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Terrorist Attack in Peshawar Market

:( damn its such a congested bazzar and jammed packed with women shoppers :(

its mainly for women but frequented by boys and men too just for getting a glimps of women.

But its jammed packed with women almost 15 hours
Latest figures of 3 dead, 15 injured, fire in many shops still not controlled.
4 hurt in blast near chowk Yadgar in Peshawar
Updated at: 1440 PST, Wednesday, October 28, 2009

PESHAWAR: An explosion occurred near chowk Yadar in Meena Bazar in Peshawar. Rescue teams have bee sent to the scene. The blast shattered windowpanes of nearby buildings and created panic among the people. The nature of the blast is yet to be identified.

4 hurt in blast near chowk Yadgar in Peshawar
3 dead but DCO Peshawar says the toll would likely to rise.

Unconfirmed reports say 5 dead and over 10 injured
May Allah Bless Our Shauhda and injured. Ameen

We are at the recieving end of the blow back unleashed by US and NATO forces in Afganistan.

We strongly denounce Taliban aka Evil Religious Thugs aka Fazal ur $$$.

Death to :sniper: Taliban and USA.
Latest figures: 10 dead, 40+ injured (Toll still to rise)

Witnesses have reported at least 15 burned bodies being taken from the site.

Children & Women included.
40+ Shaheed 100+ injured.

Security forces firing warning shots to disperse crowd so they can carry out rescue effectively.

May Allah (SAW) Help us.

Emergency should be imposed by Great Gen Kiyani and put this incompetent zardari and rehman malik out of there misery. Time for Army to Come in before we lose our beloved country.
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You know only a few months back we had discussed revamping the Civil Defence in Ander Shere just for this sort of thing, but the Civil Defence Department in Peshawar are too busy "Looking Busy, Doing Nothing".... These cowards make me sick!
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