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Terrorists have killed at least 20 soldiers in an attack on a checkpoint in western Egypt


May 22, 2014
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BBC News - Egyptian troops killed at checkpoint

The attackers used grenade launchers and heavy machine guns when they attacked the desert post some 390 miles (630km) west of Cairo, officials said.

It is not yet clear who carried out the assault.

Militants have intensified a campaign against the security forces since the Islamist President Mohammed Morsi was ousted from power just over a year ago.

The attack took place on the Farafra-Cairo highway in Wadi al-Jadid governorate, security officials said.

Three of the gunmen were also killed, state-run news agency Mena reported.

'Significant victory'
The area borders Sudan and Libya. Some reports suggested that the attackers could have been smuggling weapons from Libya into Egypt.

The BBC's Suzanne Kianpour in Cairo says the Egyptian army has been struggling to keep Islamist insurgents at bay.

This checkpoint attack marks a significant victory for the militants in a campaign that has already claimed the lives of dozens of policemen and soldiers, our correspondent adds.

The government led by former army chief Abdul Fattah al-Sisi has cracked down harshly on Islamists and other political opponents.

Mr Sisi - who removed Mr Morsi from power - won May's presidential election.
BBC News - Egyptian troops killed at checkpoint
The area borders Sudan and Libya. Some reports suggested that the attackers could have been smuggling weapons from Libya into Egypt.

smuggling?? another disinfo by bbc.

they were not "smuggling" but bringing weapons from occupied libya's al-qaeda/taliban/ikhwaan government to be delivered into hands of ikhwaan for terrorism in egypt, and also weapons through ikhwaan to hamas to fight... not israel... but the plo.

wrong of egypt to release the ikhwaan criminals from jail. they should have been shot.

The BBC's Suzanne Kianpour in Cairo says the Egyptian army has been struggling to keep Islamist insurgents at bay.

"islamist"?? if the ikhwaan and al-qaeda are "islamist"... what were nasser and muammar?? hindu??

this is how the bbc ( and cnn, fox, etc ) demonizes islam. they brainwash the western audience into thinking bad about islam by saying islam is all about burqa and al-qaida... taliban and ikhwaan.
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These militants shouldn't justify violence against ordinary soldiers who are also Muslim like them and pray.

If they have problem with leadership, take a different path.

smuggling?? another disinfo by bbc.

they were not "smuggling" but bringing weapons from occupied libya's al-qaeda/taliban/ikhwaan government to be delivered into hands of ikhwaan for terrorism in egypt, and also weapons through ikhwaan to hamas to fight... not israel... but the plo.

wrong of egypt to release the ikhwaan criminals from jail. they should have been shot.

What are you talking about? Everything to you is 'Ikhwan'. There are plenty of militias in Libya.

Stop talking about Palestine, Hamas doesn't want to get rid of PLO. PLO can never control Gaza, the population hates them. Even in the West Bank the population is on the verge of over throwing them due to their recent history of collaboration.

There is the US appointed PLO, then there is the real hawks of Fatah. Many Fatah officials stand against Abbas, same with many of their supporters.
What are you talking about? Everything to you is 'Ikhwan'. There are plenty of militias in Libya

when did i say every "militia" ( as you call them ) in libya is ikhwaan?? there are other groups too... former lifg and now part of al-qaeda, then there is taliban, algerian groups ( fis ?? ), al shabaab from somalia, probably jemah islamiya from indonesia, general criminals, probably hezbollah... who knows who else??

Stop talking about Palestine,

i am muslim and modern socialist. admirer of nasser and student of muammar. for me, the concept of nations is to be not respected but removed. so i have the right to forward what is good in this world and criticize what is bad.

so give me a sensible reason why i should stop talking about palestine. especially you being someone sitting in the usa.

Hamas doesn't want to get rid of PLO.

of course. hamas wants to maintain the illusion that they are fighting for palestine whereas in reality they want to slowly turn palestine into part iran, part afghanistan, part saudia. and that they can do only if they are not seen openly fighting plo at the moment.

PLO can never control Gaza, the population hates them.

didn't the plo administer gaza before 2007?? and how did hamas gain power in gaza?? through "democratic elections" forced upon gaza by the usa, israel, britain... and probably iran. that is the only way a puppet group like hamas can come to power... through western government effected regime-changed, which removed plo and replaced it with gaza.

one of its parent, the ikhwaan, came to power the same way in egypt... through the nato-sponsored "arab spring", and through propaganda and brain washing by the nato agents like tawakkul karman, who was of course given the nato-sponsored "nobel peace prize".

after morsi was jailed, that burqa, tawakkul, called morsi as "the mandela of egypt"... :rofl:

mandela's great friend and chief sponsor was muammar gaddafi... and mandela's african national congress was predominantly socialist... and burqa tawakkul demonized muammar... and morsi's ikhwaan criminals contributed to killing libyans... and tawakkul calls morsi as "mandela of egypt" :rofl:

only fools would believe such propaganda from the western governments and their agents.

Even in the West Bank the population is on the verge of over throwing them due to their recent history of collaboration.

overthrow?? so who forms the plo then?? and where do plo people live?? why are you so greatly in love with hamas??

There is the US appointed PLO,

you mean abbas and his supporters, i think.

then there is the real hawks of Fatah. Many Fatah officials stand against Abbas, same with many of their supporters.

it was these hardcore fatah people, and other groups like pflp who had announced in 2010, i think, that they will wage armed war against hamas and take back gaza into control of real palestine resistance. it is disappointing that they have still not done that.

These militants shouldn't justify violence against ordinary soldiers who are also Muslim like them and pray.

you seem to be advocating violence against someone else...
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so give me a sensible reason why i should stop talking about palestine. especially you being someone sitting in the usa.

I used to live in Palestine and have been there over 11 times. How about you? I know everything about Palestine. Don't talk about things you have no knowledge of.

of course. hamas wants to maintain the illusion that they are fighting for palestine whereas in reality they want to slowly turn palestine into part iran, part afghanistan, part saudia.

So stupid. :disagree:

it was these hardcore fatah people, and other groups like pflp who had announced in 2010, i think, that they will wage armed war against hamas and take back gaza into control of real palestine resistance. it is disappointing that they have still not done that.

No one ever such a thing. Fatah military wing in Gaza was fighting alongside Hamas before the ground invasion. Now the ground invasion began, it's mostly Hamas resisting.

Most of your content is meaningless. Write something that has relevance to our discussion. Saying Abbas and PA and are 'real resistance' is laughable to say the least. You don't know anything about public Palestinian opinion. Palestinians support a unity government with representatives from each party. They don't want Abbas.
until now i can believe it i was hoping that the news is to be fake but sadly it isnt what is more important is to avenge them and clean our country of this animals

May the Egyptian soldiers rest in peace.
And I hope you catch all the pieace of sh*t terrorists and kill them on the spot

Heads will roll, both in Libya and in the Armed Forces. R.I.P

Its a time like this, that you realise just how good Qaddafi was not only for the Libyan people, but the region. (even if he was no saint, but who is?)
Qaddafi knew at least how to keep the terrorists in a short leash.

Libya needs a new strong man and ruthless iron-fist to eradicate the terrorism and lead the people out of their tribal ways.
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I used to live in Palestine and have been there over 11 times. How about you? I know everything about Palestine. Don't talk about things you have no knowledge of.

i know quite a bit about planet mars, but i have never been there. i also know quite a bit about taliban, but i have never been to afghanistan.

by your logic, the first time i visit west bank and gaza, i will suddenly forget my hatred of hamas and "muslim" brotherhood... and i will begin to hate plo ( fatah, pflp... ) and turn into a mullah.

by your logic, muammar gaddafi or bashar al assad or saddam hussain shouldn't have been talking about palestine because they never lived there, and they don't share your love for "muslim" brotherhood and hamas.

by your logic, the whole of palestine, including old style fatah, thinks like you.

your argument is foolish.

No one ever such a thing. Fatah military wing in Gaza was fighting alongside Hamas before the ground invasion.

you yourself said that plo ( and fatah ) is hated in gaza, and even people in west bank want to overthrow them. so what are you really saying??

Now the ground invasion began, it's mostly Hamas resisting.

and when hamas was busy betraying palestine people in yarmouk camp in damascus ( syria ), and also helping al-qaeda/taliban kill syrians, who was hamas resisting??

Saying Abbas and PA and are 'real resistance' is laughable to say the least.

don't lie. when did i say abbas leads the real resistance??

You don't know anything about public Palestinian opinion.

and what is palestine public opinion according to you?? you who spit on the grave of yasser arafat and on the sacrifices of great revolutionaries like carlos, who fought for palestine and now sits in a french jail??

Palestinians support a unity government with representatives from each party.

that is not the entire truth. what do you think laila khalid would feel living in hamas mullah-burqa administered west bank??

Interview with Leila Khaled: ‘BDS is effective, but it doesn’t liberate land’ | +972 Magazine
BBC News - Egyptian troops killed at checkpoint

The attackers used grenade launchers and heavy machine guns when they attacked the desert post some 390 miles (630km) west of Cairo, officials said.

It is not yet clear who carried out the assault.

Militants have intensified a campaign against the security forces since the Islamist President Mohammed Morsi was ousted from power just over a year ago.

The attack took place on the Farafra-Cairo highway in Wadi al-Jadid governorate, security officials said.

Three of the gunmen were also killed, state-run news agency Mena reported.

'Significant victory'
The area borders Sudan and Libya. Some reports suggested that the attackers could have been smuggling weapons from Libya into Egypt.

The BBC's Suzanne Kianpour in Cairo says the Egyptian army has been struggling to keep Islamist insurgents at bay.

This checkpoint attack marks a significant victory for the militants in a campaign that has already claimed the lives of dozens of policemen and soldiers, our correspondent adds.

The government led by former army chief Abdul Fattah al-Sisi has cracked down harshly on Islamists and other political opponents.

Mr Sisi - who removed Mr Morsi from power - won May's presidential election.

You have conveniently changed the title, the greatest terrorist in Egypt is sis the thug. Soldiers who follow the orders of this thug are also terrorists. So, I say good riddance.
You have conveniently changed the title, the greatest terrorist in Egypt is sis the thug. Soldiers who follow the orders of this thug are also terrorists. So, I say good riddance.

Conscript based army.
What can we say about these men who died preventing aid and medicine from reaching people under bombardment

They weren't even fasting
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