children that have been killed by Al-Asshead's criminal Nusayri regime are just propaganda for the day?

We are not talking about some rag-tag militias or your ordinary ME terrorist. No, this is supposed to be the "elected" president and head of state. It's basically state sponsored and systematic terror. Syria is a state actor.

Al-Asshead has killed 4 times the amount of fellow Arabs that Israel have done since its founding in 1947 if my memory serves me right. In just a little over 3 years times! Well not only Arabs. He has killed thousands of Turkmens, Kurds etc.
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Please.....tell us about how bad bloodshed is while you have Q. Sulimani's picture as your avatar.
Sulimani is hero he humiliated your terrorists and your American masters and humiliated their dog saddam
Arabs number nearly 500 million people. The second biggest ethnic group in the world.

I have a hard time classifying Arab as a race. To me its more like a culture or a language that was adopted by many ethnic groups. Perhaps we can say Arabs are part of the Semitic "race"? meh that's a whole different subject will leave it to that.
I have a hard time classifying Arab as a race. To me its more like a culture or a language that was adopted by many ethnic groups. Perhaps we can say Arabs are part of the Semitic "race"? meh that's a whole different subject will leave it to that.

By that logic (which few accept) there is nothing called Persian, Turkic, French, Italian etc. (basically every ethnic group in the world outside of a few isolated groups of people) since those are basically a bunch of people who belong to different haplogroups but now make up a distinct "race" based on language, culture and a shared history and shared land that most of their ancestors have lived in for an certain amount of time.

In any case whether we are talking about an Saudi Arabian, Yemeni, Iraqi, Lebanese, Syrian, Egyptian etc. all of those are Middle Eastern people, neighbors and they share an Arab past let alone an very ancient Semitic past and share largely the same few haplogroups. If you look at race by just looking at the DNA and genetics and not culture, language, common history etc.

In any case this is irrelevant to this thread and this will probably now turn into a race thread as often is the case on PDF.

The point was also, yes Arabs are dying in Syria but at the same time the number of Arabs are increasing not only in Syria but everywhere else. It was just a reply to that Iranian clown.
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Sulimani is hero he humiliated your terrorists and your American masters and humiliated their dog saddam

No worries Salman, he is a hero in your own book. You are entitled to say that. Sa7 3aleek;).
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I'm Arabian and i don't wish death upon Iranians. On the other hand, I've got many persian friends/cousins who would love to see the U.S/U.K. bombing those nutty ayatollahs. They even have a community here that calls just for that i have attended once.
Traitors exist in every community.
By that logic (which few accept) there is nothing called Persian, Turkic, French, Italian etc. since those are basically a bunch of people who belong to different haplogroups but now make up a distinct "race" based on language, culture and a shared history and shared land that most of their ancestors have lived in for an certain amount of time.

In any case whether we are talking about an Saudi Arabian, Yemeni, Iraqi, Lebanese, Syrian, Egyptian etc. all of those are Middle Eastern people, neighbors and they share an Arab past let alone an very ancient Semitic past and share largely the same few haplogroups. If you look at race by just looking at the DNA and genetics and not culture, language, common history etc.

In any case this is irrelevant to this thread and this will probably now turn into a race thread as often is the case on PDF.

The point was also, yes Arabs are dying in Syria but at the same time the number of Arabs are increasing not only in Syria but everywhere else. It was just a reply to that Iranian clown.
Majority of the so called Arabs are arabized like Egypt and North Africa and levant
The only Arabs are the people live in Arabia there are many of them are not Arabs like Indian Pakistani Bangladesh
Majority of the so called Arabs are arabized like Egypt and North Africa and levant
The only Arabs are the people live in Arabia there are many of them are not Arabs like Indian Pakistani Bangladesh

There is nothing called Persians or Iranians. Just a mixture of ancient Semites, Arabs, Turks, Mongols, Gypsies and a few Central Asian nomads originally from the Kazakh Steppes (Andronovo) that ended up dominating and who introduced their language and culturally conquered the locals.

Whether Arabs or not they are all Semites which is more of a race anyway. In any case neither culture, language, history nor genetics support your claim.
There is nothing called Persians or Iranians. Just a mixture of ancient Semites, Arabs, Turks, Mongols, Gypsies and a few Central Asian nomads originally from the Kazakh Steppes (Andronovo) that ended up dominating and who introduced their language and culturally conquered the locals.

Whether Arabs or not they are all Semites which is more of a race anyway. In any case neither culture, language, history nor genetics support your claim.
You are arabized Iranian sayyid your family came from Qom your family were from Mecca than moved to Iran than they returned to Mecca again
but I think your are arabized Persian from Mashhad
Hitler have nothing to do with Jews its BS they say he have amazegh Berber DNA :lol:


DNA on a serviette was taken from Alexander Stuart-Houston (now aged 61), a grand-nephew of Hitler

'Hitler was descended from Jews and Africans' DNA tests reveal | Mail Online

So DNA of his male relatives is now lying? Never knew that DNA can lie.

Besides no ethnic group can claim any haplogroups. You have people belonging to the same haplogroups across the whole world. The only difference is that some haplogroups are more common in certain regions than others.

Anyway the TOPIC is not this nonsense is it?

Stick to the topic.
I'm Arabian and i don't wish death upon Iranians. On the other hand, I've got many persian friends/cousins who would love to see the U.S/U.K. bombing those nutty ayatollahs. They even have a community here that calls just for that i have attended once.

Forgive me for the excessive curiosity, do you really have Persian cousins? Not that there is anything inherently bad with that, but it is very unusual for Saudis to intermarry with Persians.
Forgive me for the excessive curiosity, do you really have Persian cousins? Not that there is anything inherently bad with that, but it is very unusual for Saudis to intermarry with Persians.

Both my parents are Arabs. My grandad however found love in bushehr. Although gran's mother tongue was parsi she spoke arabic perfectly with a khaliji accent and never actually have heard her speak parsi and that always got me to wonder about the possibility of your mother tongue to fade away lol

We've only came in contact with our cousins like 3-4 years ago.
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