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Terrorists camps in Turkey

I am funny, that I know, however, what's this joke about loosing a war? Are you kidding me? You have written us off without even us putting our uniforms on? Now a days I'm enjoying beautiful Mediterranean sunshine...... What are you doing, hiding with an AK in an underground bunker?

I feel as if all the Turkish military engagements with Syria are taking place just inside your mind. Don't let the Turks scare you that much.... BOOOOOOOO..HOOOOOOO.....

As they say, being a Turk, is a state of mind; Just like being a Pathan..... Ah, well..... you'll never understand it! :D

I dont what you are talking about, Turkey has been asking the west (NATO) for year and a half to attack Syria, however NATO said no, till this day Turkey can not attack Syria alone, therefor Turkey is hosting those terrorists camps, training them, and etc to compensate their war on Syria, since they can not officially attack Syria.
Syrian Lion, tell us the truth, how much does the Syrian regime pay you / month to blog? If I remember correctly, during Ghaddafis time in Libya and Hafiz's time in Syria, there were no free citizens. There were just two classes, one IN the regime and remainder aptly labelled "THE terrorists".

Kindly leave Turkey out of your daily tirade. Turkey is not some easy pill that your kind can swallow, test Turkiye and you'll be nothing more than a tiny subdued *****-cat!

Now shoo..shoo away to your corner, as they say in Urdu "Pishay.... Billi", or rather you prefer the Turkish version? "Peesh, peeeesh, peeeesh" :D

Why doesnt your Padisah Erdogan first bring democracy to saudi arabia?

In Bahrein, people did go on streets for democracy. True demonstrations by people but not even 1 media source has showed this. Why not? Because the mission is not the bring democracy in arab countries but chaos and blood. If you really think that this operation is going on to change the regime in Syria, you must be out of knowledge. The main target is to devide Syria and later on Turkey and Iran.
Why doesnt your Padisah Erdogan first bring democracy to saudi arabia?

In Bahrein, people did go on streets for democracy. True demonstrations by people but not even 1 media source has showed this. Why not? Because the mission is not the bring democracy in arab countries but chaos and blood. If you really think that this operation is going on to change the regime in Syria, you must be out of knowledge. The main target is to devide Syria and later on Turkey and Iran.

Emin Colasan is that you ?
Why doesnt your Padisah Erdogan first bring democracy to saudi arabia?

In Bahrein, people did go on streets for democracy. True demonstrations by people but not even 1 media source has showed this. Why not? Because the mission is not the bring democracy in arab countries but chaos and blood. If you really think that this operation is going on to change the regime in Syria, you must be out of knowledge. The main target is to devide Syria and later on Turkey and Iran.

Senin orta dogu hakkinda birsey bilmedigini gosteriyor bu yazilarin. Bahreyn bir sii ayaklanmasidir! Demokrasile alakasi yok. Buraya link koyacagim birdaha boyle sacma sapan seyler yazmasin.

Bahreyne kacak yollar ile giren siilerin hicbir haklari sinirli degildir. Bahreyn devleti olsaydim hepsine birtane sikardim. Pkk yavrulari senin demokrasi yanlilari bahreynde.
Senin orta dogu hakkinda birsey bilmedigini gosteriyor bu yazilarin. Bahreyn bir sii ayaklanmasidir! Demokrasile alakasi yok. Buraya link koyacagim birdaha boyle sacma sapan seyler yazmasin.

Bahreyne kacak yollar ile giren siilerin hicbir haklari sinirli degildir. Bahreyn devleti olsaydim hepsine birtane sikardim. Pkk yavrulari senin demokrasi yanlilari bahreynde.

Bu ne tur mantik? Sii'ler insan degil mi? Demokrasi mezhep uzerine kurulu bir sistem midir?
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UK contacts with Syria rebels confirmed
British Foreign Secretary William Hague

Tue Sep 4, 2012 2:32PM GMT

British Foreign Secretary William Hague has revealed that his government authorized and facilitated “limited contacts” between the UK agents and representatives of the so-called Free Syrian Army.

The contacts were part of a conspiracy hatched by Britain’s spying apparatus and the U.S. spying agencies to topple the popular government of President Bashar al-Assad.

“The UK’s own Special Representative to the Syrian Opposition continues to meet oppositionist groups in the region,” Hague said in a statement to the country’s House of Commons on Monday.

The so-called Free Syrian Army is a rebel group that has taken arms against the government of President Assad. The terrorist group, whose elements are mainly consisting of foreign mercenaries and outlaws within Syria, declared its existence on 29 July 2011. The group hijacked the peaceful movement of the Syrian nation, whose main objective was democracy and freedom of speech. The Syrian government responded to the call made by peaceful demonstrators by implementing a raft of reforms which included formation of new political parties and a new Constitution. But, terror groups led and funded by foreign spying agencies waged a civil war against the government which has resulted in the death of hundreds of security personnel and civilians across Syrian.

Earlier in August, a senior rebel admitted that British intelligence was playing a covert role in the civil war by providing information about the movement of Syrian armed forces to terrorists fighting the Syrian government.

“British intelligence is observing things closely from Cyprus. It's very useful because they find out a great deal,” the senior rebel said.

“The British are giving the information to the Turks and the Americans and we are getting it from the Turks”, he added.

British Foreign Secretary William Hague also admitted that London has provided “an extra £5 million in non-lethal practical assistance to help protect rebel groups and so-called human rights activists in Syria.”

“We have already trained over 60 Syrian activists in documenting human rights violations, and provided support including equipment for 100 Syrian citizen journalists to report on events in Syria. Activists who helped investigate the massacre in Houla for example were trained by the United Kingdom “, Hague said.

Hague also announced that Britain was increasing its “bilateral support for the [Lebanese] government and armed forces as they grapple with insecurity caused by Syria’s conflict.”

The Turkish government is not only supporting to smuggle weapons and terrorists to Syria everyday. They have opened Terror camps near the borders to train Terrorists.

This is nothing new, Turkey has always done this against its Muslim neighbors and has very good excuses everytime....it happens to be Syria today.
They know they can get away with it because of the strong Muslim brotherhood feelings that most of these other true Muslim countries feel....and that my friends is a guarantee to Turks that these countries would never turn their back on this brother country called Turkey.
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Turks can continue their errors and genocides and PKK will continue its war and balkanise Turkey.Turk regime thugs are having to use airforce shows how desperate Turkey is against the Kurds.
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Flash News: Turkey isn't going anywhere
Flash News: PKK is still the Turkish Army's favorite cannon fodder type
Flash News: Unless you find satellite pictures of actual "terrorist camps" you are being a moron and shit thrower
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