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Mar 9, 2014
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TAHREEK-E-TALIBAN PAKISTAN(TTP) is victorious, at least for now. After serious losses in the hands of Pakistan Army in 2014, this week brought Taliban, First Moral and Ground Victory in Pakistan since the start of "WAR ON TERROR".

Moral victory, the Ex Commander-in- Chief and COAS of Pakistan, Gen (retired) Parveez Musharraf was indited with " High Treason" in Pakistan while the Government decided to negotiate with the "Actual Traitors", Taliban, who openly defy The Pakistani Constitution. Without a doubts Musharraf was a man who stood firm with zero tolerance policy on terrorism banning TTP, LeJ, SSP, Lal Mosque Brigade in Pakistan.

This week an indictment was read to Gen.( retired) Parveez Musharraf in a "Special Court" for his role as COAS, in a criminal case involving the abeyance of the Pakistani Constitution, during the government of then Prime Minister, Shoukat Aziz. Government of Pakistan on the other hands decided to invite Taliban to Islamabad for the celebrations or whatchamacallit next step of negotiations ..... what a victory for the terrorists!!! Taliban celebrated their victory with a bomb blast in Islamabad, another assassination attempt on the life of Gen. (retired)Parveez Musharraf en route to his house from AFIC as reported in the media.

Ground victory, 19 terrorists are released as I predicted in my previous blogs, "Terrorist coming soon in neighborhood near you". The Prime Minister, The Interior Ministry and Political Agents office had debuffled coordination and statements on the matter. It was a worrisome for the PM, how a nation of 180 million people, vibrant media or the leader of the free world will react to the news" Pakistan released 19 Taliban Terrorists".

In a frenzy, The PM office announced that 19 Taliban are released on the authority of the PM to jump start stalled negotiations. The statement was later retracted with No Taliban is released. Later it was said, released people were criminal not Taliban and finally it was changed into released personals are non combatants. I bet they were Taliban combatant.....

It took Pakistan Army 12 years to secure areas previously occupied by Taliban and capture Taliban Terrorists in action after tough fight. Twenty thousand soldiers laid their lives and 48000 civilians were blown into pieces for a cause. To make Pakistan A Terror Free State. Who cares about them martyrs because they are dead and they can't vote. Let's give extremist Taliban what they want to increase our vote bank for 2018 while accomplishing imported agenda casing more sectarian rift. Question is what Taliban want? .

Taliban demand Pakistan Army to stop policing their areas so they can store weapons, build bomb making factories, recruit new bomber who can walk without fear in the area ruling average tribal. Taliban also demand freedom for their captured combatants, bomb makers, planners, trainers and executioners. Some Taliban were freed previously in Bunu jail break through government negligence and the rest are getting ready for respectable return to their banned outfit through Government negotiations.

Consider what are we doing and which way Pakistan is heading? Taliban want there 200 non combatants women and children freed along with 700 combatants and the Government of Pakistan has released 19 unknown people so far. If the Government releases the ID's of the released for public interest and caution, it will be much easy to see which 19 women and children are released, if not, they definitely are "Terrorists Combatants". Question is what if the negotiation meet a dead end? Will Taliban return those suicide bombers back or keep them for future use. Who knows maybe Taliban will, only for them to blow up in Pakistani super markets near you.

Actions speak louder then words and in the opinion of many, Government actions equate to harboring terrorists. Maybe it's the hate for Gen.Musharraf who participated in war on terror... To prove him compliance with UN resolution was wrong, Musharraf should be penalized and Taliban should befriended. Maybe its the hate for the United States, to prove them wrong, we will release everyone on UN terrorist list with bounty on his head or Maybe its hatred towards the Pakistan Army who laid their lives to save ours...we will free their killers ...whatever may it be, definitely its the most dangerous maneuver for peace by newly elected Government, in fragile democracy of Pakistan.

In my opinion, Political leaderships of all parties should reconsider. "Peace On The Terms Of A Terrorist Is No Peace... Like Life Under Threat is No Life". If the political leadership fails to reconsider than Pakistan Army should get ready for greater setbacks in coming months, who knows, like 1971, The PM might agree for Pakistan Army to surrender their weapons to "Butcher of Swat Molvi Fazalullah" in a colorful ceremony in Islamabad and invite Indian Prime Minister hopeful Modi to be the Guest of Honor.. all in the name of peace.

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Its True "Jis Ki Lathi Uss Ki Bhens".
TTP has no rules n regulations nor they respect Constitution of Pakistan.
& Most of all NS & His party only do dialogues with enemies of Pakistan, They never ever tried to understand the what this nation want, they just know that NS & Family should always be most powerful family in Pakistan, but our beloved Pak Army don't let it be. That is why JEW & NS Group of Traitor-ship is trying to demoralize our Army. But we will not allow them to do this. WE are always with our Pak Army.
Pakistan Paindabad.
WTH .. Dont make such stupid threads .. and Stop quoting nameless Blogs .. It just makes me angry .
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This is so true.

It happens only in Pakistan, terrorists are released & heroes are awarded with judicial sentences.
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