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Thailand 'sick man of Asia'?

I remember just last year, India was the sick man of Asia. How quickly things change.
Try to anticipate what they might use on you next time.

Never say never. :D
Look into China's environment first. You kill much more people chemically by yourselves.
I think you are confusing two very different eras. The end of the Shogunate and the Japan expansionist time, at least 30-50 years already passed between that time. Different era, different leader, different aim, different method?

Using your reasoning can we say all British/England leader since inception guilty for Irish famine, the British Indian famine, the Iraq war, the raise of iron curtain, anything that US do, or ........ (put anything that involved England/British and their ex colonies from Tudor era to this day).

i will just ask you one question, why did Japan invade/brutally massacred its 'Asian brothers'? afterall, i dont recall any Asian country asking for help from Japan. The answer is that Japan was simply an expansionist country seeking hegemony in Asia just like the west. So to say Japan modernize because they were scared of western invasion is laughable. :lol:
i will just ask you one question, why did Japan invade/brutally massacred its 'Asian brothers'? afterall, i dont recall any Asian country asking for help from Japan. The answer is that Japan was simply an expansionist country seeking hegemony in Asia just like the west. So to say Japan modernize because they were scared of western invasion is laughable. :lol:

When the Japan invade/brutally massacred its 'Asian brothers, is the earlier politician from the end of the shogunate era still alive and/or in power?

Seriously can we blame Henry Tudor for letting Irish famine happen? Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan or George Washington for recent Iraq War? Charlemagne for Jew Holocaust?

Japan invaded seeking hegemony is different era when they modernized. Several decades already past.
The earlier politician won't know what the next generation politician plan or condition. It's very possible and probably right that the earlier politician modernized because they afraid but later on next generation politician have different reasoning and choose to invaded, seeking hegemony because they saw chance to do it.

Real life is not like strategy game, when a single player can dictate the strategy of the entire nation from the start until finish for hundreds or thousands of years. When government change or even after one election happen, the new leader can and usually have different goal from previous leader. Heck after 50-60 years even one person can have different view of thing that they want to achieve or like.
I heard that there are some newspapers in japan&china clearly stated the root reason behind our politics. Can any one of you find those newspapers?

I believe Thailand own people is the most expert in term of finding the root causes of this turmoil.....
Yes. For those high figure political players they know exactly what is the root causes. But Im just ordinary people. So i need to guess. Thats why i ask for more data from abroad might help my prediction.

Well, first you need to use reply button, so I can get alert...

Mm...I think you have two powerful political parties....your country is divided into only two political power (party), just like USA. But sadly your elite and people don't have the same maturity like USA elite and people. Sorry, but you are more similar like Egyptian where nationalist and Islamist can not live together, so Military can have access to rule them back. Beside that, in Thailand, there is King and military power as well. It is so simple, If the people don't get united, other power will intervene.

Indonesia, USA, India have many ethnics .....so we learn how to be tolerant and patience in order to live side by side together peacefully. It is a character that any democratic nation needs to have.
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Yes. For those high figure political players they know exactly what is the root causes. But Im just ordinary people. So i need to guess. Thats why i ask for more data from abroad might help my prediction.

Hmm you should discuss more about politics with those two sides in your country, after you find two different point of view, you should going to library and find what kind of History and policy the Thailand Kingdom has and their progress related to Civil-Military relationship and then you may compare what you found it with the recent socio-politico condition the Thailand has till now. It was a very complex process of thorough fully thinking and one cannot find just based in one simple discussion in forum or reading a historical book alone. It is not as simple as calling about a clash of Rural vs Metro, it is much-much more complex than that.
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