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Terrorists kill Damascus University Students

Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic
15 University Students Martyred by Terrorists' Mortar Shell in Damascus


Nine students were martyred and others were injured by a mortar shell fired by terrorists which fell inside the Faculty of Architectural Engineering in Damascus on Thursday.

SANA reporter said the mortar shell, which fell inside the Faculty's cafeteria, caused the martyrdom of nine students and the injury of 6 others, in addition to material damage in the site.

Later, Rector of the University of Damascus said the number of martyrs due to the mortar shell rose to 15 students.

Two Martyred, Another Injured by Terrorists' Gunfire in Jdaidat Artouz

Meanwhile, two citizens were martyred and another was injured when terrorists opened fire with machineguns at a passenger minibus near Jdaidat Artouz suburb in Damascus Countryside.

An official source told SANA reporter that terrorists opened fire at the passenger minibus on al-Arbaeen Highway opposite to the Police Housing Compounds in Jdaidat Artouz.

A medical source at al-Muwasat Hospital said bodies of a baby girl and a young man arrived in the hospital, noting that an injured person is being hospitalized.






Their freedom is killing educations and educated people...
That is horrible. Targeting mosques and killing Islamic scholars was not enough for FSA I guess...
I wonders whats their next target, children's playground?

Curse these coward terrorist apes. I hope they suffer a very agonizing death, at the hands of the SAA.

RIP to all the victims.
If these guys want to fight a full scale war against state military they should come out in battle formation and engage the enemy on war grounds. Hiding in residential areas and fighting from nook and corners is cowardice at its best and also a war crime.
If these guys want to fight a full scale war against state military they should come out in battle formation and engage the enemy on war grounds. Hiding in residential areas and fighting from nook and corners is cowardice at its best and also a war crime.

These coward terrorists use humans as shields, if they really cared about Syrian lives, they would of stayed away from cities, Syria has large desert and forests... that where real revolutionaries would fight, not between innocent people to get killed by crossfire...
People where would cry rivers as long as amazon and as wide as nile even if a Israeli soldier slaps a Palestinian Kid but when it comes to Muslims ( arab Gang) killing other muslims they will support it . After all How the hell can a Alawaite rule over majority sunnis ( minority sunnis ruling over majority shias as in Bahrain is just fine ) . We will pool in funds and do jehad against Al-assad by supplying weapons and money to rogue militias continuously for years . Who cares if lesser Syrian Citizens die in this ideological warfare .

This was not a Sectarian war in the start . It was people's protest .And not that Assad is a Saint . He is pretty messed up in the head as well . But he is a lesser evil in this war but Saudi-Qatar converted it into Sectarian Strife (After all they have a long career and work experience in Afghanistan ) and do not care about the blood of normal Syrians transporting terrorists from across the globe to feed the war .
The regime has destroyed whole cities and have been always blaming it on FSA although they barley had AKs, the regime use Scud missiles, artillery and MRLS in lveling cities to the ground:
Read post #4 and stop watching Alarabieyh Grad Missile and Dubai Airport Story :omghaha:... you must love bloodshed don't you?
This is inhuman and condemnable! This killing should not be done! Its all their dictators fault! Assad should step down if he cares a little bit for his people!
really? the Syrian people are the ones that want Alasad to stay.... and don't blame terrorists attack on Alasad, those terrorists targeted the university, why? why didn't they target the military or something/. their fight is with the government not innocent people... but these F$A terrorists are against education....and if F$A cared about Syrians they would wanted peace and started dialogue, instead they keep practicing bloodshed...
really? the Syrian people are the ones that want Alasad to stay.... and don't blame terrorists attack on Alasad, those terrorists targeted the university, why? why didn't they target the military or something/. their fight is with the government not innocent people... but these F$A terrorists are against education....

How u know they were students?? they could be Assads spies pretending to be students?? Whatever Im against Dictatorship! And Assad is a bloody dictator! You can be president if there is democracy! People will chose their own leader!
This is inhuman and condemnable! This killing should not be done! Its all their dictators fault! Assad should step down if he cares a little bit for his people!

lol step down and have another USA puppet in the middle east? no thanks :)

How u know they were students?? they could be Assads spies pretending to be students?? Whatever Im against Dictatorship! And Assad is a bloody dictator! You can be president if there is democracy! People will chose their own leader!

are you that stupid? It happened inside a university where it killed students in a cafeteria? What the hell do spies have got to do with university students? be a little bit more logical instead of saying all this bullshit man
lol step down and have another USA puppet in the middle east? no thanks :)

So you want a bloody dictator to rule who is more cruel than Ghaddafi of libya?? A democratic president wont be anyones puppet! People chose their leader in every 5 years!
How u know they were students?? they could be Assads spies pretending to be students?? Whatever Im against Dictatorship! And Assad is a bloody dictator! You can be president if there is democracy! People will chose their own leader!
yes those students were the Iranian QUDS:hitwall: :disagree: .... and democracy? Alasad have been asking for elections under the UN for over a year, and the west and their puppets refuse... if they claim Alasad has no support, then why not have elections? and yes people will choose their own leader, not Qatar or the west...

Syrian Rallies - YouTube
So you want a bloody dictator to rule who is more cruel than Ghaddafi of libya?? A democratic president wont be anyones puppet! People chose their leader in every 5 years!
Dictator or not open ur eyes up Syria is totally fucked up. Fighting for freedom for 2 years and still cant topple the government? Bullshit. This stupid FSA is nothing but backed up mercenaries and without that its nothing. How long does it take to topple a government if the majority are against the President? It just doesnt make sense. So many people are dying. Infrastructure in the country is being destroyed. Theres no food no security anymore. Is this the freedom people wanted? give me a break.

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