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The Arab Military Option


May 9, 2007
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The Arab Military Option
General Saad El-Shazly

General El-Shazly, a hero of the Ramadan (1973) war who later broke with President Sadat, charts a strategy for the Arab world: get together (this means Egypt should renounce the peace with Israel) and patiently build up military power until it is possible to defeat the enemy and regain the stolen territories. Negotiation and the political approach, he says, will lead nowhere. The general is a man of strongly held and strongly voiced opinions, which tend to color his interpretation of facts: for example, "the primary objective of the United States in the Middle East is to enforce an American hegemony over the nations of the region." In organization and coverage the book wanders here and there but keeps a heavy emphasis on arms and the military equation, with some hundred pages of tables in serried ranks to back up the text.

The book is in the following link:
The Arab Military Option - Saad Shazly -
You know as much as I despise 'ethno-linguistic' nationalism I admit that I'm wrong in hoping that people would rise above the usual race or language associated bs that has crippled any veritable possibility of Muslim Unity ! So If we do give into alignments based on a common ethnicity or language, I think it would do the Muslim World a lot of good if the Arab Countries started pooling in their resources - military, industrial, social welfare - all of them, and ended up creating some sort of a bloc that brings together at least some Muslims as a cohesive force that is listened to. And yet for any of that to happen we need to take power back from the 'clerics' who blackmail the people and their politicians alike for their ulterior motives; along with taking back power from (and I know both Mosa and BlackEagle are probably going to hate me for this !) the Royals who siphon of billions from their people to fund their decadent life-styles.
Can't we be a little realistic? Arabs have tried Calaphate ruled by non Arabs, and at the end era of this caliphate was the worst in our history. Frankly speaking, we don't trust Turkey and deem Iran as an enemy who is keen to see us in pain or give in to her agenda. Islamic world fell apart and has no real intentions to take tangible steps toward serious cooperation except in tiny things like condemnation or diplomatic pressure at bاest. Arabا world is our only hope as it's the heart of Ummah. Nevertheless, special cooperation among Islamic nations is a must as well as giving a hand of help when needed, and there were good examples in many cases. This is my openion, I know that many Arabاs don't agree with me and tend to bاelieve in Islamic Umah, bاut I see it impossible and won't work with such differences and enmity.

However, this bاook is abاout Arabا-Israel wars and has nothing to do with Pan-Arabاisim.
Can't we be a little realistic? Arabs have tried Calaphate ruled by non Arabs, and at the end era of this caliphate was the worst in our history. Frankly speaking, we don't trust Turkey and deem Iran as an enemy who is keen to see us in pain or give in to her agenda. Islamic world fell a part and has no real intentions to take tangible steps toward serious cooperation except in tiny things like condemnation or diplomatic pressure at bاest. Arabا world is our only hope as it's the heart of Ummah. Nevertheless, special cooperation among Islamic nations is a must as well as giving a hand of help when needed, and there were good examples in many cases. This is my openion, I know that many Arabاs don't agree with me and tend to bاelieve in Islamic Umah, bاut I see it impossible and won't work with such differences and enmity.

However, this bاook is abاout Arabا-Israel war and has nothing to do with Pan-Arabاisim.

Glad to hear that ! Now run along my Arab friend...if its ever you're arse on fire I'll look out for you and if its mine..you'd better be there for me.
You know as much as I despise 'ethno-linguistic' nationalism I admit that I'm wrong in hoping that people would rise above the usual race or language associated bs that has crippled any veritable possibility of Muslim Unity ! So If we do give into alignments based on a common ethnicity or language, I think it would do the Muslim World a lot of good if the Arab Countries started pooling in their resources - military, industrial, social welfare - all of them, and ended up creating some sort of a bloc that brings together at least some Muslims as a cohesive force that is listened to. And yet for any of that to happen we need to take power back from the 'clerics' who blackmail the people and their politicians alike for their ulterior motives; along with taking back power from (and I know both Mosa and BlackEagle are probably going to hate me for this !) the Royals who siphon of billions from their people to fund their decadent life-styles.

I couldn't write it better myself !!! , even though i am obviously an anti-islamist person i want cooperation between middle-east countries some sort of power bloc againts all superpowers.At least we should protect our own backyard from foreigners.
I couldn't write it better myself !!! , even though i am obviously an anti-islamist person i want cooperation between middle-east countries some sort of power bloc againts all superpowers.At least we should protect our own backyard from foreigners.
Can you tell what is the main reason that is blocking such thing to happen in ME?
1st Cooperating with Israel would eventually leed to putting a leesh in ur neck and giving it to Israel

2nd The Iran factor needs to be settled immediately, the Iranians should come out in open and show that they mean no harm....
and the Arabs should welcome and embrace it like brothers with showing the same.

3rd Arabs should keep on co-operating with the west(In there own interest not west)

4th After the fall of syria the new govt should keep up the support for the freedom fighters of Lebanon.

The arab scenario can not be described in 1 or 10 books things just dont work this way

I feel(not predict) coming yrs GCC will become a super house.

Eventually after few more wars support of Israel by the jews itself will fall.

There are things that need to be settled.....................
If a Sunni government takes the lead in Syria,not only they won't help any fighters against Israel,but it's even proable they help Israel to destroy Hezbollah because of their level of hate towards Iran.
When there is a country called Iran to hate,then why bother hating Israel?
Right now,countries like Bahrain or Egypt recognize Hezbollah as a terrorist group,tell me honestly,without looking in to sects,who is betraying the Muslims more here?
If a Sunni government takes the lead in Syria,not only they won't help any fighters against Israel,but it's even proable they help Israel to destroy Hezbollah because of their level of hate towards Iran.
When there is a country called Iran to hate,then why bother hating Israel?
Right now,countries like Bahrain or Egypt recognize Hezbollah as a terrorist group,tell me honestly,without looking in to sects,who is betraying the Muslims more here?
That is not true! We don't consider Hamas or Hezbollah terrorist groups. We just don't like them when they play in our backyard"Sinai".

Can you tell what is the main reason that is blocking such thing to happen in ME?
Countries that are afraid to get the the West, and especially the US angry.
Can't we be a little realistic? Arabs have tried Calaphate ruled by non Arabs, and at the end era of this caliphate was the worst in our history. Frankly speaking, we don't trust Turkey and deem Iran as an enemy who is keen to see us in pain or give in to her agenda. Islamic world fell apart and has no real intentions to take tangible steps toward serious cooperation except in tiny things like condemnation or diplomatic pressure at bاest. Arabا world is our only hope as it's the heart of Ummah. Nevertheless, special cooperation among Islamic nations is a must as well as giving a hand of help when needed, and there were good examples in many cases. This is my openion, I know that many Arabاs don't agree with me and tend to bاelieve in Islamic Umah, bاut I see it impossible and won't work with such differences and enmity.

However, this bاook is abاout Arabا-Israel wars and has nothing to do with Pan-Arabاisim.

I think you read history upside down , a 600+ year caliphate didnt work? Im sure there was no other caliphate in history who went to indonesian muslims help , went next to chinese muslims and everywhere in the world .
I disagree with Blackeagle, how can he say Arabs don't trust Turks? If anything Turks don't trust Arabs let us not forget history and who betrayed who exactly. That being said despite all that Turkey has reached out to the Arab world and now both parties are on relatively good terms. What about Iran what are their crimes? If supporting the Palestinians when the rest of the Arabs left them to the dogs is their only crime than I for one support them. These claims that Iran wants to dominate the Arab world is bullsh*t at best and time after time Iran has tried to reach out to the Arab monarchs and have been reproached each and every time. Take the recent OIC meeting for example Iran saw it as a way to work out differences in policies in the current middle east and build unity through common ground what became of that??? The Gulf countries used it as a springboard to throw Iran in the deep end further and kicked Syria out of the OIC. On what terms do they have the right to kick Syria out?? Is Syria not a Muslim majority country?? Isn't the OIC supposed to safeguard the interests of all Muslims?? How does isolating the Syrians from the Muslim world safeguard the interests of Muslims in Syria??? Think logically who is the enemy of whom?
Countries that are afraid to get the the West, and especially the US angry.
Yes, better to say, cowards. So, you agree that all of these problems are fault of these pro-Western countries of ME, that is, SA Qatar Jordan etc.? :agree:
Arabs do not have any military option. Anyone talking about one is living in a distant past or on a distant planet or both.

Arabs do have "peace" option, and an option to be "tolerant".

73 war was a huge blunder. So many years have gone by and even now Egypt has to ask for Israeli permission to send its army across Suez.

Still people come here and try to f@rt at Israel, while their fellow Arab leaders are killing their fellow Arabs by the 1000s year after year after year. And still these brave Arabs and their lackeys from Pakistan can only sit around and f@rt some constipated conspiracy theories about America and Israel.

pathetic. really pathetic.

So guys. Learn the true history and present about Arab armies. Otherwise the rest of the world will continue laughing at you.

Yes, better to say, cowards. So, you agree that all of these problems are fault of these pro-Western countries of ME, that is, SA Qatar Jordan etc.? :agree:

Before an Iranian calls Arabs "cowards" should look at his own "gariban" (underwear).

Puny Iraq was able to fend off mighty Iran for years.

Iranian army hasn't seen a real war with a country that was equal or larger than Iran. Threatening tiny GCC, or a distant Israel is just f@rting that stinks up your own house and nothing more.

It is time to come down from the high Mooooolah horse and see the real world.

Peace is the only way to go.
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