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Taliban Rules, Decrees, Laws and Prohibitions - 1996

Fine!!!.. if this is all rubbish ..then what is your understanding(experience...if any) of the great Taliban regime??

My understanding is that whether we like it or not, they are coming back. They are a part of Afghanistan and can't be eliminated. So it is better accept them as reality in Afghanistan and find ways to have reconciliation with them. Their reconciliation with other ethnic groups in Afghanistan might open a new era for Afghanistan. Fighting against them hasn't bring anything good.
After that I will try to locate Amir ul Momineen Mohammed Omar for you.

:rofl: EPIC!!!

My understanding is that whether we like it or not, they are coming back. They are a part of Afghanistan and can't be eliminated. So it is better accept them as reality in Afghanistan and find ways to have reconciliation with them. Their reconciliation with other ethnic groups in Afghanistan might open a new era for Afghanistan. Fighting against them hasn't bring anything good.

So in a way you are justifying the Oppressive Taliban Rule in A-stan?
I witnessed every single of the above and some of them were applied to me too. You are free not to accept it, but that is the full truth.

I used to praise Afghan Taliban but after reading your point of view about them I 've changed my mind.. If you are not happy with them who am I to support them as it's your country and Taliban were your people if they were barbaric they need to be condemned.. :cheers:
When did I said that? :what:

Find ways to reconcile the ways with the sub-humans who have a great record of committing the Holiness, whats the meaning of that? What makes you think their mentality has changed for good
Ahmad -- I dont want to sound insensitive -- if its ok with you can you share with us your experiences ?

I have been punished couple of times for having not enough long beard. a few times i was not going to the mosque at the time of praying, once they caught a bundle of family wedding photos that i was bringing it from Pakistan, as we couldnt print it in kabul-nobody could dare to print it as it was one of the biggest crimes. quite a few times they caught cassettes in the car(company car), they broke the cassesetes and small punishement was applied as well. quite a few times i have been humiliated in front of other poeple(some of them my colleagues) because i didnt wear the religious hat(i dont know what we call it in english). once they raided our office in Maidan wardak province, it was an NGO called Care International, if there any afghan here would probably know it, they inspected our hostel and offices, searching for videos or cassetes, also checking people's beards. they punished quite a few people for their wrongdoings, luckily i was on leave that time. there have been other incidents that i dont rremember as it was over 10 years ago.
I used to praise Afghan Taliban but after reading your point of view about them I 've changed my mind.. If you are not happy with them who am I to support them as it's your country and Taliban were your people if they were barbaric they need to be condemned.. :cheers:

Thanks brother and you are a good man. i dont say this because you are condemning the taliban, i say it because you are considerate man have the ability to listen to see what people say.
Find ways to reconcile the ways with the sub-humans who have a great record of committing the Holiness, whats the meaning of that? What makes you think their mentality has changed for good

You suggest a better solution than. In my perspective Taliban are a part of Afghan society and aren't going anywhere. To start a journey towards stable Afghanistan this might be the only step. We have to accept them whether we like them or not. The useless infighting hasn't done any good for Afghanistan or this region.
My understanding is that whether we like it or not, they are coming back. They are a part of Afghanistan and can't be eliminated. So it is better accept them as reality in Afghanistan and find ways to have reconciliation with them. Their reconciliation with other ethnic groups in Afghanistan might open a new era for Afghanistan. Fighting against them hasn't bring anything good.

Well as I understand they are knocking on your doors too..they want too apply similar law in Pakistan (briefly they even did.. in Swat..with your govt's permission)..So if you don't mind them being in Afghanistan..so why not reconcile with them Pakistan too and hand them over the reins ..coz they are a reality in Pakistan too!!..clearly fighting them is not a good idea(acc to you)
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You suggest a better solution than. In my perspective Taliban are a part of Afghan society and aren't going anywhere. To start a journey towards stable Afghanistan this might be the only step. We have to accept them whether we like them or not. The useless infighting hasn't done any good for Afghanistan or this region.

This is good point Areesh and I agree with you. If Taliban have done wrong in their ruling era that does not mean someone should wash them out from the face of earth. They should be punished for their wrong doing according to Afghan criminal law, but first to stabilize afghanistan one has to start dialogue instead of fighting infinite war.. :cheers:
You suggest a better solution than. In my perspective Taliban are a part of Afghan society and aren't going anywhere. To start a journey towards stable Afghanistan this might be the only step. We have to accept them whether we like them or not. The useless infighting hasn't done any good for Afghanistan or this region.

nobody have an issue with them if they lay down the weapons and be active politically. if people want their type of rule they will vote for them, what is the fear?
Well as I understand they are knocking on your doors too..they want too apply similar in Pakistan too (briefly they even did.. in Swat..with your govt's permission)..So if you don't mind them being in Afghanistan..so why not reconcile with them Pakistan too and hand them over the reins ..coz they are a reality in Pakistan too!!..clearly fighting them is not a good idea(acc to you)

The thread is about Afghanistan and their is a difference between Afghan and Pakistani society. Don't mix both of them. First come to any consensus about Afghanistan and than we would discuss the situation in Pakistan. This isn't your Bollywood movie where you are going to kill all evil taliban.

nobody have an issue with them if they lay down the weapons and be active politically. if people want their type of rule they will vote for them, what is the fear?

Well in the presence of foreign forces it doesn't seem to happening. So isn't it better to take a start and have dialogue with them. I mean they belong to your society and you can better negotiate with them than any american.

Don't you think this war is going in circles and we have to change our strategy.
You suggest a better solution than. In my perspective Taliban are a part of Afghan society and aren't going anywhere. To start a journey towards stable Afghanistan this might be the only step. We have to accept them whether we like them or not. The useless infighting hasn't done any good for Afghanistan or this region.

So we should not fight the Taliban up North because they want to implement their crazy law? But if your answer is that we should fight them and leave the Afghan Taliban to do what they want on the other side we should be fine. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This madness will not remain in their country, it will spread and I do not know how anyone can still question that scenario.
The thread is about Afghanistan and their is a difference between Afghan and Pakistani society. Don't mix both of them. First come to any consensus about Afghanistan and than we would discuss the situation in Pakistan. This isn't your Bollywood movie where you are going to kill all evil taliban.


Not all Afghan socieity is the same and not all Pakistani society is the same. Go to Tribal areas of Pakistan it is the copy cut of Paktia, Qandahar, Helmand etc it might even be worse than afghanistan(your tribal areas). same thing in Afghanistan, Kabul, Mazar, Qudnuz, Herat, Jalalabad etc is very very different in terms of attitude, culture etc from the provinces like Paktia, paktika, helmand etc.
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