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Ten reasons why India will not and must not become a superpower


Aug 24, 2008
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This thread is not about bashing or taking cheap shots at India/Indians

Ten reasons why India will not and must not become a superpower

1.challenge of left wing extremism
2.right wing fundamentalism in all communities
3.decline of political center(conversion of political parties into family firms)
4.corruption and corrosion of public institutions
5.growing gap b/w rich and poor
6.environmental degradation
7.apathy of the media
8.political fragmentation and policy incoherence
9.disturbance in northeast and j&k
10.very unstable neighborhood

India is an extraordinary political experiment still finding its way,
India's lesson to the world be not world dominance but coexistence.
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"Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons."
-- Popular Mechanics, "predicting" the relentless march of technology, 1949

"Television won't last. It's a flash in the pan."
-- Mary Somerville, pioneer of radio educational broadcasts, 1948

"Television won't last because people will soon get tired of staring at
a plywood box every night."
-- Darryl Zanuck, movie producer, 20th Century Fox, 1946

Some things are best left to take the test of time. Stop second guessing the future. No one is qualified enough.
This thread is not about bashing or taking cheap shots at India/Indians

Ten reasons why India will not and must not become a superpower

1.challenge of left wing extremism
2.right wing fundamentalism in all communities
3.decline of political center(conversion of political parties into family firms)
4.corruption and corrosion of public institutions
5.growing gap b/w rich and poor
6.environmental degradation
7.apathy of the media
8.political fragmentation and policy incoherence
9.disturbance in northeast and j&k
10.very unstable neighborhood

India is an extraordinary political experiment still finding its way,
India's lesson to the world be not world dominance but coexistence.
In 1947 we were nothing
But a bunch of a billion people without knowing what to do. Within 64 years
We have became a stable democracy,a rising economy,
And an upcoming super power. We will make it!
Vande mataram!
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what if india still end up becoming a superpower even without attempting to become one??
Bah...another thread about being/not being supah powahhh. Please Mr.Guha give it a rest. No one - I mean the common Indian - is interested in it as long there is enough and sufficient food for his family, electricity to watch the cricket match and roads are good enough between his home and office.
This thread is not about bashing or taking cheap shots at India/Indians

Ten reasons why India will not and must not become a superpower

1.challenge of left wing extremism
2.right wing fundamentalism in all communities
3.decline of political center(conversion of political parties into family firms)
4.corruption and corrosion of public institutions
5.growing gap b/w rich and poor
6.environmental degradation
7.apathy of the media
8.political fragmentation and policy incoherence
9.disturbance in northeast and j&k
10.very unstable neighborhood

India is an extraordinary political experiment still finding its way,
India's lesson to the world be not world dominance but coexistence.

Its not a application form that some one will reject it - Hey India you are not allowed to be some thing (;))

Its a status of a county. you have to earn it by your own

Every county faced problem even USA was under British rule but now a days they run their (British) government (not directly)

Points you showed are reality and biggest hurdles in Indians progress its upto us (people, gov) how we overcome them

Just contribute from your side

A famous point from "Bhagvat Geeta"
Karm kar fal ki chinta mar kar
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1.challenge of left wing extremism
2.right wing fundamentalism in all communities
3.decline of political center(conversion of political parties into family firms)
4.corruption and corrosion of public institutions
5.growing gap b/w rich and poor
6.environmental degradation
7.apathy of the media
8.political fragmentation and policy incoherence
9.disturbance in northeast and j&k
10.very unstable neighborhood

wait for a decade or two more , all these problems will either be resolved or reduced.

Then someone else will come up with another article" 100 reasons why India is a tyrannical and oppressive superpower " ....:rofl:

No such thing as bad publicity or criticism .....
The only two issues that i think can really create tension in the long term stability of our country are-- religious differences. and caste system.
Rest all the issues mentioned earlier can be easily dealt with within few years.

I really wish we get rid of this caste system from our country.
Bah...another thread about being/not being supah powahhh. Please Mr.Guha give it a rest. No one - I mean the common Indian - is interested in it as long there is enough and sufficient food for his family, electricity to watch the cricket match and roads are good enough between his home and office.

I couldn't agree more. I would be very much happy if my country can guarantee as a part of national policy basic amenities to all its citizens, free education to all its children and a decent law and order situation. I would rather see my country become another Sweden or Switzerland than another USA.

However one has to also remember that India is a strange country. When we became independent very few people had the faith that India with its huge cultural diversity and 15 official languages would even survive for 10 years. Added to that was our low level of industrialization and 'Ship to Mouth' existence. Now we are the biggest democracy and 2nd largest growing economy in the world. So you never know.
Let us forget this hype of superpower since it is just to keep India on the boil so as to compete with China.

Let us get on with improving our Nation first and strengthening and then if we are to be a superpower, that will seamlessly fall into place without anyone's goading or hype.
The only two issues that i think can really create tension in the long term stability of our country are-- religious differences. and caste system.
Rest all the issues mentioned earlier can be easily dealt with within few years.

I really wish we get rid of this caste system from our country.

Add rich poor divide to it and you get an explosive situation. India will not disintegrate but will be held back by all maladies too long.
But the primary focus should be reducing the mass poverty.
Some things are best left to take the test of time. Stop second guessing the future. No one is qualified enough.
These are no predictions friend but rater an explanation of Action reaction to certain prevailing conditions.

Ramachandra is a Realist, and i too adhere to this principle .... He sees facts as it is and doesn't delude himself with hopes of the contrary ; if in the future a change happens for the better ,people like him tend to only at that point in time, envision a positive reality.

Another thing id like to add is that this dude speaking to a foreign Audience ...that in itself demand modesty and sensibility in ones phrasing .
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