Tesla controls the future..has huge lead on electric car tech and automation and integrated environment for its cars..Microsoft is more like a company of the past...What great product has Microsoft launched since the XBox?
Tesla lets say makes 5m vechiles each yr instead of currently 500k. I.e 10x more and imagine toyota ford and GM motor all of whom make electric vechiles and gearing for mass production disapear even then what would be tsla value?
GM makes 10 million cars(30x what tsla does) and is valued at 50b$
GM is probably make more money then tsla will in next 5-10yrs
Tsla golden duck is self driving cars/trucks/taxis and that is still a big IF with lots of competition
Tsla valuation is thus not making cars but self driving software...and may be solar panels side business but if they dont come up with anything by 2025 it will crash back to 100 $$
I don’t give a damn about PE ratios. They are worthless for massive growth companies.
Exactly tech companies proved that they can sell a software multiple times without spending a penny
But is that true for manfacturing a car ??lol
Even at 300$ tsla will still be bubble and will never earn enough to justify that price but the thing about bubble is you never know when it will bursy..today in 5yrs, in 10 yrs? Who knows
But one thing is for sure if tsla makes every car in the universe it will still not be able to justfy that price
GM ford toyota korean erupean cars and chinse cars are going no where they will be making cars in next few years and have ample manfacturing lines already in place