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The Case for Impeaching Barack Obama

Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic
He will pay to the people and terrorism he support may the terrorists turn their guns against him
The Case for Impeaching Barack Hussein Obama for Supporting Terrorists in Syria - Western Journalism

It makes the case why US President Barack Obama must be impeached for supporting terrorist organizations in Syria that are aiming to topple the secular government in Damascus led by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

The Case for Impeaching Barack Hussein Obama for Supporting Terrorists in Syria - Western Journalism - YouTube

Nice collection of false (or at least very disputed) claims, and 'analysis' by American radiohosts who will say anything to stick it to their democrat opponents, you got there.

The western allies of the *moderate* Syrian rebels have from what I can see in the many newssources I read daily, been very cautious not to supply alQuada troops in Syria with weapons. Evidence of this I find in the lack of military progress the rebels have made over the past months.

I do acknowledge that western allies of the moderate rebels in Syria have not done enough to get the moderate rebel leadership to (a) continually publicly AND privately renounce all 'help' from extremists/terrorists, and (b) get them to adopt alternative non-military strategies (allowing Assad to stay in power under the condition that his leadership be reasonable about petitions organized by the rebels and their civilian supporters, for instance, instead of (mass-)outdoor demonstrations).
I'm ALL IN for impeaching the socialist dirtbag Obama, but not because of the fantasies in the article.:usflag:
He's a zionist who did nothing except wars

His Obamacare is a pure BS
. .
I don't like Obama particularly, but his replacement could be far worse.
You know he's not easier than Bush, he has bombed Libya and made 120 000 dead in few months, he would bomb Syria if he could.

But i guess he's quite satisfied to have destroyed Syria by proxy for Israel

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