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The 50 Most Brilliant Atheists of All Time

All are going to hell who does bot believe in god no use of their brain after dead .
How ironic that the exact same people who deride organized religion's use of 'argument by authority' are now doing the same!
Why no athiests from Pakistan? May be they are in stealth mode because of blasphemy laws........or the following reason:

Muslims need freedom from dogmatic beliefs and a culture that questions rather than obeys.......Pervez Amirali Hoodbhoy
Western science only wins it's argument against religion, if western media/propaganda support it and report selective facts. Otherwise, science supports many of religion's assertions.

All Abrahamic religions(Islam, Christianity, Judaism) have things written in their sacred books, which science confirmed to be true much later on. For example, the Quran stated that all life is created from water one thousand four hundred years ago, science discovered it within the last 50 years. Not only that, it talks about things ranging from the creation of the stars and the state of the universe before the big bang(electro-static clouds), only now is theoretical physics even beginning to understand these things.

The Quran is not a book of science though, and doesn't provide detailed scientific journals on each and every topic. But even in a sentence or two, the facts it expresses, get confirmed much later. For example, the scientific mystery of what the centre of the universe is. Humans collectively believed that the Earth is the fixed(non-moving) centre of the universe, because the stars and sun appeared to move around it(goes to show these athiest's faith in their own logic and reasoning is ill-founded, humans even collectively have been fooled for generations until new facts were found). Then the scientific opinion changed and people believed the Sun was the fixed centre of the universe, and this was widely believed until the 1600s. The Quran said in the 7th century that neither the Earth nor the Sun were fixed - that everything in the Universe was moving. For centuries these Europeans mocked Islam for saying that, the Quran stood by it's word and only over a thousand years after the Quran's revelation was this fact proven to be true.

A wonderful documentary called "Miracles of the Quran", presents dozens of scientific facts that were foretold in our book: Miracles of the Quran It makes a logical argument for religion - only the creator could have known and written about these things thousands of years before humans discovered them.

I feel most athiests base their opinions on religion without thoroughly researching this - I've never heard a scientific debate providing logical answers about the thousands of things religions told about the universe that science discovered only recently. Even Christianity and Judaism have things in their books that science later confirmed, but because they chose to modify their religious books over time and lost much of their original meaning, their books also contain things that science proved to be wrong(like the Bible saying Earth is the centre of the universe, with everything moving around it). But the Quran still remains preserved in it's original form.
For example, the Quran stated that all life is created from water one thousand four hundred years ago, science discovered it within the last 50 years

Vedas and puranas are full of it which predate quran.....Lol
Why no athiests from Pakistan? May be they are in stealth mode because of blasphemy laws........or the following reason:

Muslims need freedom from dogmatic beliefs and a culture that questions rather than obeys.......Pervez Amirali Hoodbhoy

Tariq Ali is one, though he is not in Pakistan.
their books also contain things that science proved to be wrong(like the Bible saying Earth is the centre of the universe, with everything moving around it). But the Quran still remains preserved in it's original form.

Does not the Quran say earth is flat, which is incorrect?

I have read many articles over the last year where different people have tried to explain that the Quran is describing a flat earth. Countering this, many Muslims like Dr Naik have tried to prove that the Quran is describing a spherical model as we know it today. What I find with Dr Naik’s arguments is that he makes too many assumptions and tries to manufacture Quran verses to fit his model. This is both dangerous from religious and scientific viewpoints.
From a religious viewpoint, if anybody can do this, we can easily create another subset within Islam and create a new religion. How do you think the Shias, Kadianis, Ismaelies sprung up. If we assume too much, we will soon find Naik claiming to be a new prophet. He is already trying to prove the Quran wrong and is well on his way as he has commanded a reasonable following. This also makes Dr Naik a Kafir, as he is trying to prove the Quran wrong.
Vedas and puranas are full of it which predate quran.....Lol

I believe, that the Vedas are very likely to have a divinic origin as well. They have a subtle understanding of the universe in them.

Does not the Quran say earth is flat, which is incorrect?

The Quran does not say the world is flat. See the video link I posted, it covers this and provides references from the Quran.

I don't know where you got your quote from, this quote looks like it has an agenda that it's trying to distort things to fit into.
I believe, that the Vedas are very likely to have a divinic origin as well. They have a subtle understanding of the universe in them.

The Quran does not say the world is flat. See the video link I posted, it covers this and provides references from the Quran.

I don't know where you got your quote from, this quote looks like it has an agenda that it's trying to distort things to fit into.

Read this: Re: Does the Noble Quran support "The Earth moves around the Sun" theory? By Avijit roy

The author is an Athiest

Why come to secondary source like youtube, use Quran 78:6

The transliteration of the above verse:*

Waal-arda baAAda thalika dahaha

It means (word by word):

And the Earth after that was spread.**

Here I quote the three famous translations. *


YUSUFALI: And the earth, moreover, hath He extended (to a wide expanse);*

PICKTHAL: And after that He spread the earth,*

SHAKIR: And the earth, He expanded it after that.*
Yes, only much later has it been discovered that the Earth was one single super-continent called scientists now call Pangaea.

It started spreading appart, at one point in time, South America connected with Africa, Australia and Indonesia with Asia, etc.

And that is my point - science discovered much later that the Earth was "spread". The Quran said that over a millennium ago. Only the creator of this planet would have known this fact, 1.5 millenniums ago.You can read about it here: Pangaea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Perhaps that atheist was not aware of this scientific fact.

The world was indeed spread appart like the Quran said, thousands of years ago before science discovered it.
Yes, only much later has it been discovered that the Earth was one single super-continent called scientists now call Pangaea.

It started spreading appart, at one point in time, South America connected with Africa, Australia and Indonesia with Asia, etc.

And that is my point - science discovered much later that the Earth was "spread". The Quran said that over a millennium ago. Only the creator of this planet would have known this fact, 1.5 millenniums ago.

---------- Post added at 06:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:48 PM ----------

You can read about it here: Pangaea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Perhaps that atheist was not aware of this scientific fact.

mate every religion in the world has 'facts' like that
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