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Taliban turn children into live bombs


Sep 22, 2008
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Taliban turn children into live bombs

* Intelligence estimates suggest more than 5,000 children have been trained by Taliban for deadly missions

Daily Times Monitor

TANK: Haneef Mehsud was a normal teenager who spent most of his time hanging out with friends and playing cricket before he was recruited by the Taliban and turned into a suicide bomber. Less than a month after his 17th birthday in late 2008, Haneef killed two soldiers when he rammed an explosives-laden vehicle into an army convoy on a road not far from his home in Pekai, a hamlet in the militancy-plagued South Waziristan.

“We tried to stop him when he visited his family two weeks before the attack and informed us that he was soon going to embrace martyrdom,” Haneef’s father, Ghazi Mehsud, told DPI.

Ghazi moved to the neighbouring district of Tank in the North West Frontier Province (NWFP), to save his second teenage son from the influence of his fellow tribesman and local warlord Baitullah Mehsud, who he blames for Haneef’s recruitment and death.

But hundreds more children are still undergoing brainwashing at dozens of ‘suicide nurseries’ run by the ethnic Pashtun Taliban commander. Mehsud, in his 30s, has emerged as the most dangerous Taliban commander in Pakistan in recent years. He heads Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, an umbrella group for around a dozen Taliban outfits and has close links with Al Qaeda. The notorious commander is believed to have been behind several dozen suicide bombings across the country, including the one that killed former prime minister Benazir Bhutto in late 2007.

During the Bhutto case investigations, the authorities detained Aitzaz Shah, 15, in NWFP. Shah told the investigators that he was deployed as the “backup bomber” for Bhutto’s assassination by Mehsud’s men.

According to the DPI report, in January 2008, during a short offensive, the military discovered a suicide nursery in the Spinkai area of South Waziristan.

Four months later, the military showed reporters video footage of a classroom where a masked teacher taught children how to carry out a suicide attack. The children, sitting in rows, were wearing white headbands inscribed with Quranic verses. Maj Gen Athar Abbas, the army’s chief spokesman, said that soldiers had rounded up over 50 boys who were undergoing suicide attack training.

The training centre was reopened months later after the military retreated from the area under a controversial peace deal with the Taliban.

5,000 so far: According to intelligence estimates, more than 5,000 child suicide bombers between the ages of 10 and 17 have been trained by the Taliban so far.

Most of them are dispatched to Afghanistan to target international troops and Afghan security forces, but some are deployed for strikes inside Pakistan. On April 6, a child suicide bomber blew himself up at a Shia mosque in the Chakwal district, killing 26 people and injuring more than 50.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
"Expletive" are not even sparing children. The Prophet of Islam specifically forbade children from entering combat, even those adults who had family respsonsibilities...

These people are an affront to Islam, merceneraies and tories who are trading on the name of Islam.
Why isn't GOP moving army into these areas in heavy numbers? You can only avoind this problem for so long. May be army should take incharge of this situation and takle this head on?
The army, as indeed the security apparatus, are under the command of the civilian leadership. Until and and unless such a time, that the govt. orders the army and police to take action, none will be taken.

With the apparent realisation that the Swat peace deal will not be honoured by the militants, and growing public dissatisfaction about the lethargy of the State's response, we will definitely see some sort of response by the Pakistan army/ security agencies soon.

I believe the first step has already been taking place, in the recent air strikes and hellicopter gunship attacks in the orakzai tribal agency.

I believe the army's strategy will be to attack them in a piece meal fashion...At least I hope it will.

Spoke on the phone to the family in Lahore today, and found out that my Uncle who's a lawyer in the Lahore High Court, has received threatening letters in his office, along with many other lawyers, judges, magistrates, to stop going to their offices or the court, otherwise they are going to be bombed.

The same thing with my cousins' schools, which also received such threats. There are now police standing outside the locked gates of many schools in Lahore, or at least the ones my cousins go to.

So people are really feeling it, and Sufi ahd his son in laws recent outbursts about the Pakistan state and democracy being kufr, has really got the public agitated.

Something is brewing...the people of Pakistan are fed up with this militancy.
Taliban turn children into live bombs

In Lebabon it Hibzullah, In Palestine, It's Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Al Aqsa Brigades, In Algeria it is the Salafi front for Dawa and Jihad, And then there are lashkar of this and that, the Jaish or this or that, and JundAllah -- behind all these is the ideology of Islamism -- you can refer to these anyway you want, but you cannot escape the meaning, the implication of Islam as an ideology in all of these, you cannot escape that they by defintion and by method are not just violent, but murderous, nihilistic.

Realizing these. what must you as a muslim, then do - you can't sit idle, your conscience will not let you, what must you then do?
I agree that Islamism as opposed to Islamically aware political activism (for want of a better word) is a modern ideology, which does lend itself to revolutionary violence.

It's the proces of taking western revolutionary philosophy, borrowed from the communists and others, and juxtaposing it upon islam.

Islamism is the political ideology that is created, which negates all aspects of Islamic worship to the second tier, and pushes to the forefront of all religious duties, that of establishing a political manifestation of the Islamic religion. That is, use of violent/revolutionary tactics in pursuit of an 'Islamic' State.

I agree that this political ideology is to blame.

By fighting, one can kill men, but never ideology. Ideology must be countered, by better ideologies, ideas, beliefs, rationalities. But by blaming all religious people, all wahhabis, etc. we will end up nowhere. We'll end up pushing people over the fence, when we need to rope them in.

No greater effort has been done to undermine and refute the ideology of these terrorists than by scholars from Saudi Arabia, and others, who are themselves salafi. They have been awarded the titles of Durbari Mullah and 'Scholars for Dollars' by the likes of AQ, Taliban, Al Hijra wal Takfir, and others.
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It took me till my sophomore year in college to come to the realization that the Israeli occupation did not justify the bombing of a cafe or a school bus.

There is no excuse for that barbarity, not in Palestine, not in Kashmir nor elsewhere, regardless of the perceived excesses committed against those resorting to such tactics.

More than anyone else, it is the Palestinians and the Kashmiris who have suffered the most damage to their cause through such acts.
Spoke on the phone to the family in Lahore today, and found out that my Uncle who's a lawyer in the Lahore High Court, has received threatening letters in his office, along with many other lawyers, judges, magistrates, to stop going to their offices or the court, otherwise they are going to be bombed.

I am shocked to hear that. The brave lawyers of Pakistan have already fought for the nation and restoring its judiciary to its true powers and I have respect for them. I cannot do much sitting here in the US, but let me express my full moral support in their endeavors.
In Lebabon it Hibzullah, In Palestine, It's Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Al Aqsa Brigades, In Algeria it is the Salafi front for Dawa and Jihad, And then there are lashkar of this and that, the Jaish or this or that, and JundAllah -- behind all these is the ideology of Islamism -- you can refer to these anyway you want, but you cannot escape the meaning, the implication of Islam as an ideology in all of these, you cannot escape that they by defintion and by method are not just violent, but murderous, nihilistic.

Realizing these. what must you as a muslim, then do - you can't sit idle, your conscience will not let you, what must you then do?

But this is taking things to another level altogether.

In Palestine they have bombed Israeli children and have used women bombers, but they never used children or the unwilling as tools.
In India they have cheated people into carrying bombs for them, but I have not yet heard of child bombers or soldiers used in Kashmir.
They at least followed an extremely flawed "moral" code i.e. Kill non-muslims, and don't worry about collateral damage of Muslims dying since god will sort out the good from the bad in heaven. (Apparent explanation given for 9/11 deaths of Muslims)
What ideology can these guys used to justify knowingly killing innocent children ?

I have heard of this level of barbarity only in the Hutu-Tutsi violence, tribal wars or in Sudan Africa. They had no holy books to fall back on, so they killed as they pleased.
deology must be countered, by better ideologies, ideas, beliefs, rationalities. But by blaming all religious people, all wahhabis, etc. we will end up nowhere.


We are muslims, and FAITH is creed, we need no other. Islam is not About creating states or engaging in terror or war, nor are these foremost duties or any kind of duty -- for those who are confused, lets us once again remind them or better yet they can remind the rest of us, what the 5 pillars of Islam are.

Then some will respond, well what of Jihad? We ask of them, whnat of it? what confuses you about this?

Just societies are created by persons who are persuaded that that only Just behaviour can bring out Just societies == and Islam challeneges muslims to behave in a Just manner because it is GOOD,and GOOD pleases Allah - What need for silly ideology which USE (abuse) religion and because Allah is central, these ideoilogies therefore are arrogant to think they can USE (absue) God for their idiot purposes.


TRIBAL? yes!, excellent, Tribal.
But this is taking things to another level altogether.

In Palestine they have bombed Israeli children and have used women bombers, but they never used children or the unwilling as tools.
In India they have cheated people into carrying bombs for them, but I have not yet heard of child bombers or soldiers used in Kashmir.
They at least followed an extremely flawed "moral" code i.e. Kill non-muslims, and don't worry about collateral damage of Muslims dying since god will sort out the good from the bad in heaven. (Apparent explanation given for 9/11 deaths of Muslims)
What ideology can these guys used to justify knowingly killing innocent children ?

I have heard of this level of barbarity only in the Hutu-Tutsi violence, tribal wars or in Sudan Africa. They had no holy books to fall back on, so they killed as they pleased.

The most important aspect we are missing, is that religion is only used to mask their real motivations, and to mislead the ignorant into supporting them out of a flawed sense of religious duty.

The conflict is about power, money, greed. Religion is but a tool, to mask their intentions, and to recruit more fighters, and to give their highway robbery a veneer of 'legitimacy', if I can call it that.

They are highway robbers and tories.
Islam is not About creating states or engaging in terror or war, nor are these foremost duties or any kind of duty

I agree with that whole heartedly. I belive there is a thing such as an Islamic State, and a legitimate political culmination of the dominance of Islam.

It's just that I belive that it is merely a by product of our religious faith, rather than the entirety of the faith itself.

To agitate for an Islamic state, to organise oneself and others around seeking to establish and create one, I believe is completely unIslamic, and in fact a fairly recent innovation. One can trace this right back to the legacy of the fall of the Caliphate, and rise of persons such as Abul Ala Maududi, Hasan al Banna, Rashid Rida, etc.

The violent tinge given to this ideology can be traced to the Egyptian Sayyid Qutb.
Spoke on the phone to the family in Lahore today, and found out that my Uncle who's a lawyer in the Lahore High Court, has received threatening letters in his office, along with many other lawyers, judges, magistrates, to stop going to their offices or the court, otherwise they are going to be bombed.
The State of Pakistan is fading, the State of Terror has begun. Who will be brave enough to fight rather than acquiesce or flee? And will they remember that fortune favors the bold?
The State of Pakistan is fading, the State of Terror has begun. Who will be brave enough to fight rather than acquiesce or flee? And will they remember that fortune favors the bold?

Frankly, I'm amazed your tripe hasn't been banned. It must be that we're short on Americans for now.
The most important aspect we are missing, is that religion is only used to mask their real motivations -
Yes. In 2002 I was at a lecture where a CIA contract analyst, Jerrold M. Post, told us of the ultimate vision of the leaders of the Taliban and Al Qaeda: to conquer Central Asia, then split up into cells, sending their terrorized minions into battle against one another for sport. It doesn't make sense unless you realize that the leaders of the Taliban and Al Qaeda deeply despise the people they came from and wish to do them harm, their nihilistic aims adequately disguised by waving the bloody banner of Islamic militarism.
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