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Tensions as Paris suburb tries to stop Muslim street prayers

I hate these kinds of muslims this why we have masjids and plus france is a Christian country respect the law of the land .
Even in Muslim country no one has right to carry out strange rituals, extremism, etc. on streets in the name of religion.

In Islamabad some idiots are blocking roads in the name of religion, while common public is suffering.

Any organized group turning up in streets of Pakistan, must be fined heavily, if they don't pay, they should be made to clean streets of Pakistan, for rest of their lives.
No what others are saying is ,if you don't have a place to worship then you pray in your house and not on the street .

You know what's bullsh!t,Muslims don't want to give the same privileges to non Muslims in their host countries but what the same in non Muslim countries .if religion was so important for them they had more than 50 muslim countries to go to but they choose not to

No, Muslims have always permitted non-muslims to pray and live according to their religions, many christian sects in middle east and muslim rule in Indian subcontinent is proof of this. You hindu bakhts should spew this bullshit on your own forums..
I agree, but how about the ( Hindu ) Ganesha processions in India or the Hare Rama Hare Krishna processions in Europe or America??

If it's accepted practice in the culture of a place, that's fine do it. If not, don't impose your culture on others in a public fashion and call it your right.

For example, if it's not accepted in conservative societies such as Saudi Arabia or Pakistan or even India for couples to make out in public, then don't do it.

I personally don't want to see a Ganesha procession in the US- ever. In India, it's a seamless part of the culture. That's the difference.
You know what's bullsh!t,Muslims don't want to give the same privileges to non Muslims in their host countries but what the same in non Muslim countries .if religion was so important for them they had more than 50 muslim countries to go to but they choose not to

Says a national of a country whose citizens die to get job or immigrate in dozens of Muslim countries.
Religious practices must not disturb others.
Exactly... what kind of belief system would find it OK to disturb or even ruin the lives of people.
If such things are happening in street, than the biggest victims are children and the people who are targeting children physically, mentally or spiritually are evils and enemies of humanity.
Such individuals, tribes must be countered at all levels, they should not be allowed to be part of society. They should be sent to desolated places where they can practice their rituals 24x7x365 and please their gods as much they can.


Now its duty of govt. to order public executions of the road block leaders.
provided that their manifestation does not disturb the public order established by the law.

They wouldn't need to disturb the public order if the town mayor hadn't kicked them out of the Mosque. The town mayor is breaking the constitution and forcing a religious minority to make their complaints known via praying in the streets.

If the town mayor had instead allowed them to keep their mosque there would be no problem. I also won't bring up the fact that the counter-protest by the mayor is also against the constitution since he is not treating all beliefs fairly.

I know why praying on the street can disturb someone but if that is what it takes for a religious minority to get their rights back then what's the problem? People in America protest all the time, they block roads and disturb the public's life but is it still tolerated and accepted? Of course, because it's a fundamental right.

Fanatics always take advantage of the term Secular though they themselves do not try it in their native country.

Fanatics? LOL. Who cares if their native country doesn't practice secularism? So what? They are citizens of a secular country and have a right to demand fair treatment otherwise what's the point of being a secular society? Isn't that why secular societies are great for religious minorities? Just because someone else is doing something worse is not a legitimate reason for treating someone badly. If someone went out and murdered someone, would they be let free because Ghengis Khan killed more people than he did and therefore deserves to not be put in jail? Of course not, that's a silly and ridiculous argument and the same argument you are essentially using.

Muslims don't want to give the same privileges to non Muslims in their host countries but what the same in non Muslim countries

What are you talking about? How does this even apply to the current situation?
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They wouldn't need to disturb the public order if the town mayor hadn't kicked them out of the Mosque. The town mayor is breaking the constitution and forcing a religious minority to make their complaints known via praying in the streets.

Actually,the hall is the property of the municipality and when the temporary lease came to an end,the mayor decided not to renew it. After court battles,France's highest court,the Conseil d’État confirmed the evacuation of the hall.

If the town mayor had instead allowed them to keep their mosque there would be no problem. I also won't bring up the fact that the counter-protest by the mayor is also against the constitution since he is not treating all beliefs fairly.

The mayor allowed them to pray in another hall,but they aren't happy with it,bringing reasons like it's too small for the "thousands" of fidels,(even if 100 to 200 people attend the prayers from what I read,and even if the surface is basically the same),doesn't meet safety standards or is "too remote".

It's not as if they were left without any solution.

Actually,it is the Police that should evict them for obstructing a street for religious purposes,but they do nothing.

You can explain to me by a+b why they are doing this,that remains totally illegal.

I know why praying on the street can disturb someone but if that is what it takes for a religious minority to get their rights back then what's the problem? People in America protest all the time, they block roads and disturb the public's life but is it still tolerated and accepted? Of course, because it's a fundamental right.

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Actually,the hall is the property of the municipality and when the temporary lease came to an end,the mayor decided not to renew it. After court battles,France's highest court,the Conseil d’État confirmed the evacuation of the hall.

Fair point.

The mayor allowed them to pray in another hall, but they aren't happy with it, bringing reasons like it's too small

A legitimate complaint.

doesn't meet safety standards or is "too remote".

Both legitimate complaints.

Actually, it is the Police that should evict them for obstructing a street for religious purposes


You can explain to me by a+b why they are doing this, that remains totally illegal.

I do not understand this sentence. Can you rewrite it?

I'm not arguing this isn't illegal, it is but trying to delegitimize what they are protesting for is kinda stupid. I understand that the Mayor can evict them but that doesn't change the fact he is picking on a religious minority. Anyway, I am not an expert on the nuances of protesting in French law so I will concede to you the expert.
A legitimate complaint.

Both legitimate complaints.

Not legitimate when it isn't really true. (At least from what I've read)

I do not understand this sentence. Can you rewrite it?

I'm not arguing this isn't illegal, it is but trying to delegitimize what they are protesting for is kinda stupid. I understand that the Mayor can evict them but that doesn't change the fact he is picking on a religious minority. Anyway, I am not an expert on the nuances of protesting in French law so I will concede to you the expert.

I understand that the situation can create emotion,however that remains illegal. It isn't by blocking the street that there's going to be any changes. The muslim associations lost against the municipality in front of the justice,so there's little to nothing they can do now.

Religion in France will always remain a taboo and a long (and passionate) debate. I'll concede to you though that the French concept of secularism,religious freedom is sometimes very ambiguous and very different from other countries.
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If it's accepted practice in the culture of a place, that's fine do it. If not, don't impose your culture on others in a public fashion and call it your right.

For example, if it's not accepted in conservative societies such as Saudi Arabia or Pakistan or even India for couples to make out in public, then don't do it.

I personally don't want to see a Ganesha procession in the US- ever. In India, it's a seamless part of the culture. That's the difference.
So by offering prayers... they are forcing their culture on others?

While hindu processions are accepted?

Height of fukwitty.
For what it's worth I can understand as a one off but not on a regular basis.

What they should actually do is pit thier hands in thier pockets, but buildings an convert them into masjids. That is what we do in the UK. All of our masjids, big and small are owned and built entirely by the British muslim community.

Many of them are converted old industrial units, pubs, community centres. Surely they don't expect the state to set something up for them do they?

The Problem is not the Mosque and his location... but what happened before it...
The mayor signed with a written "contast" with "un huissier" that it will be renewed in the same place... and that what promised BEFORE the election... SOmething AFTER the election wasn't made as promised... So those who voted for this mayor...well had it hard...

The new mosque, is not rly appropriate for praying, it's too small when it comes to FRiday prayers and it's far far from the city... to keep the muslim and their practice far from it... to keep the city "clean"...since other places near the center were given as an alternative choice...but were taken out... by some miracle..few months back...

As for the prayer on the street, I am not for it either...it's humiliating to say... But it's somthing I can understand... when you get dumped...somtimes you have no other choice but to do so..;since for some ppl it's the only way to get yourself heard...

At least they didn't squatted or attacked those aorund like some have done in "l'aero des Landes"...

Anyway... this Mosque problem is not the first in FRance neither the last... Few used that Mosque construction promise to get votes from the muslims and then dumped it... it's almost normal...

As for those saying, that those guys to gtfo of France...just Remember that they are French..therefore equal to any citizen... France is not any FarWEst country as yours...

Vive La France, Vice La République, Even with her BS sometimes...nothing is perfect
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