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Thailand threathens legal action against Singapore over Songkran


Mar 22, 2013
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A Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) executive said on Tuesday that she plans to consult other state agencies to see if legal action could be taken to protect Thailand’s cultural heritage in the wake of a Singaporean plan to hold a “Songkran” festival in the city-state next month.

TAT Deputy Governor for Tourism Products Vilaiwan Twichasri said she would hold talks with officials at the Department of Intellectual Property, Ministry of Commerce and Ministry of Culture to study intellectual property provisions on the issue.

If the law allows, TAT could take legal steps to prevent member states of the Asean Economic Community from conducting and organising traditional cultural activities based on Thai arts and culture, such as Songkran and Loy Krathong festival.

Thailand threatens to sue Singapore for ‘stealing’ Songkran | Asian Correspondent

Suit eyed for Singapore Songkran“, Bangkok Post, March 18, 2014
So let’s call a spade a spade, shall we? Singapore has deftly stolen Songkran in one fell swoop. They could have been a little more diplomatic about it and called it the “Happy Water Festival,” but they .didn’t. They popped into our country, grabbed the name SONGKRAN right from under our noses and whipped it down to their island state. In Thailand next month it may be splash splash, but in Singapore, it’s gonna be kaching kaching

link:Stealing our Songkran? | Bangkok Post: lifestyle
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