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Team USA

Enjoy a city swim




Brighton Beach, Brooklyn (New York City, BTW lots of Russian immigrants live here)
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One night my friends were coming from McD and some one shot paint ball from inside a car. They thought it was a real gun shot and literally freaked out and started running and screaming.

The gardening / bbq-ing etc is not u.s specific however the trend of bringing the community together for different events was something I didnt find in pak. I had that experience only in clubs
I think festivals does that job for most Indians.

Cigarette smoking in the USA...well.... List of smoking bans in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The smoking rates in the USA have declined to about 18%. ( CDC - Fact Sheet - Adult Cigarette Smoking in the United States - Smoking & Tobacco Use ). Compared to say the 1950's when it was 45%.

Cigarette taxes make smoking expensive. The lowest average cost is $4.96/pack in Kentucky to a whopping $14.50/pack in NY.

In some states it can be pretty rough to be a smoker. No smoking indoors in public places. No cigarette vending machines.

Even in cars where there used to be one or more ashtrays within reach of any seat...they have disappeared.

You have to be at least age 18 to buy cigarettes in the USA. Some local areas it is 21.
Also cigarettes may be behind the counter so you need to show an ID for the clerk to give it to you.

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One night my friends were coming from McD and some one shot paint ball from inside a car. They thought it was a real gun shot and literally freaked out and started running and screaming.

Unfortunately it is people doing that which ends up causing bans. They banned BB guns in some places due to people randomly firing them.
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Obama, the first ex - Indonesia elementary school student who can become USA President !!
Interesting, I didn't even know that Rugby was played at university level in the states.
Yup. It is popular on both east and west coasts and in "ivy league" schools and is popular in my region of the country. This is my old team (University of Utah-red and black) playing our biggest rivals, Brigham Young University (white and blue). ..

I'm a F-1 student in the state of New York.

I'm here for my graduate studies in the emerging field of Nanotechnology, will continue my studies to be a doctorate in the field in some top 20-30 universities, if i can get into.

New York was my priority thinking it has very good research institutions in the field, and the other choice was North Carolina. But i'm happy here.

The place is awesome because of the people, every morning i go out for a walk, i see strangers smiling and greeting, that feels good. And the scenery is good as Niagara falls is just half hour drive from my home.

The weather sucks, and the job market in Buffalo is dwindling, that's a bummer. I want to move to California after my MS, is possible.

As of now, i'm here for my academics and career.

I pass the torch to @Informant
buffalo eh?
I'm in rochester right next door. my brother goes to UB
Cheers mate, is their much buzz for the FIFA World Cup in USA?
Not really. We do have a 19 team, 1st. tier professional soccer league but it ranks below American football and baseball in popularity and international soccer even less so. As an example, in America an average pro football game NFL will have 67,604 fans in attendance. The average for an MLS premier soccer game is only 18,807 fans present.

Clubs | MLSsoccer.com
Not really. We do have a 19 team, 1st. tier professional soccer league but it ranks below American football and baseball in popularity and international soccer even less so. As an example, in America an average pro football game NFL will have 67,604 fans in attendance. The average for an MLS premier soccer game is only 18,807 fans present.

Clubs | MLSsoccer.com
That doesn't seem like much, in UK almost all the adverts on TV are in some way related to the World Cup lol.
Hey @qamar1990 you don't want to add your 2¢ on the USA Experience. A bunch of people have so far.

Read: Team USA | Page 22
best food, best people, safest country, most comfortable country to live in.
my experience is awesome. i was raised in America and remember how we started out living in a one bedroom apartment with my whole family in brooklyn to having our own house and cars and business after 10 yrs.
truly a land of opportunity for all.

there are things i hate as well
our health care system is the biggest fraud of the world.
our government is hypocritical, they have no problem regulating tobacco prices with extra taxes but cry socialism when people talk of government controlled prices for medications. if you have no insurance and break a leg you will literally go bankrupt. something needs to be done about that lol.
and the cops are too damn cocky, seems like they are out to give tickets more then protect the public lol


local dish in rochester ny
its called the garbage plate because it is a plate of garbage lol
looks disgusting but tastes awesome.
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That doesn't seem like much, in UK almost all the adverts on TV are in some way related to the World Cup lol.
I think it is interesting though that as much as the world's most popular sport probably is soccer and as popular as it is in the UK, it isn't the most popular in so many of her former colonies. It is not the most popular in Canada (ice hockey, Canadian football), not New Zealand (rugby & cricket), not Australia (Aussie rules football and rugby), not South Africa (rugby & cricket), not India or Pakistan (field hockey & cricket), not Ireland (Irish rules footie and rugby), not in America (American football, baseball, basketball). :laugh: Odd that.
best food, best people, safest country, most comfortable country to live in.
my experience is awesome. i was raised in America and remember how we started out living in a one bedroom apartment with my whole family in brooklyn to having our own house and cars and business after 10 yrs.
truly a land of opportunity for all.

Now that a big thumbs up!!

there are things i hate as well
our health care system is the biggest fraud of the world.
our government is hypocritical, they have no problem regulating tobacco prices with extra taxes but cry socialism when people talk of government controlled prices for medications. if you have no insurance and break a leg you will literally go bankrupt. something needs to be done about that lol.
and the cops are too damn cocky, seems like they are out to give tickets more then protect the public lol

Well if you are poor you pretty much get free healthcare (at least where I am through Medicaid). If you are just slightly above that...things can suck and you are going to pay.

The police ticket because towns want easy money. It's a racket.
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