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Target killings last week leave 55 dead in Pakistan's Karachi.

Death Rattle

Oct 21, 2012
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Roundup:Target killings last week leave 55 dead in Pakistan's Karachi.
Updated: 2012-10-21 16:25:00

ISLAMABAD, October 21 (Xinhua) -- At least three people were killed in separate incidents of target killing in Pakistan's southern port city of Karachi over last 24 hours, bringing the death toll to 55 over the last week, local media and police said on Sunday.
Unrest prevailed in the city during the last week where at least four people were killed in separate politically motivated attacks while seven others were shot in various incidents of sectarian violence and religious confrontation.
The killed political activists included one from the country's leading party, Pakistan Peoples'Party (PPP), two from the Urdu speaking party Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) and one from the Pakhtun party Awami National Party (ANP).
On October 19, a female provincial assembly member of PPP, Kalsoom was injured in an attack near Punjab Chowrangi in Karachi. The attackers fled from the scene. Chief Minister of Sindh Qaim Ali Shah took notice of the incident and sought a report from the Inspector General Karachi Police.
All the three parties are the coalition partners in the National Assembly, but their workers are at odds with each other in Karachi on ethnic basis, as the PPP represent Sindi speaking people, MQM represents Urdu speaking people and ANP is the representative of Pashto speaking people.
The killed religious activists were from the leading group of Sunni Muslims in the city, Ahlus Suunah Wa Jamaah who were killed on sectarian basis by the Shia Muslims. Four policemen and a paramilitary soldier were also shot down in separate incidents of target killing over the last week.
Two of the killed policemen were targeted when some unknown gunmen opened fire at a police mobile on October18. Two others were killed on October16 and October 17 respectively.
The killing of policemen raised concerns of the authorities as the Law enforcement agencies are in confrontation with heavily armed and well trained militants in the city. According to Karachi police, over 80 policemen have been gunned down in separate incidents of target killing in the city since the beginning of this year.
Meanwhile, a lawyer and a senior educator also became victim of target killing. The supreme court of Pakistan has taken notice of the killing of the lawyer and sought a report from the authorities concerned over the incident.
Over the last week, police arrested at least 18 alleged target killers from various areas of the city. Over 20 people were injured in various incidents of firing in the city.
According to media reports, over 1,800 people have been killed in Karachi since the beginning of this year and most of these killings were triggered by either sectarian or political confrontation.
Schools and business activities were badly affected in the areas where killing frequently happened. The business community of the city held a press conference on Friday and expressed serious concerns over deterioration of situation in the largest business hub of the country.

Yes and we are arguing US drone strikes..

the media in US ridicules Pakistani opposition to drone strikes because 10 times larger number is being killed by talibaboons!
Rest in peace those who lost their lives ... current unrest in karachi is more sectarian than political. A large no of sectarian killings here tit for shias vs aswj.
Rest in peace those who lost their lives ... current unrest in Karachi is more sectarian than political. A large no of sectarian killings here tit for shias vs aswj.

Yup, import more foreign ideologies and try to wipe your own history.

Shia Sunni conflict started in a completely different part of the world for a totally different reason..No point of trying to settle it on the streets of Karachi..!
Not trying to bash but if one looks at the history it will always find religion to be a divisive factory not a uniting one. Be is Islam, Christianity or whatever.
Yup, import more foreign ideologies and try to wipe your own history.

Shia Sunni conflict started in a completely different part of the world for a totally different reason..No point of trying to settle it on the streets of Karachi..!
Not trying to bash but if one looks at the history it will always find religion to be a divisive factory not a uniting one. Be is Islam, Christianity or whatever.

Exactly WTF do we have to do with centuries old fueds , Pak land is used to settle scores .. Pakistanis should denounce any support to these sectarian hate mongering religious parties , ship em all to syria , iran and irak wherever they wish to go
Exactly WTF do we have to do with centuries old fueds , Pak land is used to settle scores .. Pakistanis should denounce any support to these sectarian hate mongering religious parties , ship em all to syria , iran and irak wherever they wish to go

More hilarious is when they try to bring quotes from mullahs and justify what they are doing. Those mullahs were backed by political influences of those times and had a motive in giving our their verdicts. Religion needs to be put under state control, not state under religion control. Its a matter of personal choice which one should limit to themselves.

They are chasing a mirage and trying to take everyone with them. The fact that Muslim unity does not work in regions where it actually emerged should give a good idea of total WTF Fail!

We also need to expose true character of many religious figures which have no become symbolic or higher than thou in Islamic preaching. Most of these people were not saints and had their fair share of mistakes. Nobody is untouchable.

How exactly is Ummah brotherhood helping in Syria??
Infact Muslims are now being ridiculed around the world for their ummah mentality..The Syrian regime not only shattered the halo of "Ummah Brotherhood" by shooting the protesters but have managed to prove them as foreign terrorist wanting to topple moderate Syrian regime! The world will always side with the moderates no matter how corrupt over some crazy fanatics..it just a matter of making a choice between lesser evil!

Pakistanis have to realize that their well being belongs with in the borders of Pakistan, not in some ideology or khilafah imported from Medina, Baghdad or Tehran. Those who export these ideologies would turn the victims down at the blink of an eye as none of their own.

Ethinic & national strength will always prevail over some religious or sectarian doctrine. The horrible experiment started with Bhutto trying to "Islamify" the country and Zia taking the lead in favouring his sect "Sunnify" the country.
One of my shia friends cousin was killed last week in karachi..
Details were too brutal,and i was wondering why people would kill steangers based on their sect..
Normally shias are noted on their visit to imam bara abd chased all the way to their home by a stooge....Then attacked later...
55 dead in a week in single city. Is law and order that ineffective ? How many have been killed in these violence over a year ?
One of my shia friends cousin was killed last week in karachi..
Details were too brutal,and i was wondering why people would kill steangers based on their sect..
Normally shias are noted on their visit to imam bara abd chased all the way to their home by a stooge....Then attacked later...

Look around yourself. The real foreign agents are those preaching an alien civilization known for its savagery in the name of religion. And trying to settle scores on centuries old conflicts.

While Zardari is cursed day and night for being a dog of amreeka..i consider mullah to be worst. Atleast being a dog of Amreeka is not going to destroy our social fabric as much as mullah of Past are inflicting damage.

We need to stop regarding religion as holy cow and bring it under scrunity, ban the preaching of conflicting history in the name of religion entirely.

Religion is:

Pray 5 times a day, Zakat, Khairat, Sadqa, Hajj, Umraa, etc..

Religion is NOT:

Conquest of lands
Power struggles between family factions
Yazid vs Hussian

these are political stories with a motive.

My keen observation says countries which try to link national security and economic success to religion are faced with shooting in their own toe. While countries which draw clear red lines in affairs of state will continue to success and prosper. In this context Bangladesh has done a wise movie to contemplate withdrawal from OIC and declare itself a secular nation. As much absurd as it sounds, Bangladesh is on the path of economic prosperity and as with any growing nation there will be up's and down. It does not want the rising wealth to become an instrument of indirectly boosting mullah power. Usually better economic conditions give an automatic boost of mullah activities and people now well fed and fearing the return to worst are much easier to draw towards mullah'sim than as compared to harsh times.
Why were they killed? Shia-Sunni conflict or the Political killngs??
Why were they killed? Shia-Sunni conflict or the Political killngs??
Its include all .. gang wars , personal enimity , political killing , sectarian war, etc but mostly they are political killings. Seperate Mafia operates in seperate towns having different political backing.

One of my shia friends cousin was killed last week in karachi..
Details were too brutal,and i was wondering why people would kill steangers based on their sect..
Normally shias are noted on their visit to imam bara abd chased all the way to their home by a stooge....Then attacked later...
Same stories are happening with sunnis, and they are being also chased by some unknown entities and then being targeted.
But unfortunatly no one highlights it.
Why were they killed? Shia-Sunni conflict or the Political killngs??

the local people dont give a monkey about sects , there are intermarriages we share common culture and language. These killings are connected to the middleastern tensions
the local people dont give a monkey about sects , there are intermarriages we share common culture and language. These killings are connected to the middleastern tensions

I read there has been a hike in sectarian conflicts since the outbreak of hostilities in Syria!

How absurd can in get? We have two crazy factions in Syria fighting for power and people trying to settle scores in Karachi!

Precisely the reason why ummah brotherhood stinks!
I read there has been a hike in sectarian conflicts since the outbreak of hostilities in Syria!

How absurd can in get? We have two crazy factions in Syria fighting for power and people trying to settle scores in Karachi!

Precisely the reason why ummah brotherhood stinks!
Just couple of months ago and I were afraid that the sectarian puzzles in M.E will effect karachi, and now I'm afraid then things might have slipped bit more then we thought, its not just about settling scores. As far as I know about Karachi, it always consisted mix population, and the tensions were existed before but now situations are getting more tense.
This is exactly what happens when you have no housing and zoning regulations and people are packed tightly and need to fight for basic needs which creates a black market and allowing criminals to thrive who can then bribe and blackmail politicians and they in turn corrupt the police force.

This is all a chain reaction.

Tackle the root of the problem with proper housing and zoning regulations.
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