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Testing closed system theory on Taliban do they need foreign money?

True, criminal enterprise accounts for 90% of their financial strength.
Nice Article, Also read the stats of ransom cases with number and money involve in this business for last 10 years, you will get idea , from where these terrorists are getting money also who they are.. Best of Luck for your research

I hope to do an article that you would show your superiors about working with Pakistan and how it should be done so our alliance can be more productive.
The first concern should be to choke out the funding sources for these terrorists organizations. Once that is done, half the battle is won. We support the efforts of Pakistani agencies in focusing on the terrorists organizations’ funding sources and trying to shut them down. No one can deny that the people of the region are sick of terrorism and have rejected them in polls after polls. The terrorists know this as well. It is that time when we all need to work together and choke the terrorists from all sides. The people of the region have suffered enough. They deserve the peace they have longed for.

Abdul Quddus
DET- United States Central Command

Thank you, if I'd some resources I could do a much more comprehensive thesis about the financial strength of the extremists. Any help would be appreciated.
An excellent and original piece. Expand this and you could see a PhD out of it, or at the least a grant. I have some grant-writing experience. send me a PM. While some thoughts may have been floated on this already (likely have been at NSA level, etc.) This will put in into inter-service level of awareness.

We simply cannot close our eyes and believe in what we want to believe; however, in the article I do say that foreign support is also a fact but the way it's used is not truly understood. These people have a network and each crime that takes place in Pakistan leads to more bullets that these guys have. If you stop the crime, you'll win the war. They are not hired thugs but 'businessmen' they are in no one's pocket and terrorism is a productive business due to our internal weaknesses.
i think this article is going to become a tool for zarvan
he might be able to win more supporters by showing them that pakistanis like the taliban and in fact do help them.

we should just keep blaming foreigners for creating and funding the taliban because only that will unite pakistani against the ttp!
we should refrain from articles like this.
writing stuff like this means we accept talibans as "angry pakistanis just fighting for their rights!"
weather other countries fund the taliban or not i think our public needs to think that they are being funded by foreigners so they will see them as "mercenaries" and "traitors" and we will be united against this cancer.
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TTP are trained and funded by Indians in Afghanistan.

See? You've ab-initio started off with the wrong premise! The TTP are neither trained nor funded by India which is made the usual scape goat for anything going wrong in Pakistan.

The TTP are as much a threat to India as Pakistan. Read what they have to say about creating mayhem in India once they sort out Pakistan!

Anyway, If that's the impression that India is helping the TTP financially and militarily, then there's really nothing left to discuss here. Case closed.
The Indian support is probable for the Balochi insurgency, it does not seem to come up for the TTP in the literature that I have reviewed.

See? You've ab-initio started off with the wrong premise! The TTP are neither trained nor funded by India which is made the usual scape goat for anything going wrong in Pakistan.

If that's the impression, then there's really nothing left to discuss here. Case closed.
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