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Targeting Sri Lankans brings India shame


Sep 18, 2009
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Targeting Lankans brings India shame

Sep 06, 2012

There has been of late a disturbing trend in Tamil Nadu of people from Sri Lanka — both Sinhala and Tamils — being intimidated and even attacked. While the narrative has been building up for some time, on Tuesday this week 184 Catholic pilgrims visiting the Vailankinni church in the Nagapattinam area were forced to take an early flight home when buses carrying them were stoned by an extremist Tamil organisation.

This brings little credit either to Tamil Nadu or to India, which prides itself on being a tolerant society.

In the light of what has been happening, it is logical for Sri Lanka to issue an advisory to its citizens not to travel to Tamil Nadu unless doing so is unavoidable. Naturally, this does not reflect well on this country. To allay Colombo’s fears, it is up to the Tamil Nadu government primarily not only to provide security to visiting Sri Lankan nationals but to lower political temperatures as well. Chauvinist organisations tend to go overboard only when they believe that the government of the day will look the other way.

Be that as it may, if President Mahinda Rajapakse’s programme to visit Sanchi in Madhya Pradesh later this month to inaugurate a Buddhist university there is firmed up, New Delhi must put potential troublemakers on notice. India is a diverse country. Many here are of the same ethnic stock (and speak the same language) as some citizens in our neighbouring countries. But this cannot be permitted to become a factor in foreign policy. Neighbours, too, are expected to keep cross-border sensitivities in mind.

It is a pity that lately Tamil Nadu chief minister J. Jayalalithaa has not given thought to the broader dimensions of our foreign relations. She has been speaking against the training of Sri Lankan armed forces personnel in India, especially in institutions located in her state, although this is under a formal agreement between the two nations. The visit of a Sri Lankan schoolboys’ football team was handled with poor grace. In another era, the AIADMK chief had opposed the LTTE and its Eelam concept, but curiously she now engages in competitive populism with the DMK — which is a part of the UPA at the Centre — in the post-LTTE era. The UPA leadership, too, needs to signal the DMK to tone down.

India and Sri Lanka have ancient ties. Historically, Colombo’s distorted policies towards its Tamil minority has upset all Indians. President Rajapakse’s government must seize the moment to genuinely devolve power to the Tamil areas.

But while these larger issues are in process, it will hurt the interests of both nations if people to people contacts are brought under strain by thoughtless actions.

Targeting Lankans brings India shame | The Asian Age
so what do you propose, make the Tamils a dummy player or even kill them in INDIA as you have done in SL to increase your bilatral ties.
you guys can have access to rest of INDIA, but do not come to TN until your government closes done all concentration camps and sends the tamils back to their homes in North and East of SL and amend the 13 ammendment.

when yo know that your guilt of killing tamils is going to have consequences in TN, why the phuck are you guys visiting places in TN
so what do you propose, make the Tamils a dummy player or even kill them in INDIA as you have done in SL to increase your bilatral ties.
you guys can have access to rest of INDIA, but do not come to TN until your government closes done all concentration camps and sends the tamils back to their homes in North and East of SL and amend the 13 ammendment.

when yo know that your guilt of killing tamils is going to have consequences in TN, why the phuck are you guys visiting places in TN

ahhh seems the attack on innocent people from Sri Lanka by hardliner Indians dint bring any shame
Rajapakse can visit MP, says DMK

Chennai, September 5, 2012, DHNS:

But, MDMK leader Vaiko urges Shivraj Singh Chauhan to cancel Lankan prez trip

DMK president M Karunanidhi on Wednesday virtually withdrew his party’s opposition to Sri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapakse’s visit to Madhya Pradesh on September 21 to lay the foundation for a Centre For Buddhist Studies in Sanchi.

In a long statement issued on Wednesday, the DMK chief dwelt on the attack against Lankan pilgrims and said the fundamental distinction between “imparting training to Lankan military personnel in our army establishments” and the visiting sporting and cultural teams should be noted. He also blamed the Tamil Nadu government led by Jayalalitha for sending back the two Sri Lankan football teams, which was followed by the attack on visiting Lankan pilgrims on Tuesday.

Appeal for peace

Appealing for peace, Karunanidhi said: “We should not do anything here that can subject the Tamils in Sri Lanka to more distress and suffering, as lakhs of Tamils there are still struggling for survival. Raking up issues in Tamil Nadu will only make the displaced Tamils in Sri Lanka more vulnerable and complicate their rehabilitation.”

“Any attack or offensive against anybody visiting India is totally unacceptable,” he said and added: “We are only opposing Sinhala hegemony.”

Letter to CM

Meanwhile, MDMK leader Vaiko dashed off a letter to Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan on Wednesday, urging him to “cancel” the religious ceremony at Sanchi in which Rajapakse is slated to participate, as the latter’s government was responsible for the “genocide” of the Tamils in Lanka.

“I will myself lead a peaceful, black-flag demonstration of MDMK cadres against Rajapakse at Sanchi,” if the function is allowed, Vaiko added.

‘India, SL working on improving ties’

Even in the face of the violence against Sri Lankan pilgrims in Tamil Nadu, R K M A Rajakaruna, Sri Lankan Deputy High Commissioner in South India, on Wednesday expressed optimism and said Colombo’s ‘Travel Advisory’ directing its citizens to keep off Tamil Nadu would be withdrawn soon, reports DHNS from Chennai.

In an interview, Rajakaruna told Deccan Herald in Chennai that the governments of India and Sri Lanka were having consultations following the developments last week and said he was positive that normalcy would be restored and ties with India, Tamil Nadu in particular, would be enhanced. Emphasising the need to strengthen the people-to-people contacts between Sri Lanka and India, the diplomat said, “We should not give in to the unruly people making noises,” referring to the fringe Tamil outfits who attacked the Sri Lankan pilgrims on Tuesday.

Rajapakse can visit MP, says DMK
ahhh seems the attack on innocent people from Sri Lanka by hardliner Indians dint bring any shame
ok, by your logic, let me kill your mother, and let my next of kin come to your home and ask for being treated royally. will you through the person out of your home or give him/her biiryani
so what do you propose, make the Tamils a dummy player or even kill them in INDIA as you have done in SL to increase your bilatral ties.
you guys can have access to rest of INDIA, but do not come to TN until your government closes done all concentration camps and sends the tamils back to their homes in North and East of SL and amend the 13 ammendment.

when yo know that your guilt of killing tamils is going to have consequences in TN, why the phuck are you guys visiting places in TN

The more the denizens of Tamil Nadu and their leaders go off the deep end, the better for Sri Lanka.

Everytime Jayalalitha and/or Karunandhi say and do outlandish things, the better for Sri Lanka.

I say let them scream and shout and stamp their feet about Sri Lanka. It makes them look like fringe lunatics :)

It's clear from comments on websites the rest of India have a very poor impression of the leaders of Tamil Nadu.

That Tamil Nadu has created fights with Karnataka and the Kannadigas, Kerala and the Malayalis, and carried out a hate campaign against the Hindi language in the past certainly does not help.

More and more non-Tamil Indians are beginning to be aware of the puerile nature of Tamil politics.

That's good for Sri Lanka.


And how's this for Tamil Nadu lunacy?

Sri Lankan Pilgrims Attacked in Tamil Nadu Mostly of Tamil Origin « dbsjeyaraj.com
Bombing civilian hospital in self declared no fire zone does not bring any shame but protesting against these oppression brings lots of shame.
Does SL targetting tamil fishermen bring shame to SL or reducing its own tamil populace to 2nd class citizen bring any shame to ceylon.So why should it bring shame to India if srilankans are targeted in india.I must say target SL all over india.
The more the denizens of Tamil Nadu and their leaders go off the deep end, the better for Sri Lanka.

Everytime Jayalalitha and/or Karunandhi say and do outlandish things, the better for Sri Lanka.

I say let them scream and shout and stamp their feet about Sri Lanka. It makes them look like fringe lunatics :)

It's clear from comments on websites the rest of India have a very poor impression of the leaders of Tamil Nadu.

That Tamil Nadu has created fights with Karnataka and the Kannadigas, Kerala and the Malayalis, and carried out a hate campaign against the Hindi language in the past certainly does not help.

More and more non-Tamil Indians are beginning to be aware of the puerile nature of Tamil politics.

That's good for Sri Lanka.

Look man you are over-o-over estimating your worth to the world. Even if tomorrow if a tsunami comes and your entire island gets washed away no one will give as much a lump of dry ****. Now go on with your "good for lanka" charade. No, its not good for anyone. And if you think only Tamilians hate your sight, beware, there are other people up north who hate you too for what you have done to the Hindus and your whoring out with Pakistan.
ok, by your logic, let me kill your mother, and let my next of kin come to your home and ask for being treated royally. will you through the person out of your home or give him/her biiryani

Did they kill Indians ??? by your logic the Sri Lankan Tamils are Indians, if so why dont you give citizenship to entire SL Tamils

Bombing civilian hospital in self declared no fire zone does not bring any shame but protesting against these oppression brings lots of shame.

Does Mezoram operation ring a bell??

btw SL has the right to take action against internal terrorists
Sri Lankan group of Sinhala + Tamil on holiday to visit a church in TN, Tamilnadu Tamils have attacked them. lol
This is serious F'upped crap .......Shame shame TN ...............two wrongs dont make it right !! Attacking them like this only reinforce their paranoia........
ahhh seems the attack on innocent people from Sri Lanka by hardliner Indians dint bring any shame

Massacring the tamils (that SL dint have balls to have UN enquiry in the places of events) dint bring any shame, so why shud any other entity?

Or do u still think that all such rules are only limited to your opposite parties? Hypocricy it is.
Massacring the tamils (that SL dint have balls to have UN enquiry in the places of events) dint bring any shame, so why shud any other entity?

Or do u still think that all such rules are only limited to your opposite parties? Hypocricy it is.

So you are saying just because they did it...its fine if we too do it !!!..............The acts of a few shouldnt be generalised !!!

I have met plenty of sinhalese and tamils from SL ......yes the tamils face discrimination ..just like how a madrasi faced in new delhi or lucknow ........but they still have the opportunity to move forward in life....be whatever they want to be...do business or be a govt employee

there is no need to flame the issue with such nonsense when a political soultion in Sri lanka now.....Political liberalisation for tamils will jsut do that

Instead we go around attacking them !!! we are no different than the Godhra fanatics who attacked the train !! If you ppl and jayalalitha really care about SL tamils , then find a political soultion....help those tamils be integrated into SL political system .....send aids and obsrvers to prevent more violation

For a fact ,a SL friend who is a doctor [sinhalese is working in jaffna............they are rebuilding jaffna,building hospital and other things........political agenda being to make ppl pro government and weaken support of seperatism........Its a positive attitude.

So stop this lets all attack them becoz..they degraded tamils act.................Everytime a indian muslim is under attack, Pakistans will jump the gun and start a ruckus........and then we say..''dont generalise..........and everytime the SL issue comes...you ppl act the same

Look man you are over-o-over estimating your worth to the world. Even if tomorrow if a tsunami comes and your entire island gets washed away no one will give as much a lump of dry ****. Now go on with your "good for lanka" charade. No, its not good for anyone. And if you think only Tamilians hate your sight, beware, there are other people up north who hate you too for what you have done to the Hindus and your whoring out with Pakistan.

North indian Dont hate Sinhalese ..............no one i met in delhi or lucknow or bangalore ever did ..instead they all agree that terrorism should be stopped in SL. and political solution is the only way..........with all the trouble that is going in india .....they understand

Sri Lanka is our neighbour...and if a tsunami come we will help them.........this attitute is the reason why our neighbour are getting easily coxed by China....grow up......Let bygone be bygones......Sinhalese killed tamils, Ltte killed sinhalese.....the score is kept

Does SL targetting tamil fishermen bring shame to SL or reducing its own tamil populace to 2nd class citizen bring any shame to ceylon.So why should it bring shame to India if srilankans are targeted in india.I must say target SL all over india.

If Sl is targetting Tamil fishermen...Indian Govt should take stern action .we should criticise the indina coast guard for it. Sl treating Tamils as second class citizen....GOI and TN govt should try to find a political solution for it....and for that Diplomacy and contact is necessary.....Not this attitude

Bombing civilian hospital in self declared no fire zone does not bring any shame but protesting against these oppression brings lots of shame.

Isnt cases taking place regarding that in international forums ??
Hmm. Alrite. But what you said sounds utopian. it doesnt happen such in real world. We Indians are no exception.
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