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Sep 4, 2011
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(Tactical Airborne Reconnaissance Pod)

National Defense Minister Ismet Yilmaz during the budget talks gave information on the impact of the crises with Israel on our defense projects.

According to information given by our Minister of National Defence,after the breaking off the Turkish - Israeli relations, Israel remained in force for a single project TARP. The Minister explained that there is no projects in force except for tactical reconnaissance sensors. (EO - IR - SAR/GMTI)

24.12.2008 USD 300 million

ASELSAN & IAI, Elbit, MilSoft and Savronik

5 Elbit Condor II PRESS
2 Elta EL/M-2060P SARENS
1 fixed Image Exploitation System
2 Portable Image Exploitation System
3 Data Link Terminal
3 Communications Shelter

One of the most important features of the project is the ability of getting high quality image in real-time and therefore gaining instant intelligence through data transfer system


ElOp Condor II LoROP


Elta El/M-2060P SAR

Siyah Gri Beyaz: Kopan Türkiye -

Siyah Gri Beyaz: Türkiye -

I have to say the future of this project is still blur! but since by keeping this project alive, defence ministry and army made it clear how important this project is! with peace eagle, anka, gokturk series it is a part of the backbone of our reconnaissance capabilities!
If Turkish industry cant manufacture system such as LoROP what "indigenous" observation satellite is there to talk about?
anka is coming but still operating heron and soon predator
we can wait for T 129 but getting cobra from US and then may be early A-129

in regard to TARP aselsan is/was the main contractor (ASELSAN & IAI, Elbit, MilSoft and Savronik)

in brief we need it now & we want it now-until the "indigenous"

stop gap
Israel’s Government Cancels $87 million Contract between El Op Security Systems and Turkey

That just means we'll look elsewhere for the technology, until we develope one ourselves. thanks for sharing.
TARP projects had been started along with modernization process of F-4 fighters and described as urgent cause of ongoing F-4 modernization process so a Foreign contactor choosed as direct-supplier under a primecontactorship agreement. Ordering those have nothing to do with Turkish defence industry capabilities or satellite projects.

The E/O technologies of Turkish defence industry is top-levels and latest generation IR/EO technologies requiring the highest level experience/knowledge have already been developed and Most of them are on export markets now a days...


AselPOD targetting pod
Boa and amny other sighting systems developed by Aselsan...

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About SAR technologies, Turkish SAR radar technologies and algorithms have been developed as well. Trials are proceeding on a plane to test the functions and first SAR antenne that will be integrated on ANKA UAV. Development of a bigger SAR antenne to integrate on Gokturk-3 SAR satellite is being proceeded/planning to be produced.


After this conjunction and developments, You know development of TARP project equivalent products are just a matter of desicion and time for Turkish defence industry.
There are few countries that produce such system, not to mention would be willing to export some of the technology(that was part of TARP deal). The technology incorporated into LOROP is much of a satellite technology. I guess in DoD know more than us on this matter, and maybe they wouldn't have ditch contract of $141ml if they knew Turkey can easily obtain equivalent deal from somewhere else or build it by itself.
Supporting and developing domestic products should be done and it is good for country, making a propaganda about how your stuff is better or equal to others while it is not on the same level is bad. We saw that on Gokturk-1 0.8 million?? there are civilian camares equal to it.

I support domestic products, I would support 0.8 millon too when there is a technology transfer but saying it is better than what Israel was offering is idoticy. They were offering more advenced technology and sharing know how. Most of the stuff that Israel was selling us now produce by Turks(some with cooperating with other countries). This is good. When Israel was under weapon embargo they had to create their own weapons(with help from U.S Jewish owned weapon companies) , thats why they are one of the best in that category now. But we need time to say that our stuff is equal to theirs. Our stuff is much cheaper and economic but not equal to theirs expext cirit, umtas missiles, T-129(equal maybe better than super-cobra wihch is very old news for U.S and Israel)
I think it was a loss unlike my brothers. I also believe we can find or produce something to cover the loss. But main question for me is the finding markets for our products? Israel covering all the possible markets for us .Latin america is one of them. Europe has her own giant defense firms, most of the Turkic republics under the influence of Russia greatly, middle east countries are buying
according political agenda and i think they will not favor turkish technologies in critical equipment segments. In conclusion
Turkey can produce what makes the job done products but can we find finances to continue improvements. I guess Israel
playing much better than us in defense industries in long term.
I think it was a loss unlike my brothers. I also believe we can find or produce something to cover the loss. But main question for me is the finding markets for our products? Israel covering all the possible markets for us .Latin america is one of them. Europe has her own giant defense firms, most of the Turkic republics under the influence of Russia greatly, middle east countries are buying
according political agenda and i think they will not favor turkish technologies in critical equipment segments. In conclusion
Turkey can produce what makes the job done products but can we find finances to continue improvements. I guess Israel
playing much better than us in defense industries in long term.

It is this kind of selfdestructive mentality that is the real enemy of Turkey. I think it's about time we R&D all these things ourselves, and it's not just about the money or market, at one point you'll discover something so awesome that everything else pales in comparison, but if you don't take that risk, you'll never get there.
It is this kind of selfdestructive mentality that is the real enemy of Turkey. I think it's about time we R&D all these things ourselves, and it's not just about the money or market, at one point you'll discover something so awesome that everything else pales in comparison, but if you don't take that risk, you'll never get there.

camoka did not say we should stop, he just said Israel is a better arm exporter than us which is true. You need to prize your own products, use them and upgrade them. That is the only way to be become selfsufficient but making propaganda and saying that Israels backoff from deal is not hurting us is a bit -excuse my language- lame. I mean we should at least be strong enought to state the truth.
I want what is optimum for everybody. And i don't want to government use may taxes only for R&D of weapons . If Turkey want to produce its own defense products we need solid alliances and friends. For know I don't see such allies even Pakistan and
Azerbaijan. We need cooperation in such projects and share the R&D costs. Saithan you are living Denmark I guess but you need to consider average Turkish citizen tax load and it is already too high we need reforms in economy and tax system more than in
defense industry.
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