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The Art of Warfare : Iran and The Gas Pipeline Battle"


Dec 30, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Two major pipeline projects are at present vying to secure future energy supplies to Pakistan, India and China. One originates in Iran while the second one draws on reserves in Turkmenistan. The latter is promoted by an Israeli group and is supported by Secretary of State Clinton. According to Manlio Dinucci, an attack against Iran could cripple the Iranian project, which is currently ahead of the game. The question remains whether US leaders are still really in line with this strategy, as hinted in recent statements by Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta.

On the Washington stage, under the world’s media spotlight, Obama stated that: "As president and commander in chief, I prefer peace to war." But, he added, "Israel’s security is sacrosanct," and to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon, "I will not hesitate to use force, including all elements of American power."

US nuclear weapons and their preemptive use are part of the options. Words worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize. That’s the scenario. To find out what it is really all about, we need to go behind the scenes.

Leading the anti-Iranian crusade is Israel, the only country in the region which possesses a nuclear arsenal and, unlike Iran, refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Then we have the United States, the World's greatest military power, whose underlying political, economic and strategic interests, will under no circumstances allow that a state in the Middle East, namely Iran, escape its influence.

It is no coincidence that the sanctions promulgated by President Obama last November ban the supply of equipment and technologies which would "enhance Iran’s ability to develop its own oil resources." The embargo has been joined by the European Union, buyer of 20% of Iranian oil (of which about 10% is imported by Italy), and Japan, which imports a similar amount and whose need for oil has further increased as a result of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. This embargo constitutes a flying success for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who convinced America's allies to freeze energy imports from Iran at the expense of their own interests.

The embargo, however, is not working. Defying Washington’s ban, Islamabad confirmed on March 1st that it will complete the construction of the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline. More than 2 000 km long, the Iranian section will soon see the light of day whereas the Pakistani side of the pipeline will be finished by 2014. It could, at a later stage, be extended by 600 km to reach India. Meanwhile, Russia has expressed interest in participating in the project, whose estimated cost is $ 1.2 billion. And China, which currently imports 20% of its oil from Iran, signed an agreement with Tehran in February, which contemplates an increase of half a million barrels per day in 2012. Pakistan is also expected to boost its imports of Iranian oil.

Furious, Hillary Clinton has stepped up pressure on Islamabad, using the carrot and the stick: on the one hand the threat of sanctions; on the other the offer of a billion dollars in support of Pakistan’s energy requirements. In exchange, Islmabad should abandon the pipeline with Iran and rely solely on the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India pipeline, backed by Washington. Its cost is estimated at 8 billion, twice as much as originally foreseen.

In Washington, however, it is the strategic motivation that ultimately prevails. The Turkmen natural gas deposits are largely controlled by the Israeli Merhav Group, headed by Mossad agent Yosef Maiman, one of the most influential figures in Israel. But the construction of the pipeline, which in Afghanistan passes through the provinces of Herat (where the Italian troops are stationed) and Kandahar) is behind schedule. As things stand, it is the Iran-Pakistan pipeline which has the upper edge.

Unless, of course, the cards are reshuffled by a war against Iran. Even if President Obama "prefers peace."

The Art of Warfare : Iran and The Gas Pipeline Battle"
If India and China could join this project,it would be a blow to west's face.It's the best and shortest way for these countries to receive natural gas.Besides,Natural gas of Iran and Russia has the best quality in the world.
Boys I am surprised that you Iranian boys have not looked at the following thread:


I have been saying immaterial of ideology or leaders of each country the natural allies long term starting as an economic bloc but then as a security block is Iran Pakistan Russia and China and will act as a counter against NATO

Please try to go through it all because it shows Indian and American desires and where we stand
If India and China could join this project,it would be a blow to west's face.It's the best and shortest way for these countries to receive natural gas.Besides,Natural gas of Iran and Russia has the best quality in the world.


You mean the Hindu Indian slaves of the whiteman??

ROTFLCOPTER they would NEVER do anything against their gods
Boys I am surprised that you Iranian boys have not looked at the following thread:


I have been saying immaterial of ideology or leaders of each country the natural allies long term starting as an economic bloc but then as a security block is Iran Pakistan Russia and China and will act as a counter against NATO

Please try to go through it all because it shows Indian and American desires and where we stand

Era if you read this thread in detail it explains why Indians will never join us imo
Boys I am surprised that you Iranian boys have not looked at the following thread:


I have been saying immaterial of ideology or leaders of each country the natural allies long term starting as an economic bloc but then as a security block is Iran Pakistan Russia and China and will act as a counter against NATO

Please try to go through it all because it shows Indian and American desires and where we stand
Thanks for the link.I really hoped this security and economic bloc could be formed.but unfortunately,even China is not much interested.They don't even let Iran to join SCO and bring the excuse of sanctions for it.We are not as united as Nato countries are.If we could unite,we would we very powerful and untouchable.
About India,i think it is in it's best interests to join such a bloc,but problems with Pakistan is a deadlock.

Maybe it sounds strange,but can you tell me,right now what is the major problem between Pakistan and India?Is it just Kashmir or there are other things?How can they be solved?
Thanks for the link.I really hoped this security and economic bloc could be formed.but unfortunately,even China is not much interested.They don't even let Iran to join SCO and bring the excuse of sanctions for it.We are not as united as Nato countries are.If we could unite,we would we very powerful and untouchable.
About India,i think it is in it's best interests to join such a bloc,but problems with Pakistan is a deadlock.

Maybe it sounds strange,but can you tell me,right now what is the major problem between Pakistan and India?Is it just Kashmir or there are other things?How can they be solved?

Era please let me ask you one favour. It may take a few hours to read but all you Iranians must read it, you are wrong if you read ll the articles you will find this is future but you must read all,

these articles explain no matter what anyone wants these things are inevitable just read thats all i ask you.

If we all read that thread and get up to speed then we can comment on the real future

You mean the Hindu Indian slaves of the whiteman??

ROTFLCOPTER they would NEVER do anything against their gods

Ironic a Pakistani accusing India of being white man's slave...

Era if you read this thread in detail it explains why Indians will never join us imo

The OP states that Pakistan has already backed out under threat from USA, it is obvious Pakistan will always bend down to Dollars and threats from USA.
Why should India stake its future on a weak pakistan?
Era please let me ask you one favour. It may take a few hours to read but all you Iranians must read it, you are wrong if you read ll the articles you will find this is future but you must read all,

these articles explain no matter what anyone wants these things are inevitable just read thats all i ask you.

If we all read that thread and get up to speed then we can comment on the real future
I've already read 5 pages in to it.It's a bit long,but i try to read whole of it.
You didn't answer my question,i just want to know if Major problem between Pakistan and India is Kashmir.
Ironic a Pakistani accusing India of being white man's slave...

The Pakistani people are the complete opposite of the puppet politicians who are slaves of the dollar

Hindu Indians imitate their euro gods in such a way its beyond pathetic ... I can't help but laugh at how inferior Hindu Indians are that they will copy every single little thing from euros ... hilarious how I see Indians with the most idiotic names ever like "Blessy", "Lovely" and pathetic names like that ...
Iran borders Turkmenistan right?

We've already got a pipeline there, maybe we could just connect it with Iran?

Central Asia–China gas pipeline - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Kazakhstan–China oil pipeline - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Do you really think Turkmenistan which has gas reserves itself,would let a pipeline from Iran cross it's territory and be connected to China?Surely not,why should they help their rival?They can expor their own gas to China.
I've already read 5 pages in to it.It's a bit long,but i try to read whole of it.
You didn't answer my question,i just want to know if Major problem between Pakistan and India is Kashmir.

Indians abuse Kashmiris and that is an issue. We also have border issues. But India is not entering IPI cos of pressure from America imo

Mate there are only two proposals for our area one is Putin's proposal and the other is the american Silk road

Do you really think Turkmenistan which has gas reserves itself,would let a pipeline from Iran cross it's territory and be connected to China?Surely not,why should they help their rival?They can expor their own gas to China.

Between Russia and Iran I think you have 50% of worlds gas. If this is linked by pipes and agreements between Russia and Iran you control the price and no one can play one against the other. On the other thread the pipes that exist, pipes planned etc are all there

If India and China could join this project,it would be a blow to west's face.It's the best and shortest way for these countries to receive natural gas.Besides,Natural gas of Iran and Russia has the best quality in the world.

Only a matter of time. china has invested 100 billion in Iran I think I read somewhere, 22 billion in Afghanistan, they also paid for Gwador port. Chinese don't give money away lol they do it cos they have long long term plans. but Unlike America and India they don't do all this drama they just do it and you find out after its done

Also Indians have been complaining about Chinese Army building roads and infrastructure to link through the north of Pakistan. rest assured the Chinese are coming

China's presence in Gilgit-Baltistan: NYT

In a quiet move, Pakistan is handing over de-facto control of the strategic Gilgit-Baltistan region in the Occupied Kashmir to China in an area witnessing a simmering rebellion against Islamabad. The New York Times said there were two important developments in Gilgit-Baltistan; a simmering rebellion against the Pakistani rule and the influx of an estimated 7,000 to 11,000 soldiers of the Chinese People's Liberation Army in the area, which is closed to the world.

“China wants a grip on the strategic area to assure unfettered road and rail access to the Gulf through Pakistan,” said the paper, and is building high-speed rail and road link.

The link up would enable Beijing to transport cargo and oil tankers from eastern China to the new Chinese built Pakistani Naval base at Gawadar, Pasni and Ormara in Balochistan, just east of the Gulf in 48 hours.

“Many of the PLA soldiers entering Gilgit-Baltistan are expected to work on the railroad. Some are extending the Karakoram Highway, built to link China's Xinjiang province with Pakistan. Others are working on dams, expressways and other project,” said the paper.

It said mystery surrounds the construction of 22 tunnels in secret locations, where even Pakistanis are barred. Tunnels would be necessary for a projected gas pipeline from Iran to China that would cross the Karakorams through Gilgit.

“But they could be also used for missiles storage sites,” said the Times.

So far, the paper quoting foreign intelligence sources, Pakistani media and Pakistani Human Rights groups, said the PLA construction crews had been living in temporary encampments and went home after completing their assignments.

But now they are building a big residential complex, clearly designed for a long term presence, and the New York Times said what is happening is a matter of concern for Washington.

The Hindu : News / International : China's presence in Gilgit-Baltistan: NYT
The Pakistani people are the complete opposite of the puppet politicians who are slaves of the dollar

Hindu Indians imitate their euro gods in such a way its beyond pathetic ... I can't help but laugh at how inferior Hindu Indians are that they will copy every single little thing from euros ... hilarious how I see Indians with the most idiotic names ever like "Blessy", "Lovely" and pathetic names like that ...

Can you please stop referring to Indians as "Hindu Indians"? It's an insult to the millions of Hindus around the world including millions of Pakistani Hindus.

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