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Tens of Thousands Sign Petition to Reunite Alaska With Russia


Jan 13, 2010
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Russian Federation
Over 22,000 people have signed a petition calling for the secession of Alaska from the United States to seek reunification with Russia.
The petition, available on the White House website, opened on March 21. If the motion attracts 100,000 signatures within a month, the Obama administration is obliged to respond according to its guidelines.

The petition, entitled "Alaska Back to Russia," encourages a vote on secession, citing historic travels of Russian explorers to Alaska, as far back as the crossing of native Siberians across the Bering land bridge over 10 thousand years ago.

The document tracks the settlement of the region by Russians, including Aleuts colonizing the Aleutian Archipelago, and the expedition of famed explorer Mikhail Gvozdez who first sited Alaska in 1732.

Alaska was a Russian colony until 1867 when Russian Emperor Alexander II sold it to the US for $7.2 million -$120 million in today's money after being adjusted for inflation.

In November 2012, a similar petition sought Texas' withdrawal from the US following the state's dissatisfaction with federal economic policy.

Signatories of that petition called for Texas to declare independence in order to maintain a balanced budget and "to protect its citizens' standard of living."

Similar motions were filed by residents of several other American states, including Tennessee, Louisiana, South Carolina, North Carolina, Florida, Alabama and Georgia.

Yet only Texas garnered enough signatures - over 125,000 - to be reviewed by the Obama administration, which turned the petition down saying that while "no one disputes that our country faces big challenges," Americans needed to work together "to find the best way to move forward."

Despite the value of healthy debate, "we don't let that debate tear us apart," the White House said.

Tens of Thousands Sign Petition to Reunite Alaska With Russia | World | RIA Novosti
if things continue as such ,soon white house will scrap this petition program for good .
JEW USA invade and embargo everybody, causing millions of deaths and world economic crisis

So Alaska must be given back for Russia
wtf is this taking crimea was illegal surly these people are going to take all ex soviets by force usa should act more seriously
WhiteHouse.gov petition seeks to give Alaska back to Russia


A petition on WhiteHouse.gov seeking to give Alaska back to Russia is probably safe to file under "N" for "Never Gonna Happen."

Still, 30,000 people have lent their virtual John Hancocks to the petition. Rules dictate petitions with 100,000 or more signatures get an official response from the White House. The creator(s) of this one have until April 20 to make that happen.

And there's the timing of the petition, which coincides with Russia's annexation of Crimea, a move that wasrejected by the United Nations.

The petition's language is a bit difficult to follow, but a kind of Russian patriotism seems to shine through. Below, the text from WhiteHouse.gov:

Groups Siberian russians crossed the Isthmus (now the Bering Strait) 16-10 thousand years ago.

Russian began to settle on the Arctic coast, Aleuts inhabited the Aleutian Archipelago.

First visited Alaska August 21, 1732, members of the team boat "St. Gabriel »under the surveyor Gvozdev and assistant navigator I. Fedorov during the expedition Shestakov and DI Pavlutski 1729-1735 years

Vote for secession of Alaska from the United States and joining Russia.

Not exactly "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal," but we can't all be Thomas Jefferson.

While Alaska has been part of the United States for some time, it was, long ago, part of Russia. In 1867, Secretary of State William Seward purchased the land from Russia for about $7.2 million. It didn't become a state until 1959. It also happens to be rich with natural resources, from oil to timber to gold.

This isn't the first time someone has petitioned for a state to secede from the union, Fox News explains. In 2012, a similar petition involving Texas received enough signatures for a response, which was... wait for it...no.

WhiteHouse.gov petition seeks to give Alaska back to Russia | The Sideshow - Yahoo News
This is ridiculous. Ukraine and ex Russian empire states are fine, but Alaska was legally sold.
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