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Taliban vow to defeat army in Pakistan offensive

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Taliban vow to defeat army in Pakistan offensive

Oct 18, 12:25 PM (ET)


DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan (AP) - Pakistani troops and the Taliban fought fierce battles Sunday in a militant sanctuary near the Afghan border, with both sides claiming early victories in an army campaign that could shape the future of the country's battle against extremism.

A Taliban spokesman vowed the Islamist militants would fight to "our last drop of blood" to defend their stronghold of South Waziristan, predicting the army would fail in its latest attempt to gain control over it.

The army said 60 militants and six soldiers had been killed since the offensive began Saturday in the mountainous, remote region that the army has tried and failed to wrest from near-total insurgent control three times since 2004.

The Taliban claimed to have inflicted "heavy casualties" and pushed advancing soldiers back into their bases. It was not possible to independently verify the claims because the army is blocking access to the battlefield and surrounding towns.

Victory for the government in South Waziristan's tribal badlands would eliminate a safe haven for the Taliban militants blamed for surging terrorist attacks and the al-Qaida operatives they shelter there. It would also send a signal to other insurgent groups in the nuclear-armed country of the military's will and ability to fight them.

Defeat would give the militants a propaganda victory, add to pressures on the country's shaky civilian government and alarm Pakistan's Western allies, which want to see it successfully crack down on militancy that is both fueling and feeding off the insurgency in neighboring Afghanistan.

"We know how to fight this war and defeat the enemy with the minimum loss of our men," Taliban spokesman Azam Tariq told The Associated Press from an undisclosed location. "This is a war imposed on us, and we will defend our land until our last man and our last drop of blood. This is a war bound to end in the defeat of the Pakistan army."

Despite his comments, the some 10,000 Pakistani militants and about 1,500 foreign fighters are seen as unlikely to stand and fight. Instead, they will likely do as they have done in other parts of the northwest: Avoid conventional battles and launch guerrilla attacks on stationary troops or long supply lines.

Accounts from residents and those fleeing Sunday suggested that the some 30,000 government troops pushing into the region from three directions were facing much tougher resistance than they saw in the Swat Valley, another northwestern region where the army defeated the insurgents earlier this year.

"Militants are offering very tough resistance to any movement of troops," Ehsan Mahsud, a resident of Makeen, a town in the region, told The AP in the town of Mir Ali, close to the battle zone. He and a friend arrived there early Sunday after traveling through the night.

Mahsud said the army appeared to be mostly relying on airstrikes and artillery against militants occupying high ground. He said the insurgents were firing heavy machine guns at helicopter gunships, forcing the air force to use higher-flying jets.

The militants control roughly 1,275 square miles (3,310 square kilometers) of territory, or about half of South Waziristan, in areas loyal to former militant chief Baitullah Mehsud, who was killed in a U.S. missile strike in August. His clansman Hakimullah Mehsud now leads the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, or Pakistani Taliban Movement, an umbrella organization of several Islamist militant factions seeking to overthrow the secular government.

Officials have said they envisage the operation will last two months, when winter weather will make fighting difficult.

A brief army statement said 60 militants had been killed, along with six soldiers, since Saturday. It said the military had secured high ground close to Razmak, where the army has had a base for several years, and destroyed six militant anti-aircraft gun positions among other gains.

A resident in Wana - the main town in South Waziristan and in the heart of Taliban-held territory - said the insurgents had left the town and were stationed on the borders of the region, determined to block any army advance.

"All the Taliban who used to be around here have gone to take their position to protect the Mehsud boundary," Azamatullah Wazir said by telephone Sunday. "The army will face difficulty to get in there."

As many as 150,000 civilians - possibly more - have left in recent months after the army made clear it was planning an assault, but as many as 350,000 could still be in the region. The United Nations has been stockpiling relief supplies in a town near the battle zone.

Senior government official Tariq Hayat Khan said the government was not expecting to establish camps for those fleeing the fighting because most would be living in second homes, with relatives or in rented accommodation in towns outside the tribal region.

Over the last three months, the Pakistani air force has been bombing targets in South Waziristan, while the army has said it has sealed off many Taliban supply and escape routes. The military has been trying to secure the support of local tribal armies in the fight.

Once it became clear two weeks ago that a military offensive was imminent, the Taliban unleashed a torrent of attacks around the country, including a 22-hour siege of army headquarters last weekend.

Taliban spokesman Tariq said the insurgents were also behind the two latest attacks: three commando-style raids on law enforcement agencies in the eastern city of Lahore on Thursday that killed around 30 people, as well as the deadly bombing of a police station in the northwestern city of Peshawar a day later.


Associated Press Writers Rasool Dawar from Mir Ali, Zarar Khan in Islamabad and Hussain Afzal in Parachinar contributed to this report.

Excite News - Taliban vow to defeat army in Pakistan offensive
Yeah please show us your 'bravery'. We would love to see what you are made off. Hiding behind 'innocent' civilans and fighting is not called bravery.

Come out like true men and face us. Our Jawaans will rip your ar** off, you time has come and it won't be long before we send you to your dear home (Hell Ofcourse).
same kind of claims were made of the Swat taliban too during the initial days of operation but we saw what happened to them.
We should admit the reality , talaban are more expeienced in gurrilla war .
Afghan talaban leaders also announced to help mehsud militants, after 71 this is real test for PA.

ISAF could not defeat them in eight years how PA can defeat them in eight weeks , it will be a miracle
We routed them in Swat we will rout them in Waziristan also. They can do all the bow vow ( like a dog ) as they want to , their end is near
God damn Talibans , this time pakistanis are very sore at you on wht you have done to our religion & country ,you had oppourtunity but u have screwed up so bad that there is no more support or mercy from us ..so now the message is simple Run & hide u rats PA is coming hard and fast.
We should admit the reality , talaban are more expeienced in gurrilla war .
Afghan talaban leaders also announced to help mehsud militants, after 71 this is real test for PA.

ISAF could not defeat them in eight years how PA can defeat them in eight weeks , it will be a miracle

The pak army has sent in about 5-10% of its manpower to take these kaffirs out......what would happen if we sent the whole army.:sniper:

These TTP kaffirs have the same experince as the army......they have been fighting us for the last couple of years and we have been fighting them.
Hardley any have experince fighting NATO or the russians.
I hope they show their bravery and fight in front of army instead of hiding in caves.They must fight with Army to show their bravery.

THE probleum is? they think it s a act of bravry!:no::rofl::wave:
We should admit the reality , talaban are more expeienced in gurrilla war .
Afghan talaban leaders also announced to help mehsud militants, after 71 this is real test for PA.

ISAF could not defeat them in eight years how PA can defeat them in eight weeks , it will be a miracle

Isaf couldnt defeat cuz they are never there !? ,these clowns only know gurella warefare or best they can do sucide bomb and kill some civilians ...Yes there will be bloodshed and civilians and minor army casualties but its the price Pakistan has to pay once in for all to get rid of this cancer!! its for the better good of Pakistan.
Taliban vow to defeat army in Pakistan offensive

Oct 18, 12:25 PM (ET)


DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan (AP) - Pakistani troops and the Taliban fought fierce battles Sunday in a militant sanctuary near the Afghan border, with both sides claiming early victories in an army campaign that could shape the future of the country's battle against extremism.

A Taliban spokesman vowed the Islamist militants would fight to "our last drop of blood" to defend their stronghold of South Waziristan, predicting the army would fail in its latest attempt to gain control over it.

hahhaahah they're gonna run the first chance they get, these dirty cowardly terrorists. They never fight face to face but this time I pray they do, it'll make PA's job so much easy.
Propoganda is part of the war so we will continue to hear these claims. I hope that Pakistani media is not supporting Talibans as they supported them in the Lal Masjid operation.

The difference here and past is that British, USSR and now the USA are all occupants where as Pakistan Army is not an occupant force and is there to eliminate foriegn occupants from Pakistani soil.

Anyone who will stand in the way and anyone who support these guys will certainly see the wrath of Pakistan and its armed forces.
If they were brave they wouldn't commit coward suicide attacks

Commiting sucide attacks on civilians concept originated from Srilanka by Tamil Tigers, than it was seen in Iraq and now regularyl in Pakistan and some times in Afghanistan.

Pashtuns fight wars but never they used sucide attacks against civilians.
This is just brain child of same mentality, which introduced it on first place.
Pashtuns fight wars but never they used sucide attacks against civilians.
This is just brain child of same mentality, which introduced it on first place.

give it 5-10years once its over we all be watching this on history channel as what science was used on suside bombers to "Deceive the world !!
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