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The Attack on Pakistan's Erieye

The damage/destruction to the saab was due to rpg round that if i remember correctly was fired either from outsde the wall or right after crossing over the wall before the rpg operator was taken out.

As the attack on ISAF base in afghanistan has proved that no matter who you are and where ever the base is located (in populated area or in the middle of no where) what ever level of parameter security is in place, against a determined and well planed attack, it would be very difficult to defend a place size of an airfield.
To sum that all up, the PDF score is 3 aircraft either lost or damaged?

Any thoughts about the following photo, this aircraft was definitely stationed at the base Or it was the only surviving aircraft that was flown to Minhas for this photoshoot...the latter makes more sense:D

This photo released by APP on August 17 shows an unhurt Saab-2000 in background.
So according to your 'source' -- they are managing to keep this all under wraps? No doubt aquiring parts, expertise - even a full conversion and yet not a bit of news. Nothing even from the Swedes or international media. Hell of a conspiracy!

Yes when you start acting like an ostrich then anything happens around you looks like a dream. Hopefully by the time you take your head out of the sand the storm will pass away and you will get a good news as 'sab acha hai'.
typical establishment propaganda. One Answer. Yes they were all lying. Your Post don't hold any value when someone from PAF in IDEAS confirmed that 1 SAAB is taken out. Now All these people you are quoted will not go against the official line or show me one incident where the above mentioned officials have go against their institutions once the official policy has been made!. You know that. So stop patronizing.

Your statements are so shallow, if PAF were honest, they would have lined up all AWACS after the incident and would have shown that to Media. Now don't give the bull crap why PAF shouldn't. It's not a national security risk to do that. As the truth about JF-17 started to tickle down, same is happening with SAAB-2000

Last but not the least, when ever a vicious rumor or to criticize some anti army elements who could not appreciate sacrifices ISPR is quick to issue a statement. Not once, twice multiple times ISPR denial and criticism came through.

Now where ISPR denial in this case? Even Press attributed a vicious rumor against PAF. Even when Mirage Factory fire rumor was published in express, PAF on the same day issued a statement to deny this rumor. What happen with this SAAB-2000 AWAC rumor. No one denied that? anyone.

When you can't think logically, don't come with the same old rhetoric again and again

You are entitled to your view as I am to mine.

To me someone who posted online to say that he spoke to someone at IDEAS 2012 and that person said XYZ is not reliable. To me someone posting online saying their 'source' which they cannot name said XYZ is not reliable. If you feel such sources are reliable - best wishes to you.
I look at what I know for a fact - as little as it may be. Below article details ACM visit to Minhas after the attack. My logic does not allow me to accept that the ACM would visit the base after the attack - address all the personel and congratulate them on a job well done -- a few feet away from a hanger with 3 toasted Saabs in it --- which the same personel would be fully aware of.
My logic does not allow me to accept that the Minhas base commander would still be in charge if the damage was greater than reported. Especialy given that the Mehran Commander was suspended within days when in the same situation.
My logic does not accept that ex Minhas Commander Shahid Lateef who is regularly very critical of the Govt and PAF for example over not shooting down drones and after the Osama raid -- would suddenly be telling lies on behalf of PAF. If based on such points you feel that I 'can't think logically' - so be it. You are welcome to your logic.

Air Chief visits Minhas Air Base, inquires health of security officials
Posted about 90 days ago | Onepakistannews

Islamabad : Chief of the Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal Tahir Rafique Butt, visited Minhas Air Base on Friday where security forces successfully eliminated the miscreants yesterday, says a press release.

He was briefed about the sequence of operations against the miscreants by Air Marshal Sohail Gul Khan. Air Commodore Muhammad Azam, Base Commander PAF Base Minhas, who was injured during this operation, also accompanied him during the visit.

The Air Chief while interacting with officers and security officials who directly participated in this operation, commended their courage, valor and spirit to sacrifice for the defence of vital National Assets and installations.

The Air Chief also lauded their timely and quick response in the containment and elimination of miscreants’ nefarious designs.

Later, the Air Chief visited PAF Hospital Kamra to inquire the health of three security officials who received superficial injuries due to detonation of suicide jacket splinters during the operations against miscreants. All three have been discharged today in the evening.

The Air Chief also attended the funeral parade of Sepoy Muhammad Iqbal who had embraced shahadat while participating in the operation. He had accidentally fallen off a truck when the security personnel were rushing to counter the miscreants. Air Chief also condoled with the father of late Sepoy Muhammad Iqbal. The dead body was airlifted by a PAF Helicopter to Sargodha, the native town of Shaheed.

Chief of the Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal Tahir Rafique Butt, also addressed Minhas Air Base personnel which also included security personnel of Pak Army deployed at the Base. While addressing joint gathering, the Air Chief said, “We must understand and realize that we are in a state of war, that too against a hidden enemy.

These cowardly attacks can not weaken over resolve to defend our motherland”. He further said, “We must jealously guard PAF assets which are entrusted to us by the nation; and in doing so, we will Inshallah defeat the evil designs”. He met the officers and Jawans of 90 Medium and appreciated their bravery and courage. He said the joint-ness and cooperation between PAF and deployed Pak Army troops was instrumental in achieving quick end to the complex operation.

If its the West that did it, then i think ISI took some revenge. Some Harriers, Helicopters, and Soldiers lost their lived in a NATO base in Afghanistan, few days after....

By loosing one aircraft we loose 30-20% of our defense ability while 2-4 harriers or helis doesn't even make 1% of enemy's strength. It doesn't matter how much our enemy looses, we will be on the receiving end.

Such attacks have exposed a weakness in our defense. In any hostile situation, enemy would try to use similar tactics first. It is nevertheless inexpensive to send 20 motivated attackers to deal with such security apparatus instead of sending 20 SU-30s to achieve the same.
As I am not a Pakistani I can't comment on the State of Saab 2000,but there were reports in Pakistani Media that Taliban is planning to attack PAF bases,but still they couldn't prevent the attack so it was a big intelligence failure
Threat alerts:
army guy told me that two aircraft was destroyed one was not awacs he works in GHQ
We got a new thread for this?

Good decision. Saves the original thread from getting 'polluted', taken off topic.
any financial number put on the extent of damage in the attack? If One was destroyed with minor damage to others, the approx financial damage would be close to $ 300 million.. That would probably make this one of the most successful recent terrorist strike (in financial terms) in Pakistan
Media and specially some writer in english press would not spare a single minute to criticize air force if they lied and u cant keep it under the carpet many of the writer served in armed forces they under stand about awacs and military stuff so i will take what was reported at that time and plane were not seen is to avoid further attacks as they were prime target
By loosing one aircraft we loose 30-20% of our defense ability while 2-4 harriers or helis doesn't even make 1% of enemy's strength. It doesn't matter how much our enemy looses, we will be on the receiving end.

Such attacks have exposed a weakness in our defense. In any hostile situation, enemy would try to use similar tactics first. It is nevertheless inexpensive to send 20 motivated attackers to deal with such security apparatus instead of sending 20 SU-30s to achieve the same.

the attack was on gen.allen,s aircraft which was a signal to the enemy!
I tend not to post anti forces posts, I think nation should have confidence on all the arms of forces because if whole nation is supporting them they perform beyond expectations, but all this patriotism should not stop anyone from constructively criticising their actions.

I do not understand 2 things why were 3 erieye in the same hanger, people were saying it was a coincidence and they were never kept in one place before, well I know for a fact that it is a lie and they were kept in one hanger all the time.

Secondly State of Pakistan paid bloody $ 1 bn for these aircraft's and the air force could not built a decent hanger for them.
Last time I saw the ''HANGER'' it was open from all four sides there were no walls and the roof was made of a steel sheet.
At least 3 separate concrete hangers could have been built for no more than $ 3-4 mil.

I will post the picture later on, and also some other pics which will show the ''professionalism'' of air force engineers and workers.

Great..Separate thread for erieye discussion...
I was thinking of this...But copy pasting all the comments from various threads was a mammoth job...
. . .
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