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Tell Pakistan to stop exporting terror to India: BJP tells China


Oct 12, 2010
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Tell Pakistan to stop exporting terror to India: BJP tells China

Beijing, Jan 21 (IANS) China has an influence over Pakistan and the BJP expects Beijing to put pressure on Islamabad to stop exporting terror to India and to act against the perpetrators of the Mumbai attack, Nitin Gadkari, the chief of India's main opposition party, told Chinese leaders here Friday.

Gadkari, who is the first Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) president to visit China, conveyed to the Chinese leaders his party's serious concern over Pakistan-sponsored cross-border terrorism and told them that there was strong public opinion in India against Beijing's development projects in ***************** Kashmir.

Gadkari, in his wide-ranging talks with leaders of the Communist Party of China, also told them that Beijing's reported attempts to block Pakistan-based terrorist outfits like Jamaat-ud-Dawah from being black-listed by the UN was having an adverse impact on the BJP's efforts to improve people-to-people contacts between the two countries, a statement said.

The BJP president is on a five-day goodwill visit to China along with a delegation of senior party leaders. He held discussions with Ai Ping, the Chinese vice-minister in the international department of the Communist Party of China, and also met Li Changchun, a senior leader of the nine-member Standing Committee of the political Bureau of the CPC.

Gadkari told the Chinese leadership that terrorism was a common concern for mankind.

'Terrorism does not recognize any boundaries and there are very strong growing inter-linkages amongst terror groups,' Gadkari said, and hoped that both India and China would work closely with the international community to strengthen the global framework against terrorism.

To Gadkari's urging China to use its good offices with Pakistan to pressure it to stop exporting terror to India and act against the perpetrators of all acts of terrorism on Indian soil, including those behind the Mumbai attack, the Chinese leaders shared the BJP leader's concern.

The Chinese leaders said Beijing 'understands the importance of all the issues raised by the BJP president'.

Gadkari also took up with the Chinese leaders the issue of stapled visas for the people of Arunanchal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir and conveyed his party's strong position on the issue. He hoped Beijing would resolve the matter at the earliest as it was damaging China's image among the Indian people.

Gadkari also took up China's military assistance and the supply of nuclear reactors to Pakistan and said these did not augur well for strengthening bilateral relations between India and China.

The BJP chief told the Chinese leaders that the party believes that the festering boundary issue should be resolved through peaceful negotiations and in a fair, reasonable, mutually acceptable and pro-active manner.

The BJP delegation includes two general secretaries, Thawarchand Gehlot and Vijay Goel, joint-organizing secretary, Saudan Singh, and secretaries Arti Mehra and Laxman Kova, Vinay Sahasrabudhe and Vijay Jolly.

Tell Pakistan to stop exporting terror to India: BJP tells China
China's non-interference in internal affairs of other countries.

Have you seen the discussion of China's netizens Kashmir problem?
We will not participate in this issue.
Terrorism as State Policy

Indian Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao on January 18 this year, while repeating the old blame game, has hit out at Pakistan for pursuing terrorism as an “instrument of state policy.” It is not new allegation against Islamabad because, in the aftermath of the November 26 Mumbai tragedy, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Indian high officials had also accused that terrorism is state policy of Pakistan and epicenter of terrorism lies in that country.

In this regard, analysis needs the indication of facts so that readers must know the truthfulness which is always concealed by New Delhi.

For the last 25 years, India has been providing its military and intelligence agency RAW with huge funds in order to support insurgency, separatism, extremism and terrorism in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhuttan, Sikkim and China. Although these covert activities vary from country to country, yet the same intensifies in case of Pakistan. In this respect, a well-established network of Indian army and RAW has been working to destabilise Pakistan by supporting insurgency in the Khyber Pakhtookhwa and separatism in Balochistan. New Delhi has been spending huge money to train and equip the militants who have been entering Pakistan on daily basis and have been conducting suicide attacks in our country, and assaults on our security forces including targetted killings�besides inciting sectarian violence.

As regards RAW, more than 50 Indian foreign offices, established along with the north-western border of Pakistan are supporting the militants in Balochistan where a minority group called the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) has been waging a separatist war in southwestern Pakistan with the aid of RAW and CIA. Bugti’s death was a blow to neo-BLA, but this group’s external backers did not stop their aggressive activities. After Bugti’s death his grandson, Brahmdagh Bugti is currently operating against Pakistan from Kabul.

While adopting terrorism as state policy, Indian anti-Pakistan plan was also endorsed by a 72-page white paper handed over to its Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in the aftermath of Mumbai carnage. The paper, titled, War on Terror: The Agenda for Action, (Also available on the website of India Today) advised New Delhi to “exploit the divisions within Pakistan and expose its weaknesses in Balochistan, FATA and Azad Kashmir” including building of pressure on Islamabad especially by the US.

In the past, terrorism as state policy was approved and employed in the former Yugoslavia. In that respect, Serb forces used all inhuman tactics of ethnic cleansing, perpetrated on Bosnian and Kosovar Muslims, which India has now been applying to disturb the majority population of the Kashmiris. Israel which has also been acting upon terrorism as state policy�has been implementing similar sort of terrorism on the Palestinians.

In the Indian-held Kashmir, since 1947, Indian forces have intermittently been employing all the possible techniques of military terrorism such as curfews, crackdowns, sieges, massacre, targeted killings etc. to maintain their alien rule. In the occupied Kashmir, Indian brutalities keep on going against the current phase of Kashmiri uprising.

However, under the mask of democracy and secularism, Indian subsequent regimes dominated by politicians from the Hindi heartland�Hindutva (Hindu nationalism) have been using state terrorism ruthlessly against any move to free Assam, Kashmir, Khalistan, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tamil Nadu and Tripura where wars of independence continue in one or the other form.

It is notable that historical background and religious beliefs which have formed the habits and national character of Hindus are quite different from the other ethnic and religious communities. Indians still have a strong belief in the superiority of their race. Indian Hindus are followers of Chanakya (Say some thing else and do some thing else). This fact has been verified by the misdeeds of Hindu fundamentalist parties like BJP, RSS, VHP, Shiv Sina and Bajrang Dal which have missed no opportunity to communalise national politics of India even under the Congress rule. With the backing of Indian officials, these parties have intensified anti-Christian and anti-Muslim bloodshed in the last decade coupled with the dissemination.

Besides previous genocide of Muslims and destruction of the Babri Mosque led by Indain high officials, more than 2500 Muslims were massacred in 2002 in the BJP-ruled Indian state of Gujarat. Regarding that massive genocide, both Human Rights Watch in 2002 and Amnesty International in 2003 charged the “Gujarat state administration” for involvement in “a massive cover-up of the state’s role in that massacre” and pointed out numerous police officials�specifically ministers, high officials and leaders of the VHP, BJP and Bajrang Dal as participants.

On September 13, 2008, the communal riots in Uttar Pradesh killed more than 200 Muslims. In one of the most tragic incidents in Assam, Hindu extremists burnt alive six members of a Muslim family. Violence has continued against the Muslims from time to time. Similarly, assaults on Christians and their property have been executed by the Hindu mobs in Orissa, Assam, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh. In this respect, at least 60 Christians have been assassinated in the recent past by Hindu extremists in the state of Orissa. Other religious minorities of India are also target of Hindu terrorism.

It is of particular attention that ideology of Hindu nationalism prevails in every field at the cost of other minority groups. It is even supported by Indian defence forces secretly. This fact could be judged from the recent past, when on April 6, 2008 in the house of Bajrang Dal fundamentalists in Nanded, a bomb went off. The investigations proved that the militants belonging to the Bajrang Dal were found in the bomb-making and attack on a mosque in Parbhani in 2003.

Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) of the Maharashtra arrested a serving Lt. Col. Srikant Purohit along with other army officials, indicating that they were helping in training the Hindu terrorists, providing them with the military-grade explosive RDX, used in the Malegaon bombings and terrorist attacks in other Indian cities. ATS further disclosed that Lt. Col. Purohit confessed that in 2007, he was involved in bombing of Samjhota express, which brunt alive 69 Pakistanis.

National Investigation Agency (NIA) is convinced that Swami Aseemanand, a Hindu right-wing leader, was directly involved in the Samjhota Express blasts. Besides, the weekly “Tehelka”, in its current issue, has also conducted “a shocking expose” of the “nexus between Hindu terror and Indian Military Intelligence (MI) officers” involved in bomb attacks on Samjhota Express, and mosques in Hyderabad, Ajmer Sharif and Malegaon. With the backing of Indian high officials, leaders of the Indian extremist parties, Shiv Sena, BJP, VHP and RSS are now pressurising the Congress regime to release the culprits.

Nevertheless, before these revelations about Hindu terrorism, Indian government has been accusing the Islamic organizations in contact with Pakistani or Bangladeshi intelligence agencies in carrying out bomb blasts in Malegaon and other Indian places.

Most dangerous point is that Hindu terrorists with the support of Indian army and their intelligence agency, RAW would try to get weapons of mass destruction�and will use them in the US and major European states in order to show that Muslim radicals or Al Qaeda-related insurgents have performed this sinister job. While Hindu extremists and Indian high officials with the backing of RAW has already started a nefarious strategic game of spreading disinformation that terrorism is state policy of Pakistan.

In fact, there is a co-relationship of the Hindutva, Hindu fundamentalism and Indian officials which are the genesis of Hindu terrorism.

It is now clear that instead of Pakistan, India has been acting upon terror as state policy so as to create frenzy against the other religious communities and to destabilise other regional states with the sole aim to become super power of Asia.
Gadkari,is the guy reading a paper while having a meeting with Chinese?
China's non-interference in internal affairs of other countries.

Have you seen the discussion of China's netizens Kashmir problem?
We will not participate in this issue.

Please provide the link for one of your most visited forums!:tup::tup::tup::tup:
That's why i like BJP.
Always bold and to the point.I hope that they come to power in the next elections.Pakistan will have some seriously tough time.

When China's assistance to other countries, China has never tied the requirements and assistance.
India should first find out about the habits of the Chinese.
Indian claim proved false
News & Views
Mohammad Jamil

It is a matter of routine for Indian leadership to accuse Pakistan for every act of terrorism in India whereas it has been proved many a time that invariably every act of terrorism was committed by India’s homegrown terrorists. All along, India had also been officially denying any link of Hindu extremists with the mayhem, death and carnage resulting from the blasts, and instead tried to shift the blame for the heinous crime to the Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI). Meanwhile, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) Chief, Swami Aseemanand has confessed before a magistrate that he along with other Hindu activists was involved in the Malegon, Samjhota Express, Ajmer and Mecca Masjid bombings. This has knocked the bottom out of Indian Prime Minister’s pretense. Indian weekly Tehelka magazine stated that his confession has unraveled the inner workings of the Hindutva terror network.

Pakistan on Saturday asked India that it should not squander the opportunity and bring to justice the perpetrators of the bombing of Samjhota Express train in light of a RSS leader’s confession about the involvement of Sangh activists in the attack. “It took almost four years for the Samjhota Express investigations to come to this pass. We can only hope that no further time will be squandered in bringing the criminals to justice,” Foreign Office spokesman Abdul Basit told Indian news agency PTI in a text message.

Basit was responding to a question on Pakistan’s reaction to Swami Aseemanand’s confession about the involvement of Sangh activists in several terror attacks, including the 2007 bombing of Samjhota Express that killed nearly 70 people, majority of them Pakistanis. Basit said. “We look forward to hearing from India officially. The relations of Pakistani victims of Samjhauta Express terrorist action are desperately awaiting their protracted trauma to come to an end,” he added.

Aseemananad’s statement made under Clause 164 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) is legally admissible evidence that makes it crucial for the investigators probing the terror bombings targeting Muslims. Aseemanand, who was arrested last year, also alleged that Indresh financed Joshi for the terror activities and provided him men to plant bombs. He also confessed to his own role in the terror plots and how he had motivated a bunch of RSS pracharaks and other Hindu radicals to carry out terror strikes at Malegaon, Hyderabad and the Ajmer Sharif shrine. Terming it as ‘Sanghi terrorism’, Congress spokesman Shakeel Ahmed said Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leaders should make their position clear in the wake of the latest revelations about involvement of an RSS activist in terror activities. He said that the government should ‘take strict action against people involved in terror and those who are supporting them’.

Last August, a report of Indian English daily ‘India Today’ had made a reference to official admission by an Indian investigating agency that Samjhota Express and the Jamia Masjid Delhi were on the hit list of Hindutva terrorists who were also involved in attacks on Ajmer Sharif, Malegaon and Makkah Masjid in Hyderabad. The Rajasthan Anti-Terrorism Squad’s 806-page charge sheet on the Ajmer blasts says the module behind these three targets had sinister plans to target the Samjhota Express and Jamia Masjid as well. However, the report stated that it was not clear though whether this terror cell could execute its plan. Over 60 Pakistanis died in the Samjhota Express blast on February 19, 2007, while earlier 13 people were wounded in blasts inside Jamia Masjid on April 14, 2006 – months after this module (according to the Rajasthan ATS) chose them as targets at a meeting chaired by Rashtriya Savak Sangh (RSS) leader Swami Aseemanand in February 2006.

Anyhow, after 44 months of dilly-dallying, India officially admitted in April 2010 that the Hindutva brigade of the extremist group Abhinav Bharat, of which Indian Army’s serving officer, Lieutenant Colonel Shrikant Prasad Purohit was an active member, was responsible for the bombings on board the Pakistan-bound Samjhota Express. The report had confirmed the complicity of the Hindu extremist group Abhinav Bharat, Indian Army officers of the ilk of Lieutenant Colonel Purohit, who actually supplied the military-grade explosive RDX, and other Hindu radicals, who had plotted and executed the heinous crimes against humanity as part of their campaign of ethnic cleansing of Muslims. Purohit and retired army Major Samir Kulkarni had also helped train the alleged bombers. In November 2008, when the ATS of Mumbai arrested Lieutenant Colonel Purohit for his involvment in the bombings, the BJP had denounced the ATS as traitors.

Bal Thackeray, the supremo of the Shiv Sena, a longtime ally of the BJP, had forthrightly accused the ATS of framing the Malegaon bombing accused. “What Pakistan was not able to do in the last 20 years,” declared Modi, “the Manmohan Singh government has achieved in just 20 days. They have succeeded in branding our soldiers as terrorists.” It has to be mentioned that Haimant Karkare, the head of the Mumbai ATS was assassinated by Indian commandos in the garb of fighting terrorists during the November 26, 2008 Mumbai attacks. There have been voices in India demanding proper investigation to unearth the culprits behind Malegaon blasts and the linkage between the army officers and Hindu extremist organizations. Putting an end to all speculations, the anti-terror branch of Mumbai Police had said that Army RDX was used and not supplied from across the border, which vindicated Pakistan’s position. There is now substantial evidence that Purohit procured 60 kg of RDX from Jammu and Kashmir in the year 2006, a part of which is suspected to have been used in Samjhota Express train explosion and Malegaon blasts, Maharashtra police told the court that Purohit gave a part of the RDX to one Bhagwan who was suspected to have used it in Samjhota Express blast. Whereas, America and the West are pressurizing Pakistan to cooperate with India and bring the masterminds behind Mumbai attacks to justice, they do not consider it worthwhile to tell India to bring those involved in Samjhota Express and other bombings to justice. India should stop accusing Pakistan of its linkage with Muslim organizations in India, where hundreds of innocent young boys are picked up and kept under illegal detentions. In addition to torture, arrests, harassment of their families, the families and victims are pressured into signing blank papers.

In 2007, Indian agencies had accused Harkat-ul-Jehad-i-Islami activist alias Bilal of being involved in Samjhota blasts when two coaches were completely gutted. India often names Muslim organizations, which in fact do not exist. Anyhow, on the demand of Human Rights Watch and other non-governmental organizations the Indian government acknowledged that Hindu extremist organizations were behind the terrorists’ activities. On 24th August 2008 two Bajrang Dal workers died while making bombs. In this age of information technology and media explosion, India could not hide the link between the army and the Hindu extremist organizations. With the above disclosures, India should stop accusing Pakistan for its backing of terrorists, and should look inward to stem the tide of terrorism in northern states. India should also stop atrocities on the people of Kashmir and honour its commitments of holding plebiscite under the aegis of the UN.
seriously? while dalai lama's entourage, if not himself that's to say, instigating and remote-controlling all these riots in tibet, from india?

that guy's got some nerve, i'll give him that
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