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Taliban Talks; New Phase in Great Game.

Bill Longley

Apr 15, 2008
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Chronicles of Abu Abdul Samad: Taliban Talks; New Phase in Great Game.

The Great game in Central and South Asia is entering into new phase. US have acknowledged that they are backing Karzai government in Talks with Taliban. Syed Saleem Shahzad in exclusive story on Asia times on line dated 15 Oct 2010, revealed that Mullah Brader has been released with consent of US regime so that this good will gesture helps further Karzai Taliban Talks. Interestingly first time US top Genral in Afghanistan, Gen. David Patriace also on same day admitted that (his) troops have facilitated the safe passage of Taliban leaders to Kabul for talks with the government. .
At a time when talks are gaining momentum, US has stepped up its campaign against some Taliban fractions especially Haqqani network. The drone strikes in NWA have seen remarkable increase. On the other had US is pressuring Pakistan to Launch a swat type military operation in NWA. Pakistan has so far resisted such operation because Pakistani troops are all ready fighting in many theaters. Operation in NWA will over stretch Pakistani forces resulting, its gains turning into losses. US know that Pakistan cannot afford right now to go into North Waziristan Agency (NWA).

On the other hand US, and NATO has vacated Posts from Kunar and Nuristan provinces of Afghanistan. These areas are hub of proto Salfiest Punjpiries during Afghan jihad these areas were under influence of Arab and Foreign militants. US and NATO withdrawal from these locations have provided safe heaven to militants, who are using them for regrouping against Pakistan. This withdrawal has also resulted in Pakistan’s compulsion in keeping troops for counter insurgency operations in all ready cleared areas.

From the momentum of events and Statements coming from Kabul and Washington it is becoming clear that at one side US, and NATO want a settlement with Taliban. May be its because next year NATO will be completing its 10 years mandate in Afghanistan and it will be difficult for US to convince European Powers to extend the mandate due to growing opposition to Afghan war in Europe. Therefore US want quick results.

The pressure against Haqqani network is because of the fact that US wants to talk to Taliban with upper hand. Haqqanies are the most sophisticated amongst Taliban groups. Clipping the wings of Haqqanies will enable US to dictate its terms.
I think from US strategic Posture and construction of its basis in Northern Afghanistan it’s clear that US wants to stay and if Taliban agree on presence of few US bases in Afghanistan then US will have no problem with them .It also appears that in final settlement US will allow Taliban to have influence/ power in Pashtun areas where as non Pashtun areas will serve for US basis to keep an eye on central Asia and especially Chinese dragon.

Will US achieve its goals only time will tell? But one thing is clear it’s not only US wishes which will shape the future, no settlement can be come without the compromise between all major players in the region.

Chronicles of Abu Abdul Samad: Taliban Talks; New Phase in Great Game.
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USA is currently on a 20-20 mode to get out of Aghanistan as soon as possible. For this they need Pakistan support but Pakistan is more interested in playing the Test match and they will make America bleed more and more just like they did to the soviets before they allow America to pull out by May next year.
from past few months 2 - 3 massive change in strategy if u guys noticed...

Pakistan Army and thinktanks change its policy towards USA. They are not asking or any weapon.. only govt who dont even know who made JF17 lol cry about Drone otherwise Army is not actually asking for any single weapon nor any asistance ....

Simply Army rejected N.W Operation because its in Pakistan's Favour. Rest of in Afghanistan Taliban playing superb game ... both parties playing superb game with US!!

Its good for Pakistan Now, IF US stay in Afghanistan will take more and more time because thats the only way... US economy will suffer more and more and @ time when thr economy will not even able to spend $$$ for just this usless Non Objective WAR Technically in favour of US (remmeber this WOT is belongs to whom who killing and want to kill muslims and destablize Pakistan). Pakistan's Nuclear weapons and military have no access to USA ... We have enough access reach near ISREAL and INDIA. So they both need to always destablize Pakistan from economy, military and everyside. If US forces stay longer in Afghanistan already half US population against this WOT because of Economy and non objective war in front of US Citizens. If you have any American friend ask him/her .. which kind of preception information you have abvout this WOT! they even dont care about anything... this WAR actually playing by Neocz simply jewz. Christans, Hinduz, Cataloic etc are innocent and only Muslims are terrorist ?? practially logically its bullshit nothing else more!

Pakistan Army playing superb game now if you look close thats good for us if US stay in Afghanistan in long term it will affect on US economy and also agenda of US and whom who pressuze US to put this WAR on pakistan side!

They have to back after they realize they cant loot afghan treasures by installi Karzai puppet. Pukhtoon tribal will not sit easy over foreign looting of their wealth.
from past few months 2 - 3 massive change in strategy if u guys noticed...

Pakistan Army and thinktanks change its policy towards USA. They are not asking or any weapon.. only govt who dont even know who made JF17 lol cry about Drone otherwise Army is not actually asking for any single weapon nor any asistance ....

Simply Army rejected N.W Operation because its in Pakistan's Favour. Rest of in Afghanistan Taliban playing superb game ... both parties playing superb game with US!!

Its good for Pakistan Now, IF US stay in Afghanistan will take more and more time because thats the only way... US economy will suffer more and more and @ time when thr economy will not even able to spend $$$ for just this usless Non Objective WAR Technically in favour of US (remmeber this WOT is belongs to whom who killing and want to kill muslims and destablize Pakistan). Pakistan's Nuclear weapons and military have no access to USA ... We have enough access reach near ISREAL and INDIA. So they both need to always destablize Pakistan from economy, military and everyside. If US forces stay longer in Afghanistan already half US population against this WOT because of Economy and non objective war in front of US Citizens. If you have any American friend ask him/her .. which kind of preception information you have abvout this WOT! they even dont care about anything... this WAR actually playing by Neocz simply jewz. Christans, Hinduz, Cataloic etc are innocent and only Muslims are terrorist ?? practially logically its bullshit nothing else more!

Pakistan Army playing superb game now if you look close thats good for us if US stay in Afghanistan in long term it will affect on US economy and also agenda of US and whom who pressuze US to put this WAR on pakistan side!


I am against US policies but I also acknowledge that US helped us many times in need especially when all refused to help us. keep this in mind

a stable Afghanistan is in our favor. I think we should do all we can so that all nationalities in afghanistan and all stake holders reach some settlement.
Hate begets hate so we all should pray for peace and settlement where no one becomes loser
I am against US policies but I also acknowledge that US helped us many times in need especially when all refused to help us. keep this in mind

a stable Afghanistan is in our favor. I think we should do all we can so that all nationalities in afghanistan and all stake holders reach some settlement.
Hate begets hate so we all should pray for peace and settlement where no one becomes loser


USA never "helped" us ( as the word "help" would mean to u and me).

USA was always squeezed and milked after being brought to that position.

Sure in the process we took some blows, but in most cases we came out gaining some thing.

USA never "helped" us ( as the word "help" would mean to u and me).

USA was always squeezed and milked after being brought to that position.

Sure in the process we took some blows, but in most cases we came out gaining some thing.

us see's pakistan as a subsidiary, nothing more, us has zero interest in helping a country that could potentially make china stronger and india weaker

when will people realise this simple and compelling truth

we have to look elsewhere to make allies, but most importantly pakistani;s need to look to themselves.
USA is currently on a 20-20 mode to get out of Aghanistan as soon as possible. For this they need Pakistan support but Pakistan is more interested in playing the Test match and they will make America bleed more and more just like they did to the soviets before they allow America to pull out by May next year.

And India is profiting from commercials breaks of the test match.
Longer US stays longer it bleeds more India earn.

Difficult to say who is saint and who is sinner in putting together circumstances for extending US stay.
The recent trip of US foreign sectary Hillary Clinton did not surprised anybody. Her body language and talks in Pakistan clearly showed the lack of confidence and shift in strategic chess game in the region. Most of our analysts who became over optimist about Pak-US relationship were taken aback when Ms Hillary Clinton at Point blank said “ That US want access to OBL and Mullah Omer from Pakistan” in other words saying that these two were state guests in Pakistan.
She also diplomatically threatened Pakistan about any future attack originating from Pakistan on US. or if Pakistan fails to tackle Haqqani network. Nearly same kind of things were said by General James john a week prior to Ms Hillary Clintons visit to Pakistan in India. He asked Pakistan to stop Infiltration of Militants in India. Then the same type of allegations and appreciation were heard during Mike Mullen’s visit to India.
Why Pakistan is being pressurized? Whats the game
To understand this entire game first we have to see the strategic chess board and interests of big powers. India not Pakistan is a long term US ally. At strategic level Indian and US interests converge. India is a big market for US and a rival of China. Pakistan on other hand is ally of china its only Importance for US arises due to its strategic location.
The race is on for Euro Asian and Central Asian oil and Gas reserves. Especially when Peak oil is near.US and Russia fought a war in Georgia two years back for the same oil interests.
US is not going to leave Afghanistan in near future which is evident from the fact that it has invested billions in key strategic places in Afghanistan especially in Punjsher Valley a small example is construction of Special operations Base 25 Km away from Uzbekistan border in Amu Darya area in North Afghanistan. According to reports US have acquired 17 acres of land for it and it will will cost 100 million US dollars to construct it . Base will be operational by2012.
On other hand US is facing setbacks in its war in Afghanistan. It’s still in self denial and is failing to acknowledge that Taliban movement has become a Pashtun National Struggle.
Like hype created before Marjah offensive it’s giving impression that clearing NWA will solve its problems in Afghanistan where as its failing to control Paktia and Paktika provinces of Afghanistan bordering NWA which by the way is not fault of Pakistan. It’s using Pakistan as an escape goat for its failures in Afghanistan knowing very well that Pakistan has sacrificed many times more then US and NATO combine and out of 19 Divisions of Army more than 7 are currently involve in counter terrorism operation.Pakistan cannot , right now afford to go into NWA and it will be a suicide to make new enemies for sake of US or any one
At a time When US is continuously accusing Pakistan no body at our side is asking US that why it has given free hand to Taliban to regroup against Pakistan in Nuristan and Kunar Provinces of Afghanistan. This year alone Army twice claimed clearing Bajor and at last had to complain about sanctuaries of Taliban in Afghan areas of Kunar and Nuristan from where US removed its forces a year back on plea of Mc Crystals new strategy.
Pakistani establishment on other hand has also felt the Intensions and game plan of US. President Zardari’s recent trip to china was Part of Pakistan’s counter move to save its national interests. Interestingly an important visit of Mollana Fazalur Rehman to china in April this year was not given full coverage in Pakistani press. Mollana Fazalur Rehman an Influential Islamists leader having great influence both in religious minded Pashtuns was received by Chinese Communist Party. He during his stay was taken to Xinjiang Province and visited Urumqi city which few months ago was battle ground of Uyghur (Muslim)— Han(Chinese) communal Riots. Mollana Fazalur Rehman signed Memorandum of Cooperation in China during his visit.
Things are changing rapidly in the region. Russia and China do not want Prolonged American presence in Region so do Iran. American presence means that continuation of militancy in the region. In fact this militancy is in favor of US as it gives excuses to stay.

India is the only Power in region who wants US to stay that to for its own interest in Central Asia and against china and Pakistan. An analyst rightly commented that Al though US and Pakistan sleep in same bed, they have different dreams. Honey moon period is ending and in near future we will see more pressure on Pakistan and Pakistan shifting more nearer to China and Russia. It’s an Interesting game which will test the resolve and audacity of our leadership and nation.
from past few months 2 - 3 massive change in strategy if u guys noticed...

Pakistan Army and thinktanks change its policy towards USA. They are not asking or any weapon.. only govt who dont even know who made JF17 lol cry about Drone otherwise Army is not actually asking for any single weapon nor any asistance ....

Simply Army rejected N.W Operation because its in Pakistan's Favour. Rest of in Afghanistan Taliban playing superb game ... both parties playing superb game with US!!

Its good for Pakistan Now, IF US stay in Afghanistan will take more and more time because thats the only way... US economy will suffer more and more and @ time when thr economy will not even able to spend $$$ for just this usless Non Objective WAR Technically in favour of US (remmeber this WOT is belongs to whom who killing and want to kill muslims and destablize Pakistan). Pakistan's Nuclear weapons and military have no access to USA ... We have enough access reach near ISREAL and INDIA. So they both need to always destablize Pakistan from economy, military and everyside. If US forces stay longer in Afghanistan already half US population against this WOT because of Economy and non objective war in front of US Citizens. If you have any American friend ask him/her .. which kind of preception information you have abvout this WOT! they even dont care about anything... this WAR actually playing by Neocz simply jewz. Christans, Hinduz, Cataloic etc are innocent and only Muslims are terrorist ?? practially logically its bullshit nothing else more!

Pakistan Army playing superb game now if you look close thats good for us if US stay in Afghanistan in long term it will affect on US economy and also agenda of US and whom who pressuze US to put this WAR on pakistan side!


How does Pakistan have access to reach Israel?
well well well! an interesting era of strange things and differents strategies with different anyalsis ........... and pakistan got the key role to play ...... in other words pakistan has started its innings but i am afraid to say pakistan cannt stay for the longer period of time on batting crease ..........pakistan has to play fast and prudentily...kiyani opened for the pakistan by blocking the routs to torkham of ISAF/NATO ........
USA is currently on a 20-20 mode to get out of Aghanistan as soon as possible. For this they need Pakistan support but Pakistan is more interested in playing the Test match and they will make America bleed more and more just like they did to the soviets before they allow America to pull out by May next year.

The answer is wrong without any knowledge or information.......Pakistan had got more casualities then americans in this so called war on Terror......right now americans are playing dual policy they want to bring talibans on table just for this to get information about them and tighten the circle around them when they will be opened.....as america has policy no negotiation with terrorist and taliban according to americans are terrorists..
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