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The betrayal of Shia muslims in Pakistan


Sep 4, 2012
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Whether the muslims of Pakistan have benefitted or not from the partition of sub-continent has often been discussed before.
But i feel that shia muslims of Pakistan have suffered a lot since the 1980s. Until a few years ago it was atleast debateable whether shias are safer in india or in Pakistan, but in today's scenario there is no doubt about the fact that shias are probably better off in india than Pakistan.

Shia muslims like the rest of muslims in india do have to put up with persecution by hindus but their plight in Pakistan is even worse. In places like Karachi alone, around 70 shia doctors have been victims of target killings since the 1990s. Thousands of Hazaras in quetta have been killed. Every year 500+ shias are killed across Pakistan since the 1990s, and the state has done very little to protect them.

In india, thousands of muslims were massacred in Gujarat in 2002 and it was state-sanctioned. But unlike the shias of pakistan, there are no target killings of muslims (of any sect) happening in india.
Whether the muslims of Pakistan have benefitted or not from the partition of sub-continent has often been discussed before.
But i feel that shia muslims of Pakistan have suffered a lot since the 1980s. Until a few years ago it was atleast debateable whether shias are safer in india or in Pakistan, but in today's scenario there is no doubt about the fact that shias are probably better off in india than Pakistan.

Shia muslims like the rest of muslims in india do have to put up with persecution by hindus but their plight in Pakistan is even worse. In places like Karachi alone, around 70 shia doctors have been victims of target killings since the 1990s. Thousands of Hazaras in quetta have been killed. Every year 500+ shias are killed across Pakistan since the 1990s, and the state has done very little to protect them.

In india, thousands of muslims were massacred in Gujarat in 2002. But unlike the shias of pakistan, there are no target killings of muslims (of any sect) happening in india.

Many Sunni Pakistanis like myself are enraged by this travesty. Regardless of their sect, these are Pakistani Citizens who are being massacred and slaughtered. Shia Muslims have made huge sacrfices for Pakistan like the rest of us.

Why are there not huge processions coming out to show their RAGE ?

Where is Pakistan's conscience ?
Why you blame India so much ? Don't you see a country with 81% Hindus bashed Govt. for Godhara riots. The riots which were started by Muslims who burnt alive 58 people including women and children in a railway bogey. You see around 80 Muslims death but ignore around 300 Hindus also killed on that riots.

Tell me honestly, a state where there has been Communal tension and riots dating back 300 years, wouldn't that burning of train had caused in your country too ?

If tomorrow, few Hindus kill 58 Muslims in Pakistan, tell me what will be the reaction of Pakistani people ? Do you ignore the possibility of riots ?

Didn't you dragged out a man from Police station and burnt him alive due to blasphemy charges. Aren't there Sunni extremists with Political backing. Isn't there turf war in Pakistan.

Kindly read more about history of Gujarat and who were actual culprits, it wasn't the govt. but the opposition party that just lost State elections and wanted to secure vote banks and cause trouble in that state to defame the govt.

It was politically motivated riot started by Congress with help of Muslim goons.

On 21st Feb, 2013, in West Bengal, a Muslim cleric was shot dead by unknown person, most probably because of political reasons as Panchayat elections are approaching and many Muslims have considerable influence of vote swing in these elections.
Muslim mob torched 200 houses and molested Hindu women. Did you hear that in Indian news ? No, because it will affect ruling party of WB and Congress party who tries to demonize Modi whereas they are the real problem of India.

Don't present yourself as Holier than Thou. Muslims are more safe and prospering at decent rate in India. Education is lacking in Muslim population and they are more business orientated so you don't see Muslims in govt. jobs.

Having said that, Muslims in India also suffer which Hindus suffer from too. The elite class consists of Hindus and Muslims which oppress these people and maintain hostility for their own selfish, economic and political purposes.

Compare it with your country, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. What's the representation of Minorities in these countries ? Should I cry out loud about Hindus in Pakistan ?

Do an honest assessment. Be blunt honest.

I can admit what are the wrongs done to Muslims and I can provide you many instances. But that doesn't mean all Muslims of India are angels. There are bad apples in every community which causes trouble for the rest.

And for hundredth time, keep away discussion on Indian Muslims and their condition from your problems if you can't talk with civility.

@nuclearpak Kindly take notice. We can have discussion on comparative analysis but if Moderators ensures avoiding unnecessary bashing and abusive words usage.
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The Times are Hard , Enemy is sensing his defeat that's why he is using the last of his resources to force Pakistan into talks , you can choose whether you want to win the war or you want to surrender .
In india, thousands of muslims were massacred in Gujarat in 2002 and it was state-sanctioned. But unlike the shias of pakistan, there are no target killings of muslims (of any sect) happening in india.

It was not thousands , the number was in hundreds , but whatever it was it was a despicable act and we as Indians are not happy about it .
and my answer is watch akbar-ud-din owaisi on youtube.com and you will find that not only shias but even muslims in india are in worst situation then in anywhere in the world.

******* indian bas-ards.

Mate it's people like Mr. Owaisi who bring a bad name to Muslims not only in India but all around the world so stop quoting him.
The attack in Quetta is more of an ethnic type than sectarian - Hazara's were targetted because they are easily identifiable. Otherwise there are Shia's living in every corner and walk of life in Pakistan yet none is going around checking sectarian identities and killing people. Terrorism is a wide spread problem in Pakistan and need grandiose measured to be eliminated, the same SSP LEJ and TTP has also killed tens of Sunni's by their terror attacks therefore to give it a sectarian color will further divide the country. As a matter of fact the only reason these terrorist chant their anti-shia vengeance is because it tends to earn them approval among a few hardcore Pakistani elite. Islamization is Pakistan's problem because it creates a dangerous "we against them" society! Time to realign with secular values!
Whether the muslims of Pakistan have benefitted or not from the partition of sub-continent has often been discussed before.
But i feel that shia muslims of Pakistan have suffered a lot since the 1980s. Until a few years ago it was atleast debateable whether shias are safer in india or in Pakistan, but in today's scenario there is no doubt about the fact that shias are probably better off in india than Pakistan.

Shia muslims like the rest of muslims in india do have to put up with persecution by hindus but their plight in Pakistan is even worse. In places like Karachi alone, around 70 shia doctors have been victims of target killings since the 1990s. Thousands of Hazaras in quetta have been killed. Every year 500+ shias are killed across Pakistan since the 1990s, and the state has done very little to protect them.

In india, thousands of muslims were massacred in Gujarat in 2002 and it was state-sanctioned. But unlike the shias of pakistan, there are no target killings of muslims (of any sect) happening in india.

Son don't talk nonsense, Stop exagarating numbers... It was 300 Hindus and 900 Muslims died in Gujrat.
and my answer is watch akbar-ud-din owaisi on youtube.com and you will find that not only shias but even muslims in india are in worst situation then in anywhere in the world.

******* indian bas-ards.

is pakistan india?
Why you blame India so much ? Don't you see a country with 81% Hindus bashed Govt. for Godhara riots. The riots which were started by Muslims who burnt alive 58 people including women and children in a railway bogey. You see around 80 Muslims death but ignore around 300 Hindus also killed on that riots.

Tell me honestly, a state where there has been Communal tension and riots dating back 300 years, wouldn't that burning of train had caused in your country too ?

If tomorrow, few Hindus kill 58 Muslims in Pakistan, tell me what will be the reaction of Pakistani people ? Do you ignore the possibility of riots ?

Didn't you dragged out a man from Police station and burnt him alive due to blasphemy charges. Aren't there Sunni extremists with Political backing. Isn't there turf war in Pakistan.

Kindly read more about history of Gujarat and who were actual culprits, it wasn't the govt. but the opposition party that just lost State elections and wanted to secure vote banks and cause trouble in that state to defame the govt.

It was politically motivated riot started by Congress with help of Muslim goons.

On 21st Feb, 2013, in West Bengal, a Muslim cleric was shot dead by unknown person, most probably because of political reasons as Panchayat elections are approaching and many Muslims have considerable influence of vote swing in these elections.
Muslim mob torched 200 houses and molested Hindu women. Did you hear that in Indian news ? No, because it will affect ruling party of WB and Congress party who tries to demonize Modi whereas they are the real problem of India.

Don't present yourself as Holier than Thou. Muslims are more safe and prospering at decent rate in India. Education is lacking in Muslim population and they are more business orientated so you don't see Muslims in govt. jobs.

Having said that, Muslims in India also suffer which Hindus suffer from too. The elite class consists of Hindus and Muslims which oppress these people and maintain hostility for their own selfish, economic and political purposes.

Compare it with your country, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. What's the representation of Minorities in these countries ? Should I cry out loud about Hindus in Pakistan ?

Do an honest assessment. Be blunt honest.

I can admit what are the wrongs done to Muslims and I can provide you many instances. But that doesn't mean all Muslims of India are angels. There are bad apples in every community which causes trouble for the rest.

And for hundredth time, keep away discussion on Indian Muslims and their condition from your problems if you can't talk with civility.

@nuclearpak Kindly take notice. We can have discussion on comparative analysis but if Moderators ensures avoiding unnecessary bashing and abusive words usage.

Why do you feel the need to defend? Do you not know that India is infinitely better in religious, linguistic and ethnic tolerance than Pakistan?

You have no reason to justify anything here. Let them rage, they also know in their heart of hearts that we are better. And it enrages them. And they vent their frustrations here. If you start defending, you are going to have to post the same post twice - daily!
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Shais are the one who betrayed cause of Pakistan, many times our interior ministers were shia and they killed SSP leaders using states resources
Our current president is shia, benazir was shia, Altaf Hussain is shia, senate chairman is shia, mushahid hussain, abida hussain, fakhir imam, faisal raza abidi and many more politicians, beurecrates, police commissioners, IGs, army officers, current FC commander in Quetta who is killing innocent muslim is also shia
We give u every equal opportunity to live, business and rule in Pakistan but will never allow any iranian agenda to be impose on us
^^ This is an 'enemy' telling you- where did people learn to hate so much? if even a significant minority of Pakistanis - Sunni or Shia- think like this, Pakistan is stuffed.

But then, merey baap ka kya jaata hai, i.e. what goes of my father?
well I see same thing happening just like 1971 war ... :rolleyes:
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